View Full Version : LT5 engine mounts

10-31-2010, 07:44 PM
Couldn't much info on this subject (not even in Dynomite's 'Solutions'!)

Looks like the engine mounts on my '90 Z are shot. The rubber has big cracks under the hole where the bolt goes thru (one is much worse than the other one). So I need another set of mounts.

Found this one at Eckler's which doesn't look any different than the LT5 mounts, but it says 'Fits All Except ZR1 :icon_scra :


Here is another one at CC that also looks identical to the LT5 mounts but it doesn't specifically say it's for the ZR-1. It just says 1990-1996.

http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb.dll?parta~dyndetail~Z5Z5Z50000050f~Z5Z5Z5AARGN~ P74.95~~~~S32E14Z4YN69238994014a~Z5Z5Z5~Z5Z5Z50000 050F

Could either of these be used on the LT5? If not, does anyone know where I could get a set of LT5 engine mounts for a decent price?

10-31-2010, 07:52 PM
I have a used set that came out of 1993 #405 (RIP). If you are interested in them, I will send you some pictures. How about $25 each plus shipping? Email me: jim@gizmosart.com


10-31-2010, 09:30 PM
I have a used set that came out of 1993 #405 (RIP). If you are interested in them, I will send you some pictures. How about $25 each plus shipping? Email me: jim@gizmosart.com


That sounds good, thanks. Sent you an email.