View Full Version : C4 ZR-1 Technical Postings

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  1. Tire question ( weight )
  2. A/C Cooling issues
  3. 93ZR-1 no start
  4. Plenum Removed - Now No Secondaries
  5. No audio from rear speaker
  6. Door Hatchback Release Switch
  7. Engine oil cooler and oil temp's.
  8. Light chime
  9. low oil light
  10. frame stiffener
  11. SYS flashing
  12. identifying headers
  13. Crank Position Sensor
  14. Radio quit
  15. Fuel pump fail on my 91 ?
  16. Time to replace Clutch master/slave
  17. 1990 ZR-1 Issues
  18. Possible Vacuum Leak?
  19. Underhood paint
  20. headers require chip tuning?
  21. TPS adjustment
  22. Re: Knock. A question for Graham or Marc
  23. ZF Gearbox Oil spec
  24. Body part question !
  25. Slight Miss If Lugging Motor
  26. FX3 Question
  27. Service ABS
  28. Bumper rear absorber difference 1990-1992/1993-1995
  29. Thumping noise from rear ( left side )
  30. Need Secondary Ignition Controller
  31. '90 - '91 oil temperature gauge sensor
  32. Front shock question..
  33. V2V frame stiffener install tips please?
  34. 90 ZR1 power Antenna stuck up
  35. Endangered Species Parts list
  36. Code 56
  37. Driver side dash creaks and pops
  38. Adjusting windshield wiper arms
  39. '94 ZR-1 Engine/Car Rebuild
  40. Intake & IJ Porting @ Home
  41. Graham regarding that Gen III motor
  42. New Tech 1 Series A
  43. Starter Heat wrap ?
  44. Tap the gas to get it to start ?
  45. brake question
  46. Titanium??
  47. Header exhaust install ?
  48. 1990 No Crank
  49. Compression check-up
  50. '94 zr-1 No Reverse😭😭 Please Help
  51. Rear strut mount bushings
  52. Seat track stud twisted off 😫
  53. Power steering leak
  54. Hood Wheel Well Fender
  55. Brake rotors
  56. LT5 valve guide failures
  57. Vacuum solenoid valve
  58. Engine Date Code
  59. Runs good cold, dies warm
  60. No Hot Start , found the problem ....
  61. Air Filter Lid
  62. Polycarbonate windows
  63. 1991 corvette zr1 dies after it warms up!
  64. Lowering my Z: wedges vs coilovers
  65. Repairing DIS Module?
  66. Crankshaft, 405 or 427 cu in
  67. Dueling fuel pumps causing a pulse?
  68. 1993 ZR-1 Headlights issue
  69. 1990 wheel factory markings
  70. A/C low side/high side pressures
  71. BLM/INT ?
  72. Low whining sound from undercarriage
  73. Another No-Start Condition
  74. Brake Master Cylinder
  75. 1990-1990 C4 Corvette Front Air Bag Warning Light On
  76. BOSE relay access
  77. Parking brake light on
  78. 93 Starter Not Engaging
  79. 1990 ZR1 Head Lights stuck on High Beams
  80. 1990 ZR1 Cruise Control
  81. Careful with that camshaft
  82. Fuel line hose question
  83. Wheel sensors destroyed through tire removal?
  84. Bucking and misfiring at low rpm. Direction needed.
  85. OE Style Oil Cooler Lines?
  86. ECU Schematic
  87. Wiper blades.
  88. First start of w new short vlock and intake cam.
  89. How to avoid Code 42 after a plenum pull
  90. Motor alignment after replacing motor mounts ?
  91. Winter Project - Suspension Upgrade
  92. Injector Housing Gasket Replacement
  93. ZR1 Repair near Atl
  94. Looking for replacement turn signal indicator and the fuel milage pod
  95. Plenum & IH Pull
  96. ALDLdroid help
  97. Grand Sport brake calipers
  98. U-Joint FUN
  99. Oil Seperator
  100. Hydraulic Clutch
  101. Fuel Rail O Rings
  102. Dimmer Switch Doesn’t
  103. SYS on display and speedometer and odometer stopped working
  104. 94 intermittent alarm issue-solved
  105. Few More Questions.....
  106. 1992 Power Door Lock Actuator
  107. DAG Alternative?
  108. Pete's Handy Work
  109. Torque Sequence on IH
  110. Sitting here in the doldrums of Winter and this is the thought that came to mind...
  111. JEAL Intake Manifold gasket
  112. Injector housing oil leak
  113. Crazy VATS Problem
  114. Exhaust scavenging
  115. Steering Column Swap
  116. 95 zr1 wiper blades
  117. 5000rpm idle
  118. Replaced battery, now will not run
  119. C4 No Flex Kit and C4 Beam Plates
  120. Basic Diagnostics YOU CAN DO IT!
  121. Tire question
  122. battery cut off switch
  123. 93 zr1 blower speed doesnt show numbers
  124. Starts up then begins to run rough and dies
  125. ZIP Corvette ZR-1 ECU Remanufacturing
  126. Headlight Gear FUN
  127. lt5 boxer engine
  128. Best penitrating fluid
  129. Engine oil (for european cars)
  130. Need help getting 1991 back in operation
  131. 90 - looking for I/P 10-way I.P Harness interconnect connector Circuit 229 - location
  132. Reliable Seat Track Rebuilds
  133. 90 dash/climate/radio dim in daylight...H Code 74 in history
  134. Black Tag going into '94 Z
  135. Clutch "flare"
  136. 90 Where does this connector go?
  137. LED vs Stock
  138. flow numbers for ported heads
  139. Service ride control light
  140. Zr1 secondary pump
  141. Corsa X-Pipe
  142. SYS flash
  143. Removing Cam Covers - which way
  144. Fixed high idle miss stutter off idle hesitation etc
  145. washing/spraying the engine
  146. Broke dimmer piece installing MH oversized pin on steering column. Need help with par
  147. Highest amp alternator options.
  148. ECM EPROM not locking correctly or working loose
  149. weatherstripping for 1990 ZR1
  150. Steering column extra black ground wire to column?
  151. List of things to do while 90 is torn down..sugestions
  152. Wanted - emergency brake cable bellows/dust boot or ideas
  153. Opinions on tire replacement
  154. Goodyear GS D3
  155. Changing FPR while I have access- is there a specific one recommended? Found this one
  156. New owner looking for tire/wheel advice
  157. Service Engine Soon light
  158. rebuilding bilstiens
  159. Air Temp Relocation Kit
  160. Oil Dipstick
  161. 90 Brake Booster Life? Should I get it rebuilt while out?
  162. Fans doesn’t shut off
  163. ECM options
  164. catalytic converters carb
  165. Coolant hoses
  166. Code 42 revisited
  167. 90 Throttle Body butterflies- how tight should they close?
  168. Pilot bearing knocked out my engine plug
  169. Coolant hose quick connect alernative
  170. oil cooler lines
  171. Service manual for a 1994
  172. Quick FX3 question
  173. Tech 1 Scan Tool
  174. Ground strap location for negative battery terminal
  175. 93 LT5 Idle Air Control Valve
  176. Corvette emblem stickum
  177. Secondary Port Throttle Vacuum motor
  178. 90 Evaporator Housing/Heater Box R/I Tips ?
  179. Z won't start
  180. Squeaky sway bar bushings?
  181. Code 46
  182. Interior light relay location
  183. Identify this plenum bracket that was loose...
  184. What all to remove on the throttle body for powder coat?
  185. Read the how to articles 90 primary and secondary injectors orings question...
  186. 90 stock manifold- remove now or wait
  187. Thermostat and Thermostat housing and coupling
  188. Can I run on fuel pumps test lead?
  189. check this out
  190. Doug Rippie/ Haibeck Chip
  191. Antenna wire question
  192. Throttle body
  193. 90 oil filter housing- replacing sensors and gasket - any loctite or RTV needed?
  194. Weird water leak
  195. Any differences 90`s Bose Radio between Zr-1 and standard C4?
  196. Radiators and Yorkie brushes
  197. 92 VS 93 octane
  198. Fuel injectors
  199. Location of Clutch Start Relay
  200. Broke LCD Screen
  201. Secondaries
  202. Odd Interior Question
  203. Car back from body shop - horn buttons don't work
  204. cam cover leaking
  205. ISO rear transmission tail housing
  206. Rub strips on doors
  207. Replacing the Bose speakers
  208. Bosch Injectors - Is this correct oring set up?
  209. Code 24 Vehicle Speed Sensor
  210. Carbon in secondary ports
  211. Cooling system fill
  212. Weird cooling system happening
  213. Changing Brake fluid
  214. Front shock change 91..
  215. Dash curling up
  216. 90 Bose CD player laser unit (len) spec
  217. Rear main puking oil?
  218. Parts Washer Degreaser
  219. Transmission whine
  220. Power switch clip
  221. Leak in trunk
  222. Window won't go up all the way...
  223. Releasing Parking brake on my 91 ZR1
  224. Reverse Light Switch
  225. Ground points under the MAP sensor
  226. Code 31
  227. Door panel won't go back right
  228. Odd Squeak (seemingly) temperature sensitive...?
  229. Running rough/ choppy idle
  230. Will 90 shocks fit on a 92 ?
  231. Headlight motor
  232. Fuel issue solved
  233. Catalytic Converter Cylinder Damage
  234. ECM connector colors
  235. R134a Conversion for 1992?
  236. 91 ZR-1 Electrical issues
  237. Seat part question for 1990
  238. putting throttle body back together and return spring seems weak and doesn't snap ba
  239. Front Spring Question
  240. NEW Fuel Pressure Regulator coming very soon!
  241. seat cover replacement
  242. Radio Replacement
  243. ECM Issues - No Start
  244. Wel the car just died while driving on the freeway
  245. Thermostat housing attachment points - help
  246. Rear end gearing calculations
  247. Up date face just died
  248. Anyone know how to. Glass the air bag
  249. Transmission problem
  250. Where does the a/c compressor electrical connector clip to?