View Full Version : Service ABS

Mr Blue
10-07-2019, 12:31 PM
I am getting a Service ABS light on the DIC. Is there an easy way to download codes for the ABS system?


TX '90 ZR1
10-07-2019, 01:28 PM
There is a lot of info in the "stickies" by Dynomite.
Also, here's an article by Hib.

We Gone
10-07-2019, 02:08 PM
I just went thru this on a 93 that article gave me a great understanding of how it works. I was able to get the codes thur the on board diagnostic.

But I also have a scanner that reads ABS/ASR had DTC 63,64,72. Went to the FSM and found all the plugs to the modules. I unplugged all and plugged even the relays at the pump. removed and cleaned the ABS fuse. than cleared the codes and all was good. I think 72 (Serial data Link) was the main culprit.

10-07-2019, 10:49 PM
You'll need a TechOne to read and reset the ABS Code.
I had an ABS Relay fail causing ABS code 63.
Turns out, the relay is practically unobtanium.
The few I found were stupid expensive, but the schematics showed it to be just a standard 12v relay with an unusual plug at the base.
My fix was simple and cheap and extremely straightforward.
6 years later, still no ABS codes.

http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.ph...0&postcount=17 (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=98460&postcount=17)
http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.ph...1&postcount=18 (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=98461&postcount=18)


We Gone
10-08-2019, 08:46 AM
You can read the codes using the DLC Hib tells how on page 2 paragraph starting with, No Tester Read the Flashes. This is for 90-91.

Gordon K. also sells a cheater plug to do this. A good scanner with ABS will also read and clear the codes but only a Tech1 will do the function tests.

Mr Blue
10-08-2019, 10:45 AM

I will read the codes and see where that leads.