View Full Version : Where do you attach your negative clamp while jump starting?

07-03-2022, 05:02 PM
Doesn?t look like GM had jump starting in Mind when they designed the C4. I was hooking up a battery charger today, and realized I?d never had to charge mine yet. It said to plug it to bare metal, that was not fuel related. Well, every piece of bare metal under the hood looked like a fuel line. Finally hooked it up to a bolt down by the A Arm, not on the a arm. And the charger seemed happy with that.

So what do you use?

07-03-2022, 07:01 PM
Old School.

Right to the negative post.

Very little gas escapes form a sealed battery, unlike the days of yore.

Your mileage and opinions may certainly differ.

Keep it on a battery tender and it becomes a moot point.

May the CHARGE be with you!


07-03-2022, 09:59 PM
Old School.

Right to the negative post.

Very little gas escapes form a sealed battery, unlike the days of yore.

Your mileage and opinions may certainly differ.

Keep it on a battery tender and it becomes a moot point.

May the CHARGE be with you!


Unless, of course, the alternator takes a dump.

Yeah, I hear you on that.

You know, it ain?t worth it reading the instructions anymore. The booklet that comes with the charger promises 100 different ways to be mangled, maimed or out and out killed. One small mistake, and the results, are catastrophic. I?m surprised that my car, my garage and myself survived this endeavour.

PLus, California says it will give me cancer.

And we wonder why people don?t work on stuff anymore.