View Full Version : Few More Questions.....

01-16-2020, 08:08 PM
1.Recently was reading about DAG... although I cannot see where it really is on the throttle body. Before reading about it, I sprayed the TB with Carb & Choke cleaner... did I mess up the DAG wherever it is?

2.When I put the injector housings back on, do I use loctite on the bolt threads?

3. Any type of silicone or anything along with the gaskets anywhere?

Sorry if these are stupid questions... Thanks!

01-16-2020, 09:00 PM
I replaced the DAG on mine with Dry Graphite Lube from PB blaster

01-16-2020, 09:27 PM
1.Recently was reading about DAG... although I cannot see where it really is on the throttle body. Before reading about it, I sprayed the TB with Carb & Choke cleaner... did I mess up the DAG wherever it is?

Yup, but wouldn’t worry about it. If any extra air bleeds through there you can adjust it down at the primary throttle blade. If you look closely there’s an adjuster bolt for that. It’s called Minimum Air Idle Adjustment. Nice write up here...


The DAG is difficult to reapply. Lee’s idea might be good tho...

2.When I put the injector housings back on, do I use loctite on the bolt threads?

Absolutely! I use a “Blue Loctite”. Those IH bolts are notorious for coming loose. Then you get oil drawn from the breathers directly to the intake.

3. Any type of silicone or anything along with the gaskets anywhere?

I only use a little Permatex around the water jacket holes on the Plenum gasket that’s it. Some people do more, some less.

I’m sure the responses you will get will vary. Good questions...

Sorry if these are stupid questions... Thanks!

Answers above....