View Full Version : New ZR-1 Owner, Data Streaming Questions

08-11-2013, 05:43 PM
Finally got one of my dream cars. 91Z, red on red with 12,000 miles. I am trying to pull codes and view stream data with an AutoXray 7000 (OBD1, OBD2, ABS capable scanner). Have used it hundreds of times on my 91 Z28 (L98) with OBD1, a 96 Collector Edition (LT1) with OBD2 and a few other OBD1 and OBD2 cars. Never a problem with it and checked it again on the 91 Z28 today. When I use it on the ZR1, I get intermittent communication failures when retrieving codes and can never stream data. I compared the serial data output voltage to my Camaro and the ZR1 shows a little lower (4.5V vice 4.95V) but I don't think that should cause any problems. Car runs fine and I can pull codes and run all the diagnostics in the FSM with successful results. I did pop a Code 44 left O2 sensor lean yesterday which is what started me down this path. Probably a fuel pump or injectors?? I have done:

- measured resistance in all the ECM and CCM wires to the ALDL
- Checked all grounds from the ECM, CCM and ALDL to the battery ground cable
- measured the voltages on ALDL pin B (4.95V) and pin M (4.5V)
- Pinned out the xray 7000 OBD1 connector to make sure it's good

I would think if the CCM or ECM was bad I would be seing other issues when I run manual diagnostics. Am I missing something?

What do you guys use to view the data stream? I have thought about a Moates setup for the 91 Z28 for years but never pulled the trigger. The Xray 7000 was cheap and has been good unitl now.

08-11-2013, 07:22 PM
the zr-1 is a obd1 car

08-11-2013, 08:02 PM
Your'e kidding, right?!? I am. I understand the difference. Just trying to relay that the scanner works not just on one OBD1 car (91 Z28) but other OBD2 cars as well. Don't think I have a scanner issue unless the levels from the ECM and CCM are not high enough to trigger it consistently. I have an email out to the manufacturer of the scanner as well to see if that may be an issue.

What kind of scanner do you use? Does it have a streaming or logging capability? Pros? Cons? Would you buy it again or go a different direction?

08-11-2013, 08:16 PM
i don't use a scanner.

08-11-2013, 08:53 PM
Ok. Thanks.

08-11-2013, 09:16 PM
I have used EASE and Tunerpro without issue

08-11-2013, 09:17 PM
OK. Updated the original post. I know what OBD1 v OBD2 is. OBD 2 is 96 and later. OBD1 is earlier. Except there were a few cars between 93 and 96 that had OBD2 connectors but still were OBD1 computers. I am actually pretty literate when it comes to computers, cars, electronics and mechanics. I got it from having two OBD1 cars in the garage and 26 years of radar, computer and weapon system experience in the Navy. Sorry to confuse people.

08-11-2013, 09:20 PM
Jeff, Thanks. The Moates setup comes with Tunerpro RT. From what I have read over the years, it's one of the best pieces of software for the OBD1 cars. Only drawback right now is they do not have the mask for the 91 ZR-1 on their site. 90 and 93-95 ZR1s only.

Never heard of EASE. Will investigate. Thanks for the input.

08-11-2013, 09:23 PM
I have the ADX for 90 and was told it will work for 1991 as the data streams are similar mostly

08-11-2013, 09:26 PM
I have the ADX for 90 and was told it will work for 1991 as the data streams are similar mostly

I'll have to try that...

Otherwise for ALDL data, I use a Tech1A scanner on my 91.

08-11-2013, 09:47 PM
A Tech1A would be great. I'll be in San Dieg in a couple weeks but the car stays home. Wish I was a little closer.

08-12-2013, 09:11 AM
Use this one - $8D-1227730-90-Y-Car-V1.adx

found on this page - http://www.gearhead-efi.com/Fuel-Injection/showthread.php?394-1227727-1227730-ECM-Information-8D

08-12-2013, 09:22 AM
Version with V1 in this link is geared for the ZR-1



How is that Android app coming along?

08-12-2013, 09:49 AM
Phonedawgz - Will a file for an L98 work on an LT5?

Jeff - I'll try that one when I get the hardware.

08-15-2013, 10:02 AM
Used TunerPro and a Moates APU1 with $8EA adx file Jeff pointed out and the data came streaming in with no problems. So the AutoZray 7000 has issues with my car. Interesting.