View Full Version : ROZA NERO Interior Conversion

10-04-2013, 12:20 AM
Well I have been asked to document conversion of my interior from black to Cognac. The car is a 92 Black Rose w black interior. 2 of my Vettes, the 72 and 84, both had saddle interiors. I thought black rose would benefit and brighten from installing a similar interior. I thought more of the red would come through w the cognac interior. Looking for a classic color combo. Still need seats or covers and rear carpet, but I thought I'd start installing the "easier" pieces to start getting an idea of how it would actually look. So I have finished drivers side door panel, hush panel, and sill.
Here's a couple of shots:



Compared to this:


As =Jeff= would tell you, on any conversion there's always something. As much as things look like they haven't changed, we find small things that make the conversion process a PITA. Tolerances from year to year change. Having worked in at a GM assembly plant for 6 years, I can tell you "substitutions" happen all the time.

Here's an example of the difference between 91 and 92 interior bits that wasn't very obvious until you start swapping parts. Door and interior night lights.


10-04-2013, 09:21 AM
Dom are you going to carry the Black inner door theme to the other door by removing the black arm rest and door pull on the passenger side? The original passenger door never carried the dash color beyond the passenger side of the dash however, I think it look so much better if the left side and right match doors. I noticed this in Phils car when we were working on the hatch as his is Red on Cognac. He said he thought that was the way GM wanted it to keep the "Cockpit" feel.

Im replacing my passenger door panel in a month (When its cooler) I offered to give my black insides to Phil however Im not sure if he wants them.

The 90-93 Doors were a lot better structurally and had removable parts. The 94-96 doors were cheap one pieces POS panels with the hidden doors in the arm rests as the only redeaming feature.

10-08-2013, 04:15 PM
Dom ????

10-08-2013, 05:37 PM
Well I have been asked to document conversion of my interior from black to Cognac.

I am watching closely :thumbsup:

10-08-2013, 06:07 PM
Dom ????


Well I spent the weekend doing both doors and sills. I'll take pics. I thought about your suggestion regarding the swapping black armrests, but I would agree w Phil regarding the "cockpit" feel for the drivers side. I am sure it would look good w the black but I am trying to get away from that. Besides, the pass. door panel is in very good shape and OEM. I really don't want to hack it and be left w a worthless panel. Need to do the pass side knee bolster but before I start ripping out the seats, need to land on a rear carpet set that includes the riser. I have the front footwells, sills, doors,and B pillar. Willcox has a 20% discount on carpet sets.

The door panels are a bit of a PITA to line up the screw holes, especially the ones in the armrest recess. Lots of put on/take off to make sure the mounting sequence works w wndow switch, door switch etc.
Needed to drill different holes for the door sill covers.
After the carpet, the issue will be seats or seat covers. In the meantime,
black seats won't look bad.

10-08-2013, 06:41 PM
If I remember right Dom those pieces of the panel etc just unscrew so the transfer would be easy.

10-08-2013, 07:04 PM
Looks great Domnic!! Can't wait to see it finished.

10-08-2013, 07:06 PM
If I remember right Dom those pieces of the panel etc just unscrew so the transfer would be easy.

Yes I saw that. Got a bit impatient to get this part done.

Thanks Rich. I think it will be a classic look and the cognac brings out more of the ROSE in the body.

10-08-2013, 07:23 PM
Yes I saw that. Got a bit impatient to get this part done.

Thanks Rich. I think it will be a classic look and the cognac brings out more of the ROSE in the body.

I still have my rear carpet if you need any pieces

10-08-2013, 11:24 PM
Some additional pics. Light is a bit poor.



A quick compare before




Blue Flame Restorations
10-09-2013, 12:14 AM
Looking good, Dom!

10-09-2013, 09:09 AM
id still try the black bits on the passenger door Dom.... But its your car. I think doors matching would look bitchin and stand out from the crowd.


10-10-2013, 10:28 PM
Next step passenger knee bolster



Soften existing glue w heat gun


Back together



I used some additional Velcro to hold up and tuck carpet under fuse panel door frame. Needed to align carpet to properly w upper dash pad.

Paul Workman
10-11-2013, 04:58 AM
Next step passenger knee bolster



Soften existing glue w heat gun


Back together



I used some additional Velcro to hold up and tuck carpet under fuse panel door frame. Needed to align carpet to properly w upper dash pad.

Nice work. That carpet (especially the glue!!) on the passenger hush panel is a beotch to get off, and the "extra Velcro" ... definitely needed there. That is the one panel on mine that needs to be readdressed, and SOON! (Otherwise, I'll be using that heat gun to warm my fingers instead of the glue!)

I had intended to change the "new" seats in mine to red (came with red interior), but immediately liked the red/black contrast so much, I left the seats black, and put black mats in it. I like the way mine came out, and I'm sure you will like yours as well (you better...too late to go back now!;))

10-11-2013, 07:05 PM
Some pics to show interior/exterior contrast in natural light. Beautiful day today so decided to wash off the dust before the snow flies. You get less of an orangey color in natural light and more of the saddle.



10-12-2013, 06:30 PM
Pulled the trigger on a Willcox carpet sale this weekend. Rear compartment stuff should be here next week, so I can start removing seats, footwell, and console carpet.
Anybody need any black interior parts, I have door panels in good condition so far. Will post other parts as they become available.

Does anyone recover the eBrake handle? Would really like to do the Jano SW.

10-12-2013, 10:17 PM
Looks good Dom! I was looking into doing mine in the coming year. keep the posts coming!

10-12-2013, 11:18 PM
Looks good Dom! I was looking into doing mine in the coming year. keep the posts coming!


Staying original or changing color?

10-13-2013, 08:23 AM
That's looking great! My old C5 was the Mag Red color with oak interior and I thought that was an awesome combo! Yours is going to look sweet!!!

10-13-2013, 08:47 AM
Ordered shift boot from Redline. Tan w burgundy racing stripes. Now if we could find someone to do shift knob. I sent note to Redline to ask if they would do that.

10-13-2013, 09:13 AM
Nice work Dominick!

10-13-2013, 01:22 PM
C5 shift knob will work just use your insert

10-13-2013, 01:30 PM
C5 shift knob will work just use your insert

The gray knob I have now is from a C5.

10-13-2013, 01:35 PM
Pulled the trigger on a Willcox carpet sale this weekend. Rear compartment stuff should be here next week, so I can start removing seats, footwell, and console carpet.
Anybody need any black interior parts, I have door panels in good condition so far. Will post other parts as they become available.

Does anyone recover the eBrake handle? Would really like to do the Jano SW.

I need the black section that fits the 'wall' behind the seats. You holding there Dominic?

Any problem with the door panel(s) fit?

10-13-2013, 02:19 PM
I need the black section that fits the 'wall' behind the seats. You holding there Dominic?

Any problem with the door panel(s) fit?

OK. You need the riser then. I'll let you know what condition its in.

10-21-2013, 03:33 PM
OK. Here's an update. First of all, Bob Demarco was good enough to give Pete and I a lesson in cleaning carpet. Some pics of the cleaned footwells. Cleaned up pretty nicely IMO. Can't do much about the red dye but its on the driver's side rear interior corner, so nobody will ever really see it. I got this from either Schrade or Scrrem and believe it has about 37k miles on it.
So I guess I am back to looking for rear carpet w seat riser.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/IMG_0436_zpsfd9a975f.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/IMG_0436_zpsfd9a975f.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/IMG_0435_zps969e2ffe.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/IMG_0435_zps969e2ffe.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/IMG_0434_zpse8c72cc0.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/IMG_0434_zpse8c72cc0.jpg.html)

Now here is a contrast between the OEM carpet shown above and the rear carpet I bought from Willcox. Needless to say, its going back. Carpet actually came in an ACC box and Willcox is working out the return. Hope to hear back soon.The tint is wrong and you couldn't say its because the footwell is bleached out from the sun.
I don't like the binder on the hatch floor carpet and the wheelhouse carpet is not cut for speakers.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/IMG_0437_zpsb34f1c3f.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/IMG_0437_zpsb34f1c3f.jpg.html)

10-21-2013, 06:07 PM
Those carpets never looked that good in my car!! We need to get Robert to give an online carpet cleaning course!!

10-21-2013, 06:33 PM
Those carpets never looked that good in my car!! We need to get Robert to give an online carpet cleaning course!!

That's the idea! Figure I could do the same for the hatch pieces as well.

10-21-2013, 07:32 PM
Looks fine.

I ran my '94 carpet to the car wash (PO was a http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs50/f/2009/309/8/8/Smiley_Piggy_by_Mirz123.gif ). Stuff was like Chia-carpet. Seeds and water would have made for a good yield. Or a Petri-dishrag.

I had already scrubbed them on the deck. Looked good, but left with too much soap. Took them to the car wash for that, and couldn't believe what washed out. You would NOT have known it from new.

Long as your riser section is hole-free, I think I can work with yours there Dom.............

10-21-2013, 07:57 PM
I am going to try and do a Detailing course for every part of our cars. The first course is Carpet Cleaning 101. I am hoping to have it in the next heart of the beast.
I want another shot at that red next season. I am sure I can get most of it out.

10-21-2013, 08:06 PM
I worked with a pro carpet cleaner in while in college. There's a solution that we once applied to someone's carpet, then heated with an iron. It got about 99% of the red out of the carpet.

Get in touch with your local INDEPENDENT carpet cleaning contractor (NOT Stanley Steamer). Take the section to him.

10-21-2013, 11:54 PM
Leave the black seats, looks almost the same as the Neiman Marques Camaro

10-31-2013, 01:32 PM
I have rear hatch carpet coming from Scrrem. Sent back the ACC stuff because of the mismatch on carpet tint. Also got a new shift boot from Redine to help match w interior. Hoping to find a source to do the shift knob cover next. Currently I have a C5 knob on there.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/2F93BA31-E1C6-432A-81FA-E1B0B351E699-1531-0000068353D14110_zps4d0fa128.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/2F93BA31-E1C6-432A-81FA-E1B0B351E699-1531-0000068353D14110_zps4d0fa128.jpg.html)

10-31-2013, 02:03 PM
when is the ETA to start swapping more carpet?

What did Robert use for cleaning the carpet?

10-31-2013, 07:59 PM
OK. You need the riser then. I'll let you know what condition its in.


10-31-2013, 08:52 PM

I haven't taken a close look at it but I can tell you the overall condition of carpeting is good and the riser doesn't undergo much wear and tear.

11-17-2013, 05:36 PM


Starting to remove carpet and seats this week. Actually, the carpet looks to be in pretty good shape.

11-17-2013, 05:43 PM
So I had the opportunity to clean the rear hatch carpeting I pickup from Schrade. Took advantage of 60F weather today but it was stormy. However, it worked out. I used the DDS (DeMarco Detailing System) to clean the carpet.Still need to powerwash the carpet to blast out the remaining soap solution, but I think its looking pretty good already. I think I may use DDS to clean the seatbelt fabric too.

I have some before and after shots. Not really worried about the red stain. It'll be hidden under the seat anyway.


http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetBefore2_zps24f7aca0.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetBefore2_zps24f7aca0.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetBefore_zpsc31b9830.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetBefore_zpsc31b9830.jpg.html)

Then After cleaning

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetAfter1_zpseff797b8.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetAfter1_zpseff797b8.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetAfter2_zps3da88931.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetAfter2_zps3da88931.jpg.html)

11-17-2013, 05:48 PM
Also, another couple of pics that I thought were interesting. One of the labels detached from the carpet. Pretty sure this is OEM stuff, but it was sort of neat to find this label under the other label. This was the only label that had this and it belongs to the riser carpeting. I thought it would be cool to post this.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetKOTH1_zpsaa57e4be.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetKOTH1_zpsaa57e4be.jpg.html)

And under that label I found this:

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/CarpetKOTH2_zpsa0bb45bf.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/CarpetKOTH2_zpsa0bb45bf.jpg.html)

11-17-2013, 07:07 PM
when is the ETA to start swapping more carpet?

What did Robert use for cleaning the carpet?

Jeff, You are going to laugh when you hear what i used. But it the past 25+ years I cant find anything that works half as good.

Dawn dish soap.

I am going to try a nano sealant, as I do not have a black car do you want to volunteer your car? 8 fifty is the product that I am going to buy. Not cheap by any means. They have two claims to fame, first the product life from a single application is three years. Second you can use your normal waxing methods and products after the product is installed.
What do you use for wax? I think I am going to invest in a jar of Blackfire Black Ice.

11-17-2013, 07:46 PM

Starting to remove carpet and seats this week. Actually, the carpet looks to be in pretty good shape.

Sounds fine; it's a low-profile piece, so there's room for 'error'...

Yellow boot looks good. Are you needing a shifter knob to re-do? ONLY a custom re-work should go on top of the stick, IMO..............

I just told Dave [WVZR1] that I'd do a tally of leftovers from the auto conversion, and if he's not interested in the knob, and you are, it MAY be available. 'MAY' say with RESERVATION - made a similar offer error last week here... :o

11-17-2013, 07:51 PM
Sounds fine; it's a low-profile piece, so there's room for 'error'...

Yellow boot looks good. Are you needing a shifter knob to re-do? ONLY a custom re-work should go on top of the stick, IMO..............

I just told Dave [WVZR1] that I'd do a tally of leftovers from the auto conversion, and if he's not interested in the knob, and you are, it MAY be available. 'MAY' say with RESERVATION - made a similar offer error last week here... :o

The shift boot is actually a darker tan w burgundy stripes. It looks yellow because of the flash. What knob are you talking about? Pics?

11-17-2013, 08:16 PM
The shift boot is actually a darker tan w burgundy stripes. It looks yellow because of the flash. What knob are you talking about? Pics?

I mis-read the post; thought you were looking for a knob to get a new cover put on...

This is mine leftover from the auto conversion:


Dave [WVZR1] has just asked for a list of what parts are left from the conversion; I don't know what parts he might be interested in just yet. Anyway here.......

11-17-2013, 08:35 PM
Jeff, You are going to laugh when you hear what i used. But it the past 25+ years I cant find anything that works half as good.

Dawn dish soap.

I am going to try a nano sealant, as I do not have a black car do you want to volunteer your car? 8 fifty is the product that I am going to buy. Not cheap by any means. They have two claims to fame, first the product life from a single application is three years. Second you can use your normal waxing methods and products after the product is installed.
What do you use for wax? I think I am going to invest in a jar of Blackfire Black Ice.sure my paint need help in some areas

I currently use Adams polishes, on the rare occasion I get the polish the car.. Lol

11-18-2013, 01:25 PM
Jeff, You are going to laugh when you hear what i used. But it the past 25+ years I cant find anything that works half as good.

Dawn dish soap.

I am going to try a nano sealant, as I do not have a black car do you want to volunteer your car? 8 fifty is the product that I am going to buy. Not cheap by any means. They have two claims to fame, first the product life from a single application is three years. Second you can use your normal waxing methods and products after the product is installed.
What do you use for wax? I think I am going to invest in a jar of Blackfire Black Ice.

No surprise Dawn is what is used to clean up all the 'FOWLed" oil spill wildlife. Nothing works better

11-18-2013, 01:37 PM
Now here is a contrast between the OEM carpet shown above and the rear carpet I bought from Willcox. Needless to say, its going back. Carpet actually came in an ACC box and Willcox is working out the return. Hope to hear back soon.The tint is wrong and you couldn't say its because the footwell is bleached out from the sun.
I don't like the binder on the hatch floor carpet and the wheelhouse carpet is not cut for speakers.

The ACC will fade like a MF too!! I don't find their carpet to be very good at all.

11-18-2013, 02:11 PM
The ACC will fade like a MF too!! I don't find their carpet to be very good at all.

Good to know. I dodged that bullet. Sent it back and Willcox refunded although they needed just a bit of prodding in the form of a phone call. I have all the carpet from one car so we know it will match throughout. Rather have OEM anyway. Beginning on removing
my carpet today so I will have a complete set and interior available. Overall it looks to be in good condition but we'll see once I pull it out.

12-01-2013, 06:43 PM
Took advantage of some nice weather here today. I was able to remove the console frame, passenger seat and remainder of the carpeting. Loads of wires.
The 92 was the first year w ASR, so what would normally be a second rear hatch bin is full of hydraulics and electronics. The "door" to the bin is bolted shut and so the hatch carpet only has one flap and one hatch pull handle w lock. Well the 90 carpet is setup for 2 bin doors, pull handles and locks. Got a bin door from a 91 along w a lock to fill the hole. Now I should be able to install the pull handle onto the hatch carpet.
A few shots of the car devoid of carpeting and seats and just starting to install riser and hatch side carpeting.




12-01-2013, 06:48 PM
Haven't pulled the seat belts yet there Dominic; trying to get the tune right just now here.

Send the Black ones if you can; I'll get the Cognacs out ASAP...

12-01-2013, 07:22 PM
Haven't pulled the seat belts yet there Dominic; trying to get the tune right just now here.

Send the Black ones if you can; I'll get the Cognacs out ASAP...

Sccrem has the partner to the one I have and he's sending it off. You still need black belts?

12-04-2013, 09:25 PM
Here's an update. Took advantage of the 50F day before we head into deep freeze.





12-04-2013, 09:34 PM

Great job Dom!!!



12-04-2013, 11:18 PM
Took advantage of some nice weather here today. I was able to remove the console frame, passenger seat and remainder of the carpeting. Loads of wires.
The 92 was the first year w ASR, so what would normally be a second rear hatch bin is full of hydraulics and electronics. The "door" to the bin is bolted shut and so the hatch carpet only has one flap and one hatch pull handle w lock. Well the 90 carpet is setup for 2 bin doors, pull handles and locks. Got a bin door from a 91 along w a lock to fill the hole. Now I should be able to install the pull handle onto the hatch carpet.
A few shots of the car devoid of carpeting and seats and just starting to install riser and hatch side carpeting.




Dom, you are giving me flash backs from when I had the entire interior out of the Aerobody.

Blue Flame Restorations
12-04-2013, 11:27 PM
Good job, Dom.:)

12-05-2013, 12:12 AM
Couple of side notes.

1. In the course of removing the black interior I cut the wire for my GPS sensor. Thought I could splice it but then I noticed there is an outer shielding with and inner insulated wire. Need to check on whether it can be spliced.

2. The 92 was the first year of ASR. Consequently the bin hatch behind the driver is bolted closed, while previous years there were 2 pull handles and locks.
The 92 only has one. I replaced the driver's side bin door with one from a 91 and will install a second lock. Then I can install the bin door pull for the bin on the driver's side. The carpeting for the hatch area already was cut for this otherwise it would have looked unfinished.

3. The halo trim will be painted cognac to match the rest of the interior. Was thinking of doing same for package tray trim in rear hatch area. My wife says she likes the contrast of the Cognac w the black however.

12-05-2013, 06:54 AM
Lookin' real good there...

If the wife offers preferences, TAKE HEED. Happy wives are HARD to come by ... ;)

Is the GPS wire co-ax? Or tri-axial? If co-axial, you can get compression fittings and a barrel connector, along with 'the tool', at the local DIY. Or catch the local telecom field tech in your neighborhood. Might offer to ante up his lunch...

12-05-2013, 08:59 AM
Lookin' real good there...

If the wife offers preferences, TAKE HEED. Happy wives are HARD to come by ... ;)

Is the GPS wire co-ax? Or tri-axial? If co-axial, you can get compression fittings and a barrel connector, along with 'the tool', at the local DIY. Or catch the local telecom field tech in your neighborhood. Might offer to ante up his lunch...


Looks like a co-axial. Looks like about a 14ga wire.

12-22-2013, 10:02 PM
Pretty much have front part done. Cluster and console are together. Also, took a slight detour Nd installed one of Marc's steering column pins to tighten things up which it did. Finishing up the hatch area is next. depends on weather. After the interior I'll be tackling the rear Z06 brake install. I'll put that in a different thread.






12-23-2013, 07:53 AM
You can paint carpet....midamerican sells the paint if you are interested in covering up the red stain under the seat

12-29-2013, 09:47 AM
Took advantage of the "mild" weather we've had over the last few days. 50F yesterday in Chicago. 30's today before the deep freeze comes back. I must have taken the console apart and put back together about 5 times because of getting the assembly sequence wrong. What a PITA. I don't recall my 84 being this much hassle when I replaced carpet and seats in it.
The steering column fix set me back a bit too. Accessing the knee bolster reinforcement bolts up tight against the console make pulling the console side carpeting a "must". Otherwise you'll spend more time trying to get at it, than doing the rest of the job. Then "chasing" the starts/dies thing had me dropping the column ONE MORE TIME! Marc's oversize pin really did help in tightening up the column slop.
Now I can actually lean on it and it doesn't budge. So the front end is together with the exception of seats(getting seat covers made) and seat belt buckle.
Hope to finish rear hatch today. Radio bezels and targa storage bezels are on.
Need to check on painting of halo trim. I am also going to have the seat back shells painted to match OR should I leave them contrasting?

Speaking of seat covers, I spent time removing the D/S cover so the upholsterer has a pattern for the new covers. Aside from the typical left bolster wear, the cover is in very good condition. I may sell it if I get it back in original condition.
I will be taking the passenger side off as well. That seat cover is in pretty much pristine condition. I'll be putting it up for sale shortly, FYI.

12-29-2013, 10:54 AM
I'd ask the wife about the seat back about color there Dominic; they like having 'input' - at least the ones I've known...

Personally, Black is better. Doesn't clash, and it's a higher 'traffic' spot, that can get scratched, UNlike the overhead trim.

GOt the light lens/grilles; thanks. One day, I might actually get to the interior.........

12-29-2013, 02:03 PM
Dom,, is the pin you are referring to made by Mark H? My steering column is loose and needs something to keep it tight.


01-09-2014, 07:07 PM
Pulling the seatbelts for PhillipsLT5, putting in the Black ones from Dominic here.

This is Cognac carpet dyed Black. I did some carpet work professionally while in college - including dying home carpet.

The vinyl hook-n-loop strip shows where the dye wasn't taken up, and it's covered by the floor mats attached to it.

Snappic does no justice tho'...


01-09-2014, 07:30 PM
Dom,, is the pin you are referring to made by Mark H? My steering column is loose and needs something to keep it tight.


This is it and yes Marc supplies the replacement pin which is slightly larger.


01-09-2014, 07:32 PM
There is a product that I used before retiring from hotel business called "Pro's Choice Red Out" that can be ordered online. Spray it on the red, put down clean white cloth and use iron to wick it into the cloth. Worked great in New Orleans getting Hurricane drinks out of our hotel carpets.


01-09-2014, 08:33 PM
There is a product that I used before retiring from hotel business called "Pro's Choice Red Out" that can be ordered online. Spray it on the red, put down clean white cloth and use iron to wick it into the cloth. Worked great in New Orleans getting Hurricane drinks out of our hotel carpets.


Thanks. I may give it a shot. Where can u get it?

01-10-2014, 10:05 AM
Go to Pro's Choice website and find a distributor in your area off of it.

01-22-2014, 11:52 PM
Another piece to the puzzle. I'll have a couple more changes in this area.



01-23-2014, 07:46 AM
This is it and yes Marc supplies the replacement pin which is slightly larger.


Great Pic Dom few are acquainted with that angle once dropping the steering wheel

01-23-2014, 07:48 AM
Another piece to the puzzle. I'll have a couple more changes in this area.



What???? no orange insert ??? :dontknow:

01-23-2014, 08:21 AM
Great Pic Dom few are acquainted with that angle once dropping the steering wheel

Can't take credit for the pic. Got it from a post of Hawaii ZR-1, although mine looked just like that.

01-23-2014, 08:40 AM
Can't take credit for the pic. Got it from a post of Hawaii ZR-1, although mine looked just like that.

Well OK then, Had no idea Craig was sporting a Cognac interior as well.

01-23-2014, 03:53 PM
The interior color change is a very nice upgrade in my opinion. Well done!

01-23-2014, 04:30 PM
I cannot wait to see the custom seat skins.

01-23-2014, 11:28 PM
I cannot wait to see the custom seat skins.


Makes 2 of us.

01-23-2014, 11:32 PM
What???? no orange insert ??? :dontknow:

I have some different plans. Stand by.

02-23-2014, 09:57 PM
A view of some additional interior pieces.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/1406A09A-7A71-40DF-914A-495A4A094FA5_zpsqpolacue.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/1406A09A-7A71-40DF-914A-495A4A094FA5_zpsqpolacue.jpg.html)

02-23-2014, 10:41 PM
The flash does not help.. the Leather looks really close to the carpet color..

it looks really good

02-23-2014, 10:49 PM
The flash does not help.. the Leather looks really close to the carpet color..

it looks really good

BTW, for anyone who didn't notice, that's the wrong shift pattern on the button. It's the one that came w the C5 knob which is what I used for the cover..

02-23-2014, 10:51 PM
the C4 pattern fits in there too...

02-23-2014, 10:55 PM
The flash does not help.. the Leather looks really close to the carpet color..

it looks really good

Thanks Jeff. Glad you appreciate it. The color is a butterscotch from Redline.

02-24-2014, 12:40 AM
Looks nice Dom I just bought all new rear carpet as I already had the front. Going to fix the rear first as my aftermarket speakers don't look right due to the factory cuts for the factory system. One of those things that bothered me on my car since day one.

03-04-2014, 12:25 PM
Some more progress in preparation for getting the seat covers, hoepfully, in the near future. Assembled the seats shells. Got some new seat straps coming to stiffen up the bottoms. I like firm bottoms. ;)
Also, some shots of painted halo trim to match interior. Think I'll drop the seats in as is just to save some space and see how it all starts to come together.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/376A2683-93FC-470C-B300-4B81C4A6B999_zpspner4njl.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/376A2683-93FC-470C-B300-4B81C4A6B999_zpspner4njl.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/72FCF87F-F5CC-4E61-A324-BF54B6749CC4_zpsqre3xhox.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/72FCF87F-F5CC-4E61-A324-BF54B6749CC4_zpsqre3xhox.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/Mobile%20Uploads/73F156C9-F39F-45A3-B884-AC481A10A8F1_zpsnpn8p7lo.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/Mobile%20Uploads/73F156C9-F39F-45A3-B884-AC481A10A8F1_zpsnpn8p7lo.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/Mobile%20Uploads/F873CC1D-B198-4059-A10A-63C639560E10_zps9almutgl.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/Mobile%20Uploads/F873CC1D-B198-4059-A10A-63C639560E10_zps9almutgl.jpg.html)

05-10-2014, 12:29 PM
Finally got a look at the finished seat covers. I know what I think. This is from the vendor Bob has been working w.

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/P1050046_zps5a7c2631.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/P1050046_zps5a7c2631.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/P1050047_zpsffe4c2ec.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/P1050047_zpsffe4c2ec.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/P1050050_zps9384b1c3.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/P1050050_zps9384b1c3.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/P1050051_zps19cebe98.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/P1050051_zps19cebe98.jpg.html)

05-10-2014, 01:10 PM

I think it'll look awesome!!!

Install them!



05-10-2014, 02:47 PM

I think it'll look awesome!!!

Install them!




Unfortunately, haven't been shipped to me yet so I'll be in BG w Paul's red seats.
I should have them in for the 1/2 mile tho.

05-10-2014, 10:18 PM

Unfortunately, haven't been shipped to me yet so I'll be in BG w Paul's red seats.
I should have them in for the 1/2 mile tho.

Black Rose Metallic car, with tan or "Cognac" interior and red seats? PRICELESS!

05-10-2014, 10:35 PM
Black Rose Metallic car, with tan or "Cognac" interior and red seats? PRICELESS!


After BG, I'm taking it to Barrett Jackson. It's a 1 of 1! :dancing:-D

06-04-2014, 10:24 PM
Hopefully, I'll be able to have one seat done by this week. Anxious to see what finished and installed seat cover looks like. Stay tuned.

Paul Workman
06-05-2014, 05:32 AM
Hope they meet expectations. Those seats are becoming a real saga, already!

Just two weeks from Sunday for the 1/2 mile!

06-06-2014, 10:11 PM
well here you go Paul

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/4BCFA781-8191-4738-B539-E4F7BCB2445A_zpsikj91li8.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/4BCFA781-8191-4738-B539-E4F7BCB2445A_zpsikj91li8.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/5ADC64DB-AC9D-4B60-88CA-81520C736F8A_zps5n3vruvk.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/5ADC64DB-AC9D-4B60-88CA-81520C736F8A_zps5n3vruvk.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/55B6078F-6355-46E8-BDA1-178B5D2E9F49_zpsplwlciin.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/55B6078F-6355-46E8-BDA1-178B5D2E9F49_zpsplwlciin.jpg.html)

http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x198/Z51Xfire/ROZA%20NERO/2C034BA4-2361-4707-884D-721B7436E088_zpso67b9tn7.jpg (http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Z51Xfire/media/ROZA%20NERO/2C034BA4-2361-4707-884D-721B7436E088_zpso67b9tn7.jpg.html)

06-06-2014, 10:27 PM
Look Great. Someday I hope to get some parts back.

06-07-2014, 03:45 AM
Looks great, I really like the insert being a different color. Are you pleased with the quality? It looks like a factory fit.

06-07-2014, 08:49 AM
Looks great, I really like the insert being a different color. Are you pleased with the quality? It looks like a factory fit.

The leather is good quality and the guys that mounted the covers commented that they were well made. They fit the foam w no problem. The insert is a perforated suede. The leather is a Butterscotch color and the insert is Rust but it plays very nicely w the Rose in the paint. The counter stitch is a burgundy and thread matches the embroidery of the ZR-1 splash.
Should have drivers side done later this coming week. Had to wait for replacement seat back from Ecklers.

06-07-2014, 01:25 PM
Did you have the bladders replaced when you had them apart? My leather is in nice condition but the bladders are shot.

06-07-2014, 02:04 PM
Did you have the bladders replaced when you had them apart? My leather is in nice condition but the bladders are shot.

I did not. They worked fine before I had the re-skin and honestly I find the lumbar support to be a nuisance. It hurts my back more than supports it. Don't like the lower vertebrae pushed forward like that.

06-07-2014, 02:14 PM
I did not. They worked fine before I had the re-skin and honestly I find the lumbar support to be a nuisance. It hurts my back more than supports it. Don't like the lower vertebrae pushed forward like that.

Did you consider the later wider seats ? They are so much more comfortable and offer more room in the seat pans. Is the inner panel a suede ? Matches well with the interior

06-07-2014, 05:03 PM
Did you consider the later wider seats ? They are so much more comfortable and offer more room in the seat pans. Is the inner panel a suede ? Matches well with the interior

No, not really interested in them. I like the earlier sport seats. They help in letting me know if I need to lose weight and/or exercise.
Yes the insert is a perforated suede. Feels pretty grippy.

06-09-2014, 11:54 PM
Dom, I was thinking redoing mine stock but after seeing your seats.... DAMN! I am going to have to rethink this....

06-10-2014, 08:35 AM
Dom, I was thinking redoing mine stock but after seeing your seats.... DAMN! I am going to have to rethink this....


Will have driver's seat do e this week. You're welcome to come up and have a look. I think Robert has put together a pretty good deal on these covers. Now that they have the pattern should be a faster turnaround as long as you have the colors in mind. I believe Bob is also getting the swatches. Pretty sure you couldn't find this type seat cover and leather quality for nearly twice the price.
Best of all, my wife really likes them. Brightens up and makes interior more interesting IMO.

06-10-2014, 08:46 AM
BTW, don't know if you noticed, but halo trim and seat shells were painted to match interior. 92s had black halo, and seat shells I believe.

06-10-2014, 09:45 AM
Looking really good Dom. (Just when I was liking the red seats!) :cheers:

06-29-2014, 09:40 PM
Now that everything is installed some pics of the finished interior






06-29-2014, 11:36 PM
looks good!

06-29-2014, 11:48 PM
Very nice :thumbsup:

06-30-2014, 06:31 AM
I agree, looks great!

Fully Vetted
06-30-2014, 03:50 PM
Man, those came out nice, Dom! They do very good work.

03-07-2017, 12:19 PM
Not sure what this forum thinks of old thread revival, but I really like those seats, and would love to learn who made them?

03-07-2017, 05:07 PM

Myself and Robert DeMarco worked w someone that sent the skins offshore. I don't have the contact info but it is someone that is in eBay and has done C5 and C6 covers.

03-07-2017, 05:24 PM
Too bad. They (/you) did a good job though. The car looks amazing!

03-07-2017, 07:41 PM
Wow!! Very nicely done. Would have been a nice option when new..

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Billy Mild
03-09-2017, 07:47 AM
How hard is the pin install for the steering column?

03-09-2017, 10:00 AM
Left side can be done in the car.. Right side, I think more has to come apart to install the pin

04-26-2017, 12:02 PM
Dom I would still carry the black arm rest and pull to the other side to get that two tone appearance to break up the cognac color

04-26-2017, 05:35 PM
Dom I would still carry the black arm rest and pull to the other side to get that two tone appearance to break up the cognac color

The door handle does not flow well off the black though. I thought of the same for my car if I swap back to the 93 panels

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