- Extra speednut in dash??
- LT5 Refresh
- Scheming against the inevitable diff leak repair
- Secondary valve shaft seal removal?
- More Whoa Power
- Correct headliner material & source?
- Need to replace the master cylinder... I think.
- Page conesare2seconds.......
- Hot start misses bad
- Steering Rack
- Throwout Bearing Play
- Looking for a dual mass flywheel
- Headers
- Dana 44 thread repair
- ABS wheel speed sensor wiring
- Coolant leak at quick connect repair tips please
- 1990 - DTC 55
- Wireless Backup Camera
- Fuel Pumps/Sending Unit
- Leaking cylinder head plug
- Haibeck Automotive or Evolution Motorsports
- Working on little things, may have some questions soon
- EPROMS Deteriorate?
- Tech 1 connection to laptop
- Location for Garmin GPS
- Is the Bose Gold system heat sensitive?
- Need your ideas - LT5 won?t turnover
- ABS Service light?
- Fuel Injectors
- oil pan cleaning!
- Engine no start after ECM put back in
- Tracking down an oil leak
- Clutch pedal travels too low
- Dual Steering Damper
- 1992 Radio Receiver Broken Bracket - Repair
- U joint replacement
- Windshield Washer Paddle Switch
- Fuel Pumps for my 92 ZR-1
- Stumbling Issue
- Recommended Power Steering Fluid
- Ideal size for aftermarket wheels?
- Amolds - paint code or color?
- 1992 - How to Improve Gauges Daytime Visibility
- Winter Mods
- Tachometer wire location
- 1992 How to Remove Dash Defroster Vent
- Code 36 Fault Issue & Rough Idle
- Wheel and tyre size
- Door makes noise but when only ALL the way up
- Secondary vacuum sensor needed
- 92 Tire Tube - How Much Weight Can It Hold ?
- Need help getting fuel assembly back in
- Battery Tender for Z?
- What spark plug wires are these?
- Can you identify the component...
- Fuel Line O-Rings
- Headlights and Horns
- Fuel Pressure. Where does it go?
- Second alternator rotor wire fracture
- Best fitment on 18 inch wheels
- Under hood lens...
- Jerky Ride
- 1991 ZR1 engine knocking on idle
- Code 31
- 1990 oil leaks
- Ongoing issue with numb steering at speed
- AC help needed at BG C4 Gathering
- Tasks on a new purchase ZR1
- Troubleshooting AC leak before charging with R134a
- Engine number ?
- Rattle on engine shut down
- Tire pressure sensor mount
- Ok to remove bracket for PS engine mount?
- Heater Core Leak
- Oil leak from level sensor?
- no spark
- Tightening Oil Pan Bolts
- Fuel pumps In tank filter
- Headlight bushings
- Rear Diff Sound
- no power to dual pump system
- starting/cranking using pedal
- No Spark on Cyl 2 &3
- Who do you use for weatherstriping?
- Upgrades in fuel and brake lines etc
- Differential fill plug tool size
- Track cooling recommendations
- Service Engine light and Code 54
- Grease Fittings
- Won't go into 1st gear sometimes at a red light
- Another AC compressor/clutch question
- which gas
- MDF sensor on 90MY
- Polyurethane bushings
- Parking brake light , issue
- Do base c4 wheels fit?
- Wheel bearings and suspension upgrades
- Fuel system woes
- Where to get front shock bushings
- Code 43
- anyone installed an 89-90 Z51 or 91 z07 spring/bar/shock on a Zr-1?
- Radio antenna cable
- Who is running dry shot nitrous? Curious about it
- Bilstein front shock lower bushing part number
- Best Place to Get Backup Light Switch?
- Looking for right rear actuator
- Part number for a ZR1 antenna bezel?
- Overheating issues.
- C4 ZR-1 Reproduction Antenna Grommet
- The time is 415!
- 1992 A/C High Pressure Valve R12 Refill Adapter
- 1990 ZR-1 Production number
- Heater Hose Cutoff Valve Installation
- FOD stuck in driver door lock cylinder
- Clutch pedal not to floor
- Plan. B if I can't get Amsoil Z-Rod?
- Fill Plug on Rear Differential
- Wiring a shift light
- ECM white Label for 1993 ZR1( image wanted)
- Interior lights stay on
- I Asked About My Oil Dilemma At Bob the Oil Guy. - A40 Is the best?
- Where do you attach your negative clamp while jump starting?
- Catastrophic electrical failure after engine wash...
- 1992 Fuel Pumps - Which Walbro Model
- Dana 44 Rebuild, any suggestions?
- Weird Sound Coming from Behind the Right Panel
- 70 psi fuel pressure baffled
- Haibeck chip and power key
- What Does A Vacuum Leak Screw Up on a LT-5?
- Exhaust doubts
- How do you fix this?
- Transmission won?t go into gear
- Don?t hit rev limiter.
- AC blows out floor and defrost vents?
- Cruise control shutting off when using blinker
- Coolant Bypass from Marc Haibeck
- Pre lube - Pre oil after sitting
- What Would Cause an Alternator/Voltage Regulator to Fail Twice?
- Need advice for 91 and LT4 Catback
- Which is the low pressure ac switch ?
- 1994 ZR1 Code H64
- Cannot control AC Fan speed
- replacement shocks
- New Fuel Pumps
- 90Z won't start
- Bad Ground That Could Take Out The Alternator?
- 1995 ZR1 Transmission Really Stiff...Sometimes
- Accordion Air Duct - Do They Always Fail?
- Fixing Vacuum Leak at 1990 Dual Plenum Vacuum Connector
- Oil Temp
- Car conks out when coming to a stop
- Was It A Good Day or a Bad Day?
- FIX for AC blowing out of floor and defroster vents
- Brake petal goes low intermittently
- Fuel sending unit advise - to swap or not to swap?
- Best Place for Negative Battery Cable?
- Heater core recommendation needed + another HVAC issue
- Ignition Key 91 ZR-1
- Electrical connector on vacuum release switch?
- Throttle Cable Retainers
- Part Number?
- Alternator Rubber Grommet
- A/C blower fan won?t turn off
- Reviving a 90, Miss leads to multiple issues
- Dakota Digital Speedo Box Issue.
- Could use some electrical help from the pros
- 1991 zr1 bigger brakes with stock sawblades
- Dual Mass Flywheel interchangeability
- Engine Aluminum Oxidation - How to Clean
- Service Recommendation in Fairfield County CT
- where can i buy an underdrive (larger) pulley for my waterpump and alternator?
- Unhooked line ?
- Brake master cylinder
- Steering wheel removal
- My rising shifter
- AC Ripple Voltage and why you should be concerned
- 0W40?
- Wheel Compatibility with GS Brakes
- C4 Bose question
- Slip-yoke Grease during replacement?
- Exhaust Removal
- Plenum fitting
- Air filter fitment
- VSS failures
- Throttle Cable
- Help with connector identification - brain fog - 90
- Throttle Cable Brackets?
- Aluminum Throttle Pedal Blocks are Available Still
- Cylinder case breather box sealing
- Reluctantly joining the catch can club
- Refurbishing a fuel sending unit
- Low rpm intermittent shudder
- Oil Leak Treatment
- Running really rough. Ugh
- Fuse Under Passenger Dash
- Front wheel Bearings and Hubs for 1990 ZR-1
- Painting Fenders
- Looking for the knock sensor location
- Why is the secondary injector circuit so complicated?
- Crankshaft cup plugs
- Removing knock sensor connector
- Alternator R/R-Gaskets
- Reduced power mode on Zs with eliminated secondaries
- Where is my coolant going?
- Boost Gauge
- Dreaded no start
- Cutting out shortly after cold start
- Code 44
- 1990 Passenger Power Window Switch
- Coolant outlet bolt torque and how far over can it go?
- Upper Shoulder Harness Bolt
- Dead pedal added
- Locked up timing chain tensioner?
- 1990 knock sensor ohms?
- 1995 vacuum hose/plastic tubing
- starter voltage
- Looking for BMCB Bin File
- Tire pressure 335 / 275
- Another antenna failure
- Parking brake resistance
- DRM coilovers & spring rates
- Confirmation sought: exhaust stud leak?
- WhyZeeS414
- Coolant hose network issues looking like a pain
- '92 Starter Clutch Switch Changed to '93 Wiring
- 90 91 Interior gunmetal trim color near exact match
- Heater Core Repair or Replace?
- Oil Analysis - Driven GP-1
- Low tire pressure warning sensor
- Dymags in 17x11
- AGM Battery recomendations
- Wheel Q's
- 90 ZR1 Randomly Dies
- A Review Of Maintenance
- ZR-1 Tuners NoVA and DC?
- OEM-ish radiator recommendations please
- Shift linkage lubrication?
- DeWitts "Direct Fit" seems too thick to fit- what am I missing?
- ZR-1 Article in April Sports Car Market Magazine
- no starter engagement
- 1993 Valet Key - Question
- Steeda reverse lock out ring
- Engine won't start and evrything is dark
- Is this an EGR tube? 94 ZR-1
- Wilwood Brake question
- Clutch Master Cap removal
- Who is running a RAM clutch & flywheel? Experience sought.
- Stall under hard braking and MAP line is clear
- Found a LT5 at the junk yard with fire damage
- Royal Purple oil filters