View Full Version : C4 Bose question

Route 66
09-11-2022, 04:24 PM
I took my 93 C4 out for a drive today. I could not get any sound out of 3 of the speakers . I tried everything I could think of nothing worked. [Need to add this car sets a lot] When I drove it about 2 months ago they worked okay. Has anyone had this type of problem. If so would you tell me what to look for. Thanks Your help would be most appreciated.

09-11-2022, 04:58 PM
Bad amplifiers

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09-11-2022, 05:10 PM
Numerous threads on here and the Corvette Forum - Most likely the capacitors in your 29 year old speaker amplifiers have leaked from age and need to be replaced. Hopefully it's just the caps and not damage to the amps themselves because of the leaking. It has nothing to do with use, just the age of these things.
There are numerous places to repair these - Dr. Don's, Bose Central, carstereohelp, etc, just search online and you'll find them.
You will have to remove the speakers, then the amps from them, and send them out for repair, and carsterohelp has some videos on this or look on YouTube. Cost ranges from $49/amp for BoseCentral to $99+/amp for the others.
Hopefully it's just the caps in the speaker amps that need replacing and not the ones in the CDM box (look it up) because then that will have to be removed and sent out as well.
Call one of those guys first to talk about your problem, they are all very willing to help. They are the experts, much better than your local stereo repair shop.

Route 66
09-11-2022, 09:17 PM
Thank you I did not know where to start. l WILL DO more research before I Do A TEARDOWN.

Matt B
09-12-2022, 02:52 AM
From my own experience I strongly suggest you consider removing all components and have them fixed. "If it ain't broken don't try to fix it" can become an expensive trap here.
As it was mentioned it's not a question IF your capacitors will leak, just WHEN. Leaking capacitors spill acid all around them which may cause a lot of damage to the circuit board or other components.

In my case there were bad capacitors in all 4 amps (on of them was so badly damaged that no repair was possible), the CDM box and the head unit.
Head unit was still working but already damage invisibly from the outside.

So... as a precaution I'd pull all those components and have them at least checked. It's more effort on the spot but bundles all components in one "downtime". And it mitigates futures risks.

Pulling the CDM is not as bad as it seems as you can work on it from the side (from below the fuse holder). It's still a PITA job but doable.

I know not everyone will agree to my all in one shot approach but personally I'd choose this approach for every upcoming C4 with bose that joins my garage.

09-12-2022, 06:10 AM
I agree with Matt and have done the same. I used Factory Car Stereo Repair Inc in Lake Mary FL. I set appointment with Bob and drove to his location. He tested and looked at all components quickly and I left him the ones needing repair.

09-12-2022, 07:22 AM
Marc Haibeck also offers this service (I had mine done when my car was there). Not sure about the cost compared to others but I know it?s done correctly.

1992 Polo Green ZR-1, DRM500

09-12-2022, 12:23 PM
I agree w/ Matt. Do it all at once. I've had two complete systems done. Bob @ Car Stereo repair was $300-400 cheaper than Dr. Dons. Both systems sounded great once completed & installed!