View Full Version : C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings

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  1. Questions on full power mode
  2. The end of the bushing thread finally.
  3. The end part 2.
  4. The end part 3.
  5. Lowering Bolts
  6. full power decals
  7. First Look under our "new to us" 90 ZR1
  8. High RPM vibration all gears
  9. 91 ZR1 Supercharger?
  10. Building an LT5 engine harness from scratch. Any advice?
  11. Wheel woes
  12. Accel FI part # for set for a 90 LT5?
  13. An enigma insues...
  14. 8K RPM on the LT-5
  15. OEM injectors
  16. My opinion about the right side timing chain tensioner (updated version)
  17. Refinishing the LT5 top end, info needed.
  18. Belt Size: AC Delete
  19. LT5/auto in a C3 feasibility?
  20. Miss that is developing? (Help)
  21. 1991 power key cylinder repair
  22. Door Panel Repair (applies to 1994-1995)
  23. Left Cam Chain Tensioner Retainer Ring
  24. Fidanza Flywheel bolts
  25. Overheating
  26. Clunking noise from the rear end???
  27. Caliper Removal
  28. Plenum pulled now for the questions?
  29. Engine Missing
  30. Dim instruments
  31. Nice new rubber bushing kit for C4 - DYNO ALERT!!!
  32. Bushing fitment problems
  33. Anyone know where to get this?
  34. Help with identifying part and part number
  35. injector "cleaning"?
  36. ECM operating temperature
  37. If a knock sensor goes bad ................
  38. New member, new car with problems
  39. Carrera Shocks
  40. Secondarys
  41. Service ride control light
  42. Oil additives needed?
  43. Aluminum Flywheel/clutch assbly/ C Beam Plates installed, impressions
  44. Bosch filter Shat on my today
  45. need to remove my front seat
  46. Clutch break-in (besides driving in traffic)
  47. Post clutch replacement/"C" beam plate install report
  48. PCV F-tube home-brew?
  49. clutch master question
  50. Header install--EGR plenum cover
  51. CDM removal
  52. name that catback
  53. @$@#^^& transmission!
  54. Headlight
  55. Car runs hotter after tume and header install.
  56. Car stalling after Aluminum flywheel install
  57. need some fuel "O" rings
  58. Code 61
  59. dead silence
  61. IDLE
  62. Looking for Replacement Tires
  63. Coil-over from Van Steel
  64. No power; No check engine
  65. Rattling noise on shutdown
  66. Need ABS Solenoid Relay
  67. Another "what is this ?" question
  68. ABS fixed.
  69. C Beam Removal / Replace
  70. backfire after injector R&R
  71. I am dumbfounded car is running like sheetz
  72. Headlights-no light
  73. Bilstein shock comparibilty
  74. R and R Pilot Bearing/Bushing
  75. 1990 ZR-1
  76. strange loud ticking noise under plenum
  77. Brake Bleeding
  78. Here is a tip that might help
  79. Tips wanted: Rebushing front lower control arms/sway bar
  80. Clunking noise from drive train
  81. A few clutch questions
  82. Code 16
  83. R134A Conversion
  84. CCM issue - no start
  85. Part Number for ignition module connector
  86. Hunting for the "hunting"....
  87. A/C system refrigerant capacity
  88. Best spark plugs for a stock ZR-1
  89. engine knock
  90. Ticking sound
  91. Spark Plug Wires
  92. I there a HVAC doctor in the house
  93. coilover ?'s
  94. Dyno Tuning
  95. New Problem Car is Dead Again! No Electrical Power
  96. A scratch my head moment!
  97. Motor Knocking and Failing Injectors - A Few Questions
  98. Blowin Accessory Fuse
  99. Raptor Shift Light Cyl Select settings
  100. Secondary port vacuum solenoid
  101. Question Regarding Pinging
  102. Rod Bearing Choice
  103. Engine bearings
  104. QA2 wheel package
  105. 92 & 95 heat sheilds the same?
  106. Alignment Specs
  107. low tire sensors
  108. Exhaust drone is gone!
  109. Picking the shift light setting...
  110. ABS Systems Question
  111. Odd knocking noise under initial load
  112. Post Plenum Pull Problem
  113. 90 Z Running Bad
  114. LT5 engine mounts
  115. Cause of Blowing A/C Clutch Fuse Corrected
  116. Taking Readings on Coils
  117. Melted cat substrate?
  118. Brand of oxygen sensor recommended?
  119. FX-3 shoxs in Spain
  120. No heat!
  121. Oil Temp
  122. Caliper rebuild part numbers
  123. A question about speed reading at 5th gear
  124. Engine Oil Leak
  125. Another option for engine mount heat wraps
  126. Source for metal plug for front of ZF trans????
  128. Ravelco Anti Theft Device anybody installed?
  129. headlight motor troubleshooting
  130. Lower A-arm Replacement
  131. How to install a relay to back up light switch, part II
  132. Valet key - power key problem
  133. I need help with a stumbling/idle problem
  134. Got a ZR1 this weekend. Now I got Q's!
  135. PS 222: oil pressure switch
  136. Missing stock exhaust header/manifold bolts
  137. Brake Pad replacement
  138. ECM Code
  139. starter problems
  140. Anyone installed Baer 6P brakes?
  141. MovIt Brake Eye Candy at its finest
  142. Secondary Injector Relays
  143. Camshaft Sprocket Bolts In Stock
  144. Changing Inst.lamps in 90 ZR1
  145. 90 ZR1: Oh crud, did I break it?
  146. HEY Dynomite
  147. HELP! Engine Vibration
  148. Do I have bad fuel injectors or fuel pump on my '92?
  149. ZR1 center of balance ?
  150. Part number for MSD Plug Wires
  151. Titanium valve retainers
  152. Throttle coolant block off.
  153. Cooling System R&R
  154. 427 Valvetrain parts
  155. Rebuilt Water Pumps
  156. Power Door Lock - 94
  157. What is the correct size alternator?
  158. Oil in injector housing?
  159. New Oil Maybe
  160. Need Technical Data; cam timing, balancing, etc.
  161. New Clutch Source!!
  162. HID Headlight Upgrade
  163. Analog temp signal to dash
  164. Mercury Marine plant question
  165. A question about drilled rotors.
  166. Bad vacuum pump?
  167. Some "Dynomite" Heads!
  168. Help, only dynoing 300RWHP
  169. ZF Shifter mod
  170. Engine temp vs. hp?
  171. Oil leak
  172. 91 starts up and runs fine, then starts missing when it warms up.
  173. Clutch master and slave cylinder replacement in Houston
  174. Clutch master cylinder
  175. Brake Master cylinder - rebuild or buy rebuilt?
  176. oil temp
  177. lt-5 weight
  178. Clutch slave cylinder
  179. Left me stranded. Starter no workie.
  180. All power seat function gone on both seats
  181. Who's running a single mass in the North East?
  182. Time for injector change?
  183. squeaking serpentine belt
  184. throw out bearing lube
  185. Rear Suspension Differences
  186. Oil at inj surface
  187. Rear Bumper Question
  188. CCM swap. Does it matter for VIN?
  189. LS7 vs. 350 ci LT5 mods
  190. Tire recommendations
  191. Help! fuel rail and injector removal
  192. crankcase breather cover gasket replacement
  193. Issues w swapping Steering Column?
  194. E3 Spark Plugs'
  195. Cali Smog Nazi's can kiss my big wide ZR1 As...
  196. learned something very intersting about cars with ASR
  197. Secondary Throttle Removal
  198. 95 side panels?
  199. Crankcase breahing...
  200. MD Emissions Testing
  201. Considering new wheels for new brakes
  202. Master cylinder info needed
  203. Service selective ride code 12
  204. 91, No Power Mirror or Cruise and Blown Fuse
  205. Wont Start
  206. secondary injector problem?
  207. Tensioner info, true or false
  208. Fuel Pressure Regulator Post-Mortem exam
  209. Did the OBX headers fit or what???
  210. Wiring harness
  211. Cam Cover Sealant - Permabond A136
  212. Cam cover vent material
  213. Rebuilt Gm Zf
  214. ZF transmission fluid.
  215. Under Plenum Project almost complete
  216. FX3 Shocks
  217. Compression testing
  218. Watson header question
  219. Billet fork
  220. Flickering Dash Lights
  221. Strange Weather Pack Connector
  222. Oil Pressure sensor #
  223. adjusting the throttle in asr cars does....
  224. Injector electric connector gaskets
  225. Cam Positioning Sensor
  226. AC compressor diode?
  227. Brake Upgrade Advice
  228. Secondaries not opening
  229. Ignition coil test values
  230. High Idle
  231. Exhaust Question>>>
  232. Tire Question
  233. Any Secrets to Removing Old Gaskets?
  234. EGR and emissions testing
  235. LT1 vs LT5 Flywheel Application???
  236. Codes.
  237. Who is this??
  238. Recomendations on Headers?
  239. airbag sensor, alternator
  240. OEM Wheel Refinish
  241. inj housing porting without headers
  242. Earl's SS Brake Lines
  243. Factory Brake /Fuel Lines Source
  244. Weatherpack connectors for the LT5
  245. Disabling Low Tire Sensors and Warning Light
  246. FX-3 Gurus Welcome
  247. Hurst shifter problem
  248. oil filter housing
  249. O2 Sensor Plug
  250. what can be largest wheels size on zzzzzzz