View Full Version : Clutch pedal not to floor

06-27-2022, 08:11 AM
I finished my project car yesterday. Ready to take it out for a test drive and no start. Looking at it closely this morning the clutch pedal does not go all the way to the floor so most likely the clutch safety switch is not closing. But why does my clutch pedal not go completely to the floor after changing the clutch master cylinder? Did the pushrod possibly get disengaged somehow inside the master cylinder? This is not my first time putting one of these things in. The clutch pedal is probably 3/4 of an inch from hitting the floor. Any suggestions? I replaced the slave cylinder also.

06-27-2022, 07:21 PM
When changing the master cylinder was the spacer block reinstalled?

06-28-2022, 05:58 PM
Yes it was installed. I wonder if some electric connector got jammed up in the pedal mechanism up under the hush panel. Things were hanging all over when I put it back on.

06-29-2022, 11:09 AM
Normally, the clutch pedal and brake pedal will sit at approximately the same height. If the clutch pedal stops 3/4 of an inch before hitting the floor, when released it should sit 3/4 of an inch above the brake pedal. If this happens, the possibilities are 1) clutch master cylinder spacer omitted (you have checked this and it is fitted), 2) clutch pushrod too short, 3) clutch master cylinder bore / stroke not to spec.
If the clutch pedal stops 3/4 of an inch above the floor but sits at the same height as the brake pedal when released, this suggests that the clutch slave cylinder may be reaching the end of it's stroke and causing the problem. Another possibility could be that the slave cylinder pushrod is not correctly mated to the clutch release arm. Or, the slave cylinder bore / stroke / push rod length is not to spec.
For reference, the clutch master cylinder bore is 11/16 of an inch (17.7mm) with a stroke of 27.5mm. The clutch slave cylinder bore is 1 and 1/16 of an inch (27mm). For every 25mm of clutch master cylinder movement, the clutch slave cylinder moves 10.75mm.
I hope this may help.

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07-01-2022, 09:28 PM
In morning I will crack open slave bleeder. If pedal goes to floor then my problem is the slave push rod got misplaced. If not then something has jammed the pedal. Will see.

07-02-2022, 06:19 PM
Slave push rod was misplaced. All is well.

Matt B
07-02-2022, 06:55 PM
How can this be misplaced?

07-04-2022, 12:13 PM
64 years old, weak eyes, laying under car in 100 degree heat, covered in brake fluid from removing the old slave, wrong angle of dangle sliding it in, combined with a small portion of frustration the rod slid off the cup in the clutch arm.

07-04-2022, 01:55 PM
64 years old, weak eyes, laying under car in 100 degree heat, covered in brake fluid from removing the old slave, wrong angle of dangle sliding it in, combined with a small portion of frustration the rod slid off the cup in the clutch arm.

Your age doesn't matter, for the misplaced Slave rod, it is easy especially when the clip the holds it back prior to install is no longer doing its job..

Glad you found it and all symptoms would have pointed me to the slave rod as well

Matt B
07-04-2022, 08:21 PM
Very interesting! Never thought about a potential issue when putting it back into position. I just slightly pulled mine during the backup switch replacement and obviously was lucky I didn't mess things up.

So, what needs to be considered to do the job right and avoid the misalignment?