View Full Version : Fuel injectors

04-11-2020, 04:25 PM
It’s time to get new injectors for my 90 which ones do you guys like the accelerator or the tic injectors and if it’s the accele what is the part. Umbers please thank you so much

04-11-2020, 04:26 PM
Oops sorry new phone accells or the fic injectors

04-11-2020, 04:37 PM
Either works fine particularly in a stock motor.

Paul Workman
04-11-2020, 07:00 PM
The Accel injectors are the 150821s from Summit Racing.

NOTE: There is a plastic nub for connector indexing which has to be ground off of injectors to be inserted in the secondary ports. No biggie. It takes about 5 seconds with a Dremel to zip the nub off. That's it.

That said, Jerry's Gaskets can provide FIC injectors AND the proper Vinton O-ring seals - as a complete kit. Just let him know it is a 1990 to be sure you get the correct O-rings.

Swapping injectors is a DIY project. Easy Peasy! And, I'm using the Accel injectors - installed over 10 years ago now. Still running perfectly!

TX '90 ZR1
04-12-2020, 10:18 AM
I would recommend contacting Jerry. Just let him know what you are doing and he will know the correct parts you will need.
Jerry is a Godsend for maintaining the LT5. He supports us. We should support him.
(My 2 cents worth, but I believe worth more!)

04-12-2020, 10:54 AM
I would recommend contacting Jerry. Just let him know what you are doing and he will know the correct parts you will need.
Jerry is a Godsend for maintaining the LT5. He supports us. We should support him.
(My 2 cents worth, but I believe worth more!)

You're right Kenny--I think Jerry owes you a commission! But you are also very right that Jerry is the guy to go to for parts and knowledge and deserves all the recommendations he gets. --Bob

Vette Guy
04-12-2020, 11:19 AM
As Marc recommended Accel injectors for a stock replacement, I’ve used them and have been happy. See his article regarding injectors below. My 91 runs them, and it makes somewhere around 450hp using the stock size.


Even better, I was able to purchase the Accels for about $500 for all 16 via Amazon. If you do not need them right away, you can monitor Amazon’s price fluctuations via the below link.


04-12-2020, 01:55 PM
Thanx so much for the amazon idea living on ssi I need to sabe every penny I can

04-12-2020, 03:41 PM
just a few weeks ago bought the full set of 16 FIC injectors from Jerry
with plenum gaskets etc.
I couldn’t be happier. Unbelievable how smooth and responsive the car is.
He’s got everything in stock.
FYI buy several of the little gaskets for injector electric plugs.
You’re SOL if you drop one and don’t have any spares.
If you have not removed plenum before Marc Haibeck has a DVD he’s sells
that makes job very straightforward after watching it.

04-12-2020, 05:37 PM
Had Accels in mine for over 10 years. Motor ran great but several of them finally failed in terms of poor spray pattern w one of them having the aerator disintegrate to the point of causing detonation in my #7 cylinder. Again, I was happy w the Accels but decided to switch to FICs because they are sold as a matched set, ie flow rated within 1% each other. I’m a bit anal about my tune, so I change tune to reflect the Injector Voltage Compensation for different imjectors.

Paul Workman
04-14-2020, 12:15 PM
*...I’m a bit anal about my tune

And, the Pope is "a bit" Catholic....:mrgreen:

Mystic ZR-1
04-14-2020, 05:54 PM
And, the Pope is "a bit" Catholic....:mrgreen:

I thought he was Argentinian?