View Full Version : OEM-ish radiator recommendations please

02-19-2023, 10:03 PM
I noticed a few drops of radiator fluid on some of the hoses on the passenger side today on my 91 with 90K. I did some crawling around under the car and found some wetness on the lower radiator housing where it meets up with the fan shroud. There is no big drips but clearly there is some small leak.

I took the top shroud off for inspections and I think I have a radiator leak down low on the passenger side above the lower hose. I'll take the OE radiator out tomorrow for a better inspection.

If I need a radiator, can anyone make a recommendation please? I prefer to keep it OEM-ish as I look for factory fit, durability and I don't race. The engine is basically stock and I drive it (mostly) sane. I do live in Texas so it does get warm.

Any recommendations are appreciated!

02-20-2023, 06:45 AM
I recently put a DeWitts in a 75 I own,when the Z needs a radiator that's where I'll look. The DeWitts part is really expensive but the look/quality are very nice.

Mystic ZR-1
02-20-2023, 08:43 AM
Step up and put an aluminum radiator in (DeWitts)
and sleep well for the rest of your ownership experience!
New hoses and thermostat too....

02-20-2023, 12:37 PM
Thanks- I ordered a DeWitts just a bit ago. BTW... they are having a sale whereby you get 15% off and free shipping- My radiator broke at the right time!

Mystic ZR-1
02-20-2023, 02:54 PM
Thanks- I ordered a DeWitts just a bit ago. BTW... they are having a sale whereby you get 15% off and free shipping- My radiator broke at the right time!

You made the right move!

02-20-2023, 07:57 PM
Advice please.... When installing the radiator, are there any "tricks" to getting the lower radiator hose to go on easier? I worked on removing the radiator tonight and getting the lower hose off for about an hour before I cried "uncle" and cut it off. Yep, cheeseball but I got the radiator out only seconds later. I figured I'll get a new hose quicker (and without wrecking something) than fooling with it.

So, I'm thinking putting the hose and clamps on the lower radiator fitting, lube up the thermostat housing and trying to slide the hose on/over the housing then sliding the clamp(s) into place.

Does that sound about right? Or is it better to slide the hose on the thermostat housing first? Or is there a better way?

02-20-2023, 08:25 PM
You are on the right track with the lower radiator hose. I cut mine shorter 3/4-1 inch. Also remove the drain fitting for more clearance. It is tight and requires finesse. Also trim the inside of the hoses at a 45. I have a Dewitt?s single row on my stock Z.

02-20-2023, 09:01 PM
I cut mine shorter 3/4-1 inch.......remove the drain fitting for more clearance....... Also trim the inside of the hoses at a 45.

Genius! Thanks for the tips!

BTW.... Any idea on where to find hoses? I found a few at parts houses, but I'm thinking that going to Auto Zone or O Reillys and cutting/trimming down something in stock.

02-21-2023, 07:35 PM
I purchased all my replacements from Marc Heibeck. Except for the straight lower I got a 2 ft long piece at Napa. Marc figured out what to get and how to cut them. It?s the no hassle way.