View Full Version : no starter engagement

02-28-2023, 11:34 PM
I had my 90 ZR1 detailed for a NCRS Florida Regional. Everything was fine until I went to start it, and nothing. Never had even the slightest issue ever.
Tested battery voltage and it read 12.6 volts. Everything else worked perfectly, with exception of turning the key, nothing. No clicks, voltage meted dropped maybe 1 volt on cluster gauge. I checked the secondary fuse panel and found the 10 amp starter fuse blown, replaced it and still nothing. I am going to try to jump the starter relay tomorrow and then the clutch relay.
Does any one have any ideas as I really need help in solving this issue.
I am told it is a bad starter but have never had any prior issues that would indicate that.
Thank you for reading this thread and hope you may have a solution.

03-01-2023, 01:05 AM
I'd look at the secondary starter relay modification first. I had a few issues with my 91 and after I did the relay modification I haven't had anymore issues but it has been pointed out to me that the wiring in my post on the other forum isn't correct so might want to double check that,it's just a matter of switching a few of the wires to the terminals on the relay.

03-01-2023, 06:27 AM
Talk with the detailer.
Was ANY water or liquid used on the engine or in the engine compartment during the detail process?
The blown fuse is somewhat unusual.
Keep us posted.
Also hold key to start in neutral WITHOUT first pressing the clutch.
Then while holding key to start, depress clutch pedal.
Observe voltage looking for needle deflection as clutch is fully depressed.
Just need to narrow it down a bit.
If we can rule out clutch switch/wire issues, we know where it points.
You will get it.

03-01-2023, 11:07 AM
Hello Marty,
Have not been able to reacd detailer but left a message.
I tried the key to start position, then depressing the clutch, The dash volt meter showed a drop of about 4-5 volts, but again nothing.
Thank you for your input....hope more to follow

03-01-2023, 01:23 PM
By observing the 4-5 volt drop when the clutch was depressed suggests that the switch and wiring for the clutch is not the MOST likely culprit.
It points towards the starter itself.
You could try the long big screw driver and hammer technique to rap on the starter motor while praying.
But it is more likely that the starter motor requires a rebuild.
Again keep us posted.

03-01-2023, 01:38 PM
Thank you Marty...
how and where do I place the screwdriver to get at the starter?
Thank you

03-01-2023, 09:32 PM
I fully agree with Marty?s assessment that the starter is the culprit. Drop in voltage while turning the the key suggests the current is being drawn at the solenoid. Also, if the detailer used water to wash the motor, starter probably drowned during the process.
As for getting a long screw driver all the way to the starter, I don?t see how that can be accomplished with coils and coil tray sitting right on top of the starter. Especially with spider web of 30 year old plastic tubes and mushy rubber fittings under the plenum, not so sure of sticking a screw driver in there trying to find the starter casing to be a good idea.
Sorry to disagree, Marty.

03-01-2023, 10:04 PM
Yep. Pull starter. Remove solenoid cap. Shine copper contacts. Clean out hole in valley with wire. All will be well.

03-02-2023, 09:00 AM
Thank you Steve, Any idea of who in our area may do such a feat?
Sounds much more complicated than changing it in a 283 350 ??
Thank you Steve

03-11-2023, 11:20 PM
All is well for SitkaSam. I installed a remanufactured starter for him yesterday in his garage. Cleaned out the plugged drain hole. Original 1990 starter had a greasy water line line on it.

03-12-2023, 06:45 AM
Very good Steve!
Yet another "drowning victim".
Great you were able to help him!!!