View Full Version : starter problems

steve carney
11-20-2010, 07:28 PM
I just purchased a 90 zr1 and the previous owner says the starter won't work when engine is hot. He says he has a rebuilt starter on it and it works fine when cold. I also need the driver's seat bolstered reupholstered. Can I just do that part or do I need to do the whole seat? Where do I get the material to match? The clear top had a chip out of it, how hard will it be to replace or find a replacement?

11-20-2010, 09:21 PM
Hi Steve welcome to the Zoo!

Congrats on your new to you ZR-1.

Post some Pic's of your Z in the members section.

I do not know the answer on the bolster but i am sure some one will chime in about it for you. I think most do the whole seat at once since the kits come that way.

11-20-2010, 09:39 PM
Many upholstery shops can do just a section, provided that they can match the leather color properly. If the rest of the seat is in nice shape, it does seem silly to re-do the whole thing.

11-20-2010, 09:41 PM
I agree with bryan on the seat. Numerous members including me have experienced the same cold start hot no start starter problem. You can buy the solenoid rebbuild kit or just replaced the starter which is what I did and haven't had a problem since. Its a common problem but not to big a deal to replace.

11-21-2010, 08:15 AM
Hello Steve and welcome to the ZR-1 Net Registry Forum. There is a lot of information available here about both of your questions. I had my drivers seat bolster "redyed" because it was showing wear and was not ripped. The result was not perfect but was OK for my purposes. A good detailing shop should know of someone who does dyeing.

Good Luck.

11-21-2010, 11:34 AM
I just purchased a 90 zr1 and the previous owner says the starter won't work when engine is hot. He says he has a rebuilt starter on it and it works fine when cold.

The "Dreaded No Start".

First of all, welcome to the "Brotherhood of the Beast"

Very common problem with the early year Zs.
I have a cure but it involves cutting into the wiring harness and making a permanent change to your ignition system. If you're a NCRS guy this could cause you to lose sleep (and points).
There is a list of things to do before you get down to my patented DNS MOD.

Click here for Dynomite's "Solutions" page.
Cruise down to where it says "Starter" and put on your reading cap.

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.
