View Full Version : Wanted - emergency brake cable bellows/dust boot or ideas

03-02-2020, 03:21 PM
I am looking for the rubber dust boots or bellows that are on each emergency brake cable at the rear caliper.

Both of mine are deteriorated and broke in half and don't seal out anything in the area where the cable goes into it's sheath.

These are standard to any C4 and for the most part, I would think, any CAR! Yet, have I never thought finding such a little inexpensive part would be so difficult. In searching the internet for too many hours to count, I have found NOTHING. Yes, I know that manufactures want you to buy a whole cable...but I don't need or want the whole brake cable.

I bought two universal dust boots from J&P Cycles that looked like they would work and they are too small. So are the cable boots that can be found for bicycles...to small. Other websites showing cable bellows are out of "Shanghai" China and they want you to "order 10,000".

I am putting new brake pads on one of my cars and now would be the opportune time to put these new boots on.

The boot will have to be flexible enough to slide over the cable end ( 1/2") that connects to the caliper. Otherwise the cable is about 3/16" thick. The side it would slide onto looks like an oversize brake bleeder.

Does anybody have any ideas? Right now, yours on your car are most likely deteriorated and useless too. How important is it to seal these?

03-02-2020, 10:21 PM
I need a pair too. They fell off at a caliper rebuild a few months ago.

03-02-2020, 10:47 PM

How about these? I ordered these but I’m in Hawaii and my Z is in Japan. I didn’t install yet so can’t confirm. Just sharing what I bought.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F20 0862821990

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03-03-2020, 09:27 AM
I would contact Mark at Mirrock Corvette, they will be used but he has quality used.
Good luck and keep us posted.

03-03-2020, 01:38 PM

How about these? I ordered these but I’m in Hawaii and my Z is in Japan. I didn’t install yet so can’t confirm. Just sharing what I bought.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F20 0862821990

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Hey Craig,

Interesting with the timing that you posted this. I called this place either yesterday or Friday (I can't remember). The guy I talked to didn't think that they would fit.

My question is how would he know? I am thinking about purchasing them just to see.

The big question is if they will stretch enough to fit over the caliper end (also if the inside diameter will allow it).

....You have been thinking on this subject too! :)

03-03-2020, 01:38 PM


03-03-2020, 01:44 PM
Why waste more time looking for the boots.
The whole cable assembly is only $30.00 per side.


Your time is valuable too!


03-03-2020, 02:46 PM
I would contact Mark at Mirrock Corvette, they will be used but he has quality used.
Good luck and keep us posted.

Thanks Charlie. I would be worried that these would be ready to fall apart too, as they all are pretty old already.

03-03-2020, 02:48 PM
Why waste more time looking for the boots.
The whole cable assembly is only $30.00 per side.


Your time is valuable too!


Marty! Thank you! Yes, and I have wasted alot of it on these little "boots" already. Thanks!:cheers:

Its not like I couldn't look up the cable myself, but the "mindset" on a perfectly good cable along with the unknown in never having replaced the cable before, led me back to "its just that little rubber boot" kind of thinking!