- Intake Manifold Removal Question
- curious if anyone has any info about this Co.
- 402 Build Project Udate
- Someone on boards here using re-usable gasket material?
- Looking scanning\tuning software
- Coolant leakage problems
- Looks like my left bank Cat just died
- Crankcase vacuum pumps
- Recommendation for cats
- Loose spark plugs
- Bad Alt. Codes 61 & 63.
- Will not fully seated Memory Clibration module always...
- Falling on it's face
- The dreaded No Start
- Oil Pressure?
- Just got my own Mod 4 DTC 61...
- Another Left Rear Popping
- 1992 mustang dyno results
- idle
- '95 Clutch Safety Switch Part #???
- Clutch issue after storing car
- Need Tech 1 or software equivalent...
- Can Sec Vac solenoid be jumped, to detect vacuum leak?
- Anyone use TTS Scan software?
- New to forum and a question.
- Coolant Temp Sensor
- Secondchance - 380 build begins!
- pre dyno pull question
- Why the early resonator problem?
- Yun's rear brake upgrade - Part 1
- Yun's rear brake upgrade - part 2
- Air Horn Porting
- Squeeze check; static? Dynamic?? Best way?
- Underhood Light Switch
- Need Source for Black Chassis Paint
- A little ditty on Timing. When there's enough.
- Fuel Injector with Blue Cap On End
- New (to me) ZR1 with Trans Problem?
- 1990 #2180 Dyno pull
- TPS response...
- Charging pronlem
- Charging problem
- 1990 ZR-1 Misfire Carbon'd up 2 & 7, BLM 115 at idle
- IAC Control.
- Dayco 89298 Tensioner (For L98)?
- PF970C Oil Filter ??
- LT5 piston cc
- Oversized Valves
- TPS re-install boo-boo (snappics); HELP???
- Steering Binding
- Rebirth of #77!!!
- Transmission Oil Change DIY
- Clutch fluid replacement
- Built a custom clutch line!...
- Plenum Pull, fuel regulator??
- new secondary actuators don't seem right
- Secondary Port Control Solenoid Resistance
- Transmission/clutch whine when clutch is NOT pushed in.
- Coolant leak in front of engine
- Injectors
- New Radiator??
- Flat Plane Crank
- Driver for datalog hardware...
- Passenger side lower panel screws
- Y/T DataMaster vid with throttle movement...
- ZF-6 part # check
- How much HP in the LT5 cylinder head?
- Best Rear Wheel Bearing for my 90 ZR
- This is THE tool for the Z.
- Spherical bearings on suspension
- Targa Top Noise
- Jonesing for a tune
- How much 'pooled' oil remains @ oil change?
- The best Steering Column rebuild "how to"
- New ZR1 owner
- Wife is "LOUD"
- Something stupid??? I HOPE!!!
- New ZR-1 Owner, Data Streaming Questions
- ZF Drain & fill plug
- Does your zr1 use any oil between oil changes
- Whats the highest temps youve seen?
- Seat Questions
- Stranded.Is it VATS?
- Vacuum pump
- Pulling Fuel Rails and Injectors
- Spark Plugs
- Injector Housing to Head Port Match Issue
- Chip Identification
- car will not crank sometimes untill it cools off
- Do i need to bleed the cooling system after..
- Brembo Brake ID Help
- 93 and up IH porting
- Upshift Light
- About to start header install just wanted some input and had a few questions...
- Timing and fuel question
- Can all detonation be heard ?
- ADX File Questions
- A question about topping of the A.C. system.
- Where Rippie's numbers "Optimistic"?????
- 1994 borla exhaust tips, want to switch back to stock tips
- Crankcase Vent Cover Removal
- How to vacuum test secondary throttle actuator system
- 1992 ABS diagnosis with Tech1A
- Possible Leak - Engine Smoking
- Fuel Pressure Regulator failed AGAIN
- AC switches internittent
- Front shocks
- Active suspension questions
- Continued issue when car hits 125 degrees
- Cruise control not working
- ABS Issues
- supplier for seat back latch frame
- P Side Cruise Module access; gotta' yank the dash? [Snappic]
- DIC button sequence to kill 'Change Oil'???
- '90 FSM error? CC vac supply integrated, or dedicated?
- Headlamps HELP
- 1994 ZR1 acceleration question
- 90 - Running out of breath at 5000 - No Codes
- Startig 1991 Rebuild...
- no start after battery change
- Leaking heater hose above the thermostat???
- engine wear
- front end noise
- OBX Primary size and collector for headers
- Why is a 3.82" stroke somewhat common?
- May have a handle on my hesitation issue
- body color overspray on undercarriage
- The Day Started Great then Went Down-Hill Fast
- Messed up headers
- If/When you go to siamesed Intakes?
- Ported Intake Gasket Woes
- Can dealerships still get touch up paint?
- Tuning WAZOO Style, proposed group buy
- Help Again
- Fuel Pressure
- pcv tube
- Still rattles
- Differential drain plug
- So...How much does it cost to build a 380 cube ZR1?
- ccm/bcm testing
- My car looks lowered, how do I tell how? ---
- Want to install Fuel Pressure Gauge, Questions?????
- Fog lamp access?
- Targa Top Trim Piece
- Coolant level - reservoir
- Brakes That Will Stop A Freight Train
- How to know if its time to change the clutch or not? ---
- Digital dash disappeared
- New ECU project
- looking for info/source of metal Intake/filter housing??
- interior lights
- exhaust question
- 1990 Throttle hesistation
- Msd coil packs
- Help with DTC codes 31, 36, & 42
- ZF6 Transmission seals/gasket
- ZR-1 Under or Over Steer
- Front fascia yank and clean...
- Steel IH Gaskets & Primary Port is 38mm
- Cam grinding
- High idle with surge ??
- This is weird
- ROZA NERO Interior Conversion
- where to buy bearing & banski opinions
- Source for braided steel brake lines?
- Braille Light Weight Batteries
- another day, another code...
- Oil separator anyone?
- Learning how this Z works ...
- Weatherstripping & Steering wheel
- ignition key replacement ?
- Secondary Vacuum Solenoid Foam Filter
- Rear hatch weatherstripping
- Transmission Drain Plug
- Unusual Coolant Issue
- Removing steering wheel for aftermarket .. Questions ..
- Experience with South Georgia Corvette?
- Cam Upgrade Vs Emissions Inspections
- Secondary Throttle blade linkage Lubrication
- I discovered how to easily drain the oil cooler! (on my 91' at least)
- Headlight Question, and E-Brake Question
- Thanks to Steve here...
- Thanks to all you die hard zr1 guys !!!!
- Dropped plenum question
- Reassembled Plenum to Motor - No Start - 0 RPM Cranking
- finding lost HP
- TPMS questions
- Bypassing the clutch switch
- Fuel pump test terminal?
- LT5 with an auto?
- question
- new owner 1990 zr1
- High Clamping Clucth Pressure Plate
- follow up: flywheel still rattles
- weather stripping vendor?
- thermostat housing nipple broke
- Solid Lifters?
- LT-5 Cams
- My First Plenum Pull
- Trying to help a friend
- Rear axle nut torque spec
- Dash Lights
- what does the AC DELCO 20-45 mean
- Locobob's Interior Mod Thread
- Forced air license plate technical note
- Label Under Hood
- Secondary Vacuum Pressure = 0 kPa/0.56V
- Clutch Slave Cylinder Question
- thermostat housing removal
- How to identify stock or modified chip?
- heater a/c programmer
- gearbox/transmission noise
- Ignition Control Modual
- Quick/connect to T Stat housing pix
- Injector Question
- Oil Change
- Stuck Plenum
- Rear Tire's cupping
- Cam Bolt Removal
- Problems
- Cost of doing a 4.125" AES Liner Engine
- Serpentine belt tensioner
- miss fire cyclinder 1 and 4
- Difference in trans between 90 & 93????
- Best Short Throw shifter?
- Thanks to BF here...
- Selective Ride Code 23
- High Idle
- Starter relay install
- Air Filter
- Diagnostics
- tools needed to replace head gaskets
- Catback Exhaust plus X-Pipe?
- Coolant Recommedation
- How to remove timing chain?
- Innova 3140 Code Reader
- "Sys" flashing
- ZR-1 on the lift for the first time.
- LT5 Weight
- Oil Pressure Sender
- The availability of replacement DIS units
- oil catch can installation instructions anyone?