View Full Version : Hydraulic Clutch

01-12-2020, 04:35 PM
So I picked up a RAM Hydraulic clutch for a 93-95 ZR1, of course I have 90, 91, 92.... am hoping to put it in the 90. I assume all I need is a larger diameter guide tube to make this work. I have a 96 trans in my basement... so assuming this is a simple swap.

Got the setup for $250 so rolled the dice figured nothing to lose

Modified Bell housing came with....


01-12-2020, 05:11 PM
By hydraulic clutch referring to throw out bearing obviously

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01-13-2020, 12:00 PM
Measure the id of the RAM HRB (Hydraulic Release Bearing). Small id for late style transmission is about 1.315" & early style is about 1.375". Large i.d., early style actually runs into 1993 model year with no specific VIN cut off, so you may want to measure before you start swapping guide tubes.

If the RAM Clutch you obtained is for the 93~95, the included HRB would likely be for the small dia guide tube, so you will likely need the smaller tube for your 90, not a larger tube.

You might check into the procedure for shimming guide tubes when swapping around. The tube also hold the input shaft bearing in proper placement.

I "blueprint" the HRB kits to be plug & play, i.e. there is no requirement to perform all the measurements & calculate the required shims needed for the HRB. The HRB you have may not be simply plug & play.

01-13-2020, 08:21 PM
Thanks Jerry always a class act, appreciate the info....