- Questions on full power mode
- The end of the bushing thread finally.
- The end part 2.
- The end part 3.
- Lowering Bolts
- full power decals
- First Look under our "new to us" 90 ZR1
- High RPM vibration all gears
- 91 ZR1 Supercharger?
- Building an LT5 engine harness from scratch. Any advice?
- Wheel woes
- Accel FI part # for set for a 90 LT5?
- An enigma insues...
- 8K RPM on the LT-5
- OEM injectors
- My opinion about the right side timing chain tensioner (updated version)
- Refinishing the LT5 top end, info needed.
- Belt Size: AC Delete
- LT5/auto in a C3 feasibility?
- Miss that is developing? (Help)
- 1991 power key cylinder repair
- Door Panel Repair (applies to 1994-1995)
- Left Cam Chain Tensioner Retainer Ring
- Fidanza Flywheel bolts
- Overheating
- Clunking noise from the rear end???
- Caliper Removal
- Plenum pulled now for the questions?
- Engine Missing
- Dim instruments
- Nice new rubber bushing kit for C4 - DYNO ALERT!!!
- Bushing fitment problems
- Anyone know where to get this?
- Help with identifying part and part number
- injector "cleaning"?
- ECM operating temperature
- If a knock sensor goes bad ................
- New member, new car with problems
- Carrera Shocks
- Secondarys
- Service ride control light
- Oil additives needed?
- Aluminum Flywheel/clutch assbly/ C Beam Plates installed, impressions
- Bosch filter Shat on my today
- need to remove my front seat
- Clutch break-in (besides driving in traffic)
- Post clutch replacement/"C" beam plate install report
- PCV F-tube home-brew?
- clutch master question
- Header install--EGR plenum cover
- CDM removal
- name that catback
- @$@#^^& transmission!
- Headlight
- Car runs hotter after tume and header install.
- Car stalling after Aluminum flywheel install
- need some fuel "O" rings
- Code 61
- dead silence
- Looking for Replacement Tires
- Coil-over from Van Steel
- No power; No check engine
- Rattling noise on shutdown
- Need ABS Solenoid Relay
- Another "what is this ?" question
- ABS fixed.
- C Beam Removal / Replace
- backfire after injector R&R
- I am dumbfounded car is running like sheetz
- Headlights-no light
- Bilstein shock comparibilty
- R and R Pilot Bearing/Bushing
- 1990 ZR-1
- strange loud ticking noise under plenum
- Brake Bleeding
- Here is a tip that might help
- Tips wanted: Rebushing front lower control arms/sway bar
- Clunking noise from drive train
- A few clutch questions
- Code 16
- R134A Conversion
- CCM issue - no start
- Part Number for ignition module connector
- Hunting for the "hunting"....
- A/C system refrigerant capacity
- Best spark plugs for a stock ZR-1
- engine knock
- Ticking sound
- Spark Plug Wires
- I there a HVAC doctor in the house
- coilover ?'s
- Dyno Tuning
- New Problem Car is Dead Again! No Electrical Power
- A scratch my head moment!
- Motor Knocking and Failing Injectors - A Few Questions
- Blowin Accessory Fuse
- Raptor Shift Light Cyl Select settings
- Secondary port vacuum solenoid
- Question Regarding Pinging
- Rod Bearing Choice
- Engine bearings
- QA2 wheel package
- 92 & 95 heat sheilds the same?
- Alignment Specs
- low tire sensors
- Exhaust drone is gone!
- Picking the shift light setting...
- ABS Systems Question
- Odd knocking noise under initial load
- Post Plenum Pull Problem
- 90 Z Running Bad
- LT5 engine mounts
- Cause of Blowing A/C Clutch Fuse Corrected
- Taking Readings on Coils
- Melted cat substrate?
- Brand of oxygen sensor recommended?
- FX-3 shoxs in Spain
- No heat!
- Oil Temp
- Caliper rebuild part numbers
- A question about speed reading at 5th gear
- Engine Oil Leak
- Another option for engine mount heat wraps
- Source for metal plug for front of ZF trans????
- Ravelco Anti Theft Device anybody installed?
- headlight motor troubleshooting
- Lower A-arm Replacement
- How to install a relay to back up light switch, part II
- Valet key - power key problem
- I need help with a stumbling/idle problem
- Got a ZR1 this weekend. Now I got Q's!
- PS 222: oil pressure switch
- Missing stock exhaust header/manifold bolts
- Brake Pad replacement
- ECM Code
- starter problems
- Anyone installed Baer 6P brakes?
- MovIt Brake Eye Candy at its finest
- Secondary Injector Relays
- Camshaft Sprocket Bolts In Stock
- Changing Inst.lamps in 90 ZR1
- 90 ZR1: Oh crud, did I break it?
- HEY Dynomite
- HELP! Engine Vibration
- Do I have bad fuel injectors or fuel pump on my '92?
- ZR1 center of balance ?
- Part number for MSD Plug Wires
- Titanium valve retainers
- Throttle coolant block off.
- Cooling System R&R
- 427 Valvetrain parts
- Rebuilt Water Pumps
- Power Door Lock - 94
- What is the correct size alternator?
- Oil in injector housing?
- New Oil Maybe
- Need Technical Data; cam timing, balancing, etc.
- New Clutch Source!!
- HID Headlight Upgrade
- Analog temp signal to dash
- Mercury Marine plant question
- A question about drilled rotors.
- Bad vacuum pump?
- Some "Dynomite" Heads!
- Help, only dynoing 300RWHP
- ZF Shifter mod
- Engine temp vs. hp?
- Oil leak
- 91 starts up and runs fine, then starts missing when it warms up.
- Clutch master and slave cylinder replacement in Houston
- Clutch master cylinder
- Brake Master cylinder - rebuild or buy rebuilt?
- oil temp
- lt-5 weight
- Clutch slave cylinder
- Left me stranded. Starter no workie.
- All power seat function gone on both seats
- Who's running a single mass in the North East?
- Time for injector change?
- squeaking serpentine belt
- throw out bearing lube
- Rear Suspension Differences
- Oil at inj surface
- Rear Bumper Question
- CCM swap. Does it matter for VIN?
- LS7 vs. 350 ci LT5 mods
- Tire recommendations
- Help! fuel rail and injector removal
- crankcase breather cover gasket replacement
- Issues w swapping Steering Column?
- E3 Spark Plugs'
- Cali Smog Nazi's can kiss my big wide ZR1 As...
- learned something very intersting about cars with ASR
- Secondary Throttle Removal
- 95 side panels?
- Crankcase breahing...
- MD Emissions Testing
- Considering new wheels for new brakes
- Master cylinder info needed
- Service selective ride code 12
- 91, No Power Mirror or Cruise and Blown Fuse
- Wont Start
- secondary injector problem?
- Tensioner info, true or false
- Fuel Pressure Regulator Post-Mortem exam
- Did the OBX headers fit or what???
- Wiring harness
- Cam Cover Sealant - Permabond A136
- Cam cover vent material
- Rebuilt Gm Zf
- ZF transmission fluid.
- Under Plenum Project almost complete
- FX3 Shocks
- Compression testing
- Watson header question
- Billet fork
- Flickering Dash Lights
- Strange Weather Pack Connector
- Oil Pressure sensor #
- adjusting the throttle in asr cars does....
- Injector electric connector gaskets
- Cam Positioning Sensor
- AC compressor diode?
- Brake Upgrade Advice
- Secondaries not opening
- Ignition coil test values
- High Idle
- Exhaust Question>>>
- Tire Question
- Any Secrets to Removing Old Gaskets?
- EGR and emissions testing
- LT1 vs LT5 Flywheel Application???
- Codes.
- Who is this??
- Recomendations on Headers?
- airbag sensor, alternator
- OEM Wheel Refinish
- inj housing porting without headers
- Earl's SS Brake Lines
- Factory Brake /Fuel Lines Source
- Weatherpack connectors for the LT5
- Disabling Low Tire Sensors and Warning Light
- FX-3 Gurus Welcome
- Hurst shifter problem
- oil filter housing
- O2 Sensor Plug
- what can be largest wheels size on zzzzzzz