View Full Version : Crankcase breahing...

01-22-2011, 09:05 AM
I was wondering some things about the oil in the IH subject. While having my top end apart to replace the housing cover gasket I saw how the system works better. So some people are concerned about the amount of oil getting into the pleunem. Would it work of you were to pack something like stainless steel wool padding in the breather hoses somehow? It would work like a baffle catching the oil but letting vapors flow . Question is how would you keep the packing in place. Has anyone ever tried this give thought to the pros and cons of it...

01-22-2011, 10:49 AM
That's basically what a catch can is. Several people (myself included) have installed them in the PCV system.

01-22-2011, 11:48 AM
That's basically what a catch can is. Several people (myself included) have installed them in the PCV system.


01-22-2011, 12:35 PM

Disregard, saw it on other forum.

01-22-2011, 10:21 PM
To anyone who has a catchcan installed, what are your results? I had enough oil coming through the pcv system that there was oil pooled in the bottom of my intake plenum. I have installed a catchcan, but have not run it long enough to see what the results are.

01-23-2011, 10:13 AM
I think I'm the tail end charlie on installing a catch can so my report may not be valid.

I did mine in the middle of this summer and put about 2k on it. There is so little oil in it that I'm kind of amazed. Maybe 1/4 oz? Now I cheated with my catch can as i don't have a real one. The one I wanted to buy I couldn't get when my cash was ready.

The "can" I used is from an air compressor :redface: so I may not be catching most of the oil that our system transports normally? :dontknow: There isn't even enough oil in the can to use the can's drain to get what's collected out.

It obviously caught some oil, but did it catch all of it I can't say.


01-23-2011, 12:01 PM
I need to pull my plenum and check, but I know the catch can works and does catch oil, not sure how much though

01-23-2011, 12:14 PM
Here's one that I think is ideally suited for the LT5.



They are available in black, red, blue & natural aluminum.

01-23-2011, 02:54 PM
Just to throw this out there, and you can flame away if you like.

I have been running my pcv on my big single turbo supra to the exhaust for years. it does create a nice vacuum, and burns quickly in the exhaust, if done correctly. I have just done this to my audi as well to cure the nastiness that accumulated on the valves. Catch cans will grab a lot out of the airstream, but i have always been suspect of not supplying vacuum to them, which would still lead to vapors making their way back.

IMHO if you want to do it correctly you will have to do one of two things;

1) to a catchcan with a vacuum source OTHER than the engine
2) route it into the exhaust via checkvalve

Moroso sells kits to do this and they are available at jegs, or summit for ~75.00