View Full Version : Missing stock exhaust header/manifold bolts

Don in VT
11-15-2010, 04:02 PM

This may seem to be a no brainer question but I am missing at least 2 exhaust header/manifold bolts. I thought I read somewhere that the missing bolts were "designed in" so to speak. I did look at the search forum and did not come up with anything.

Any comments here would be appreciated.

Sorry for the newby question but I am a newbe.


Don in VT


11-15-2010, 04:05 PM
Not all of the bolt holes were occupied from the factory. They used a staggered arrangement alternating top and bottom. You can always get some extra bolts at the hardware store if you want to fill them all... M8's if I recall correctly.

ZR-1nce removed
11-15-2010, 04:23 PM
Us WAZOO fellers recently installed headers for one of our members and the factory take-offs only had 6 bolts per side. We were suprised since there were 16 holes. Just FYI.

Don in VT
11-15-2010, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the quick feedback. First of all does anyone know why they didn't use all the holes ? Was it an expansion thing ? Should I install bolts in the existing open holes ? There are a lot of header bolt designs, which design would you recommend ? Do we use anti seize on the bolts. (When I use anti seize on exhaust headers I use Malox. Works great.)

Next, when we put on headers do we use all the available bolt holes ?

Thanks again,


ZR-1nce removed
11-15-2010, 07:57 PM
We ended up getting 14 of 16 bolts in each side when we installed SW headers. 16 is possible but it is quite the labor of love. The problem with the others is that the angle of the header tubes were in the way. They can all be placed but you have to get them all started before you pull the header up tight and tighten each bolt a little at a time or the tubes won't allow you to start the final 2. Good luck, it was quite a job, but woth the effort!

11-17-2010, 10:59 PM
I also had only six bolts to remove on each side for the original exhaust manifolds. I put small tube Watson's on so was able to get all 16 bolts in each header.