View Full Version : Brake Bleeding

09-30-2010, 02:58 PM
Hi everyone

I want to flush the brake fluid and I'm confused by the two reservoirs (car is a '91). Do they bleed seperately or does it act as one big reservoir feeding the MC? I looked in the FSM but it doesn't seem to mention which you bleed (or both). Does one cylinder service the front brakes and one the rear?

Any advice/info gratefully received.



09-30-2010, 04:43 PM
The front reservoir is for the front brakes and the rear for the rear brakes.
Suck as much old fluid as you can with a turkey baster or similar gadget.
Fill both with clean fluid, lightly cap both, and start with RR, then LR making sure the
reservoir never runs dry. Flush until you see clean fluid at both calipers - usually 10 to 15 pedal applications. Then move to the front and flush RF and then LF.

09-30-2010, 05:19 PM
Thanks for the info. In the FSM it says the bleed order should be RF, RR, LR, LF - is there a reason not to do it that way?

09-30-2010, 06:34 PM
Go ahead and use the FSM sequence - I just told you the sequence I've always used.
Personal preference ...

09-30-2010, 08:11 PM
Go ahead and use the FSM sequence - I just told you the sequence I've always used.
Personal preference ...

I use the sequence your talking about, and it's been flushed about 20 times in 3 years with no problems.

09-30-2010, 10:24 PM
Thanks. The front/rear aspect makes that sequence seem more sense :)

If using a pressure bleeder, I assume you'd pressure bleed both reservoirs? Only reason I mention this is that the pressure bleeder I have doesn't look as if it would fit on the rear due to interference with the power steering.

I have a turkey baster ;)



09-30-2010, 11:36 PM
Thanks. The front/rear aspect makes that sequence seem more sense :)

If using a pressure bleeder, I assume you'd pressure bleed both reservoirs? Only reason I mention this is that the pressure bleeder I have doesn't look as if it would fit on the rear due to interference with the power steering.

I have a turkey baster ;)



I pressurize each one at a time, not together. I put a fitting in a stock cap with a hose clamp to keep it from popping off, and pressurize to 8-10 psi with a differential compression tester, it works good with the small air orifice in the tool, in case the cap would pop off it doesn't cause any fluid splatter, cause it popped off once and I was afraid to see where the fluid went, but it was good.

10-01-2010, 01:32 AM
It's a lot easier to enlist Wifey's assistance to mash the brake pedal. Turkey baster, a hunk of tygon tubing and a pan is all the caveman equipment I use.

10-01-2010, 01:35 AM
I think you are supposed to do the RF RR LR LF in order to not mess up the ABS.

10-01-2010, 11:09 AM
Thanks everyone

10-01-2010, 05:44 PM
I think you are supposed to do the RF RR LR LF in order to not mess up the ABS.

I was having a lot of issues using RF RR (clockwise) and thought I looked up in the FSM that it should start with the RR (and then go clockwise). We ran a couple QUARTS of fluid through and still soft pedal, when I found the RR ... order we got a giant burp.

- Jeff

10-02-2010, 12:59 AM
So which way is best? I need to do mine.

10-02-2010, 07:53 PM
I just did mine successfully using the RR - LR - RF - LF sequence. Thanks again guys! :cheers:

Mystic ZR-1
10-04-2010, 09:03 PM
Get some "speed bleeders", bleed screws with a check valve built in. Ecklers, Mid-Am etc. sell them. They work great, you can do the whole job by yourself and keep wifey out of it (and out of divorce court).
It goes like this...
You, from under the car: "pump the brake peddle and hold it"
Wifey: "huh"
You: "pump the brake peddle and hold it"
Wifey: no response
You "are you holding it?"
Wifey: "yes, I'm holding it" (with "that" tone of voice...)
You, after cracking open the bleed screw and nothing comes out: "I thought you said you were holding it?"
Wifey: "huh, which ones the brake peddle?"
and so on....

Mystic ZR-1
10-04-2010, 09:08 PM
Oh, and I forgot, she's already upset you're using her turkey baster before you even start...