View Full Version : Hurst shifter problem

02-20-2011, 04:16 PM
I've installed quite a few shifters--this one included on a buddy's car. The fulcrum bushing has disintegrated.

Symptom: wobbling shifter fore/aft and up/down.


Anyone else had a Hurst shifter go bad?


02-20-2011, 04:32 PM
I have a hurst short throw shifter and have not had any issues although my Z sees limited mileage.

The only thing I noticed with the Hurst is I have to be careful through the gates. The pattern seems to be different then stock. (I know its a shorter throw- I don't mean that)

It's slightly different or maybe its the fact that I don't drive that shifter that much.

I shift gears in my other C4 (standard shifter) and C5 with blazing speed but I find it the Z be finicky? Anyone else?

Maybe I'm just not used to the throws......

I would call Hurst, looks like you will get a new shifter.

Maybe talk to Bill @ ZF6.

02-20-2011, 06:39 PM
I have one that I was thinking about using in the gto, but that is a deal breaker for me. I never had any issue with the stock throw, just the height.

Thanks for sharing, I will just cut the length down on the stock one now.

02-20-2011, 06:44 PM
There's a bit of notchiness to the Hurst that I actually like. Gives me a more positive feel when shifting gears. Because its a shorter throw, the effort is a bit higher but it shouldn't be hanging up. That usually points to
clutch or more likely master/slave cylinder issues. You'd be surprised what changing fluid on a regular basis does to the smoothness of the shift. Check your clutch fluid. If its black, it needs changing quickly. Also check your slave cylinder to make sure you don't have one of those with the inverted plunger.

02-20-2011, 06:46 PM
I have a hurst short throw shifter and have not had any issues although my Z sees limited mileage.

The only thing I noticed with the Hurst is I have to be careful through the gates. The pattern seems to be different then stock. (I know its a shorter throw- I don't mean that)

It's slightly different or maybe its the fact that I don't drive that shifter that much.

I shift gears in my other C4 (standard shifter) and C5 with blazing speed but I find it the Z be finicky? Anyone else?

Maybe I'm just not used to the throws......

I would call Hurst, looks like you will get a new shifter.

Maybe talk to Bill @ ZF6.the detent springs and balls may be worn . i have a hurst shifter in my white car which also has one of bill blueprinted trannys in it and it shifts like butter still after putting 75k miles on it . this is just one of the things that bill fixes in his trannys . when i drag race iknow without a doubt that when i shift from 2nd to third that it will only go into third not 5th like the stk tranny . i will say this again one of bills trannys is without a doubt THE BEST MOD i have made to both my cars . find a way to get yours to him and when you get it back you will know what i mean

02-20-2011, 07:01 PM
It works fine and is definitely more knotchy.

I shift fine with it, I guess to put it another way, I don't shift quite as hard. Sometimes it's hoaky as are 6th and reverse since reverse lockout gets disabled. Sometimes I catch 6th when I need reverse. I think if I drove it more, it would be no issue. Kinda like when you switch from c5 to c4 , it seems odd lifting up lock out button.

02-20-2011, 07:08 PM
the detent springs and balls may be worn . i have a hurst shifter in my white car which also has one of bill blueprinted trannys in it and it shifts like butter still after putting 75k miles on it . this is just one of the things that bill fixes in his trannys . when i drag race iknow without a doubt that when i shift from 2nd to third that it will only go into third not 5th like the stk tranny . i will say this again one of bills trannys is without a doubt THE BEST MOD i have made to both my cars . find a way to get yours to him and when you get it back you will know what i mean

I never hit 5th with the stock trans and shifter when shifting into third in my old Z. I have never even felt this to be an issue. Is this a common occurrence with the stock setup?

02-20-2011, 07:24 PM
I never hit 5th with the stock trans and shifter when shifting into third in my old Z. I have never even felt this to be an issue. Is this a common occurrence with the stock setup?


02-20-2011, 08:49 PM
all depends how worn the detent are . it didnt happen often before switching trannys but after the switch i couldnt believe the diff. the notchy shifting was gone . the reworking he does on the syncros and the exact clearences the gears have make all the difference . when its right there is not a hint of it being notchy . more guys with cameros have a problem with shifting into 5th than we do but as the miles pile up it can happen more as it did with me when i aproached 50k miles on my 90. i now have 155k on the 90 and she is still shifting as good as the day bill put it in . one other thing of note when you switch to 392-and up gears the main shaft oiling doesnt keep up and can cause a gear to lock to the shaft .which it did on my 90 after only 10k miles with the 410s . bill could go into greater detail about this i am just going off memory

02-20-2011, 08:51 PM
my hurst short throw shifter is what i would describe as notchy

i wish i had just had the stock one, shortened

02-25-2011, 09:19 PM
As suspected--no bushing material left. Tranny out. Bell housing off to replace flywheel for screeching starter but flywheel good. Replaced starter to fix problem a few years ago but it didn't. Back together tomorrow and work on the starter.

Called Hurst with "we'll call you back".

02-25-2011, 11:56 PM
my hurst short throw shifter is what i would describe as notchy

i wish i had just had the stock one, shortened

Thats what im running from the ZFDOC. Work great on my DD and thats the route I suggest for Demps. :cheers:

02-26-2011, 12:04 AM
Thats what im running from the ZFDOC. Work great on my DD and thats the route I suggest for Demps. :cheers:

I have one in my dark red car--love it. The defective Hurst is in a friend's car I'm working on.

02-26-2011, 02:20 AM
Thats what im running from the ZFDOC. Work great on my DD and thats the route I suggest for Demps. :cheers:

I agree 100%. ZFDOC's shifter is the best....

The hurst is "good", but there is no comparision.



02-26-2011, 02:21 AM
I have one in my dark red car--love it. The defective Hurst is in a friend's car I'm working on.

Got it Ted. hook your friend up with the recommendation

02-26-2011, 08:57 AM
I'm running the BillB shortened shifter with lockout retained - I love it! had a Hurst in my red '91, it was nice, but I was always worried about hitting R instead of 6th.

02-26-2011, 10:41 AM
Huh, I think the Hurst is great. The shifter is waaayyyy more precise than the T56 in the Caddy. And I think it's much nicer than stock. The only thing I don't like about the Hurst is that the reverse lockout is gone.

In the Caddy, 6th is sort of further to the right than 5th, so I get used to pushing the shifter slightly right and down. In the Z, this means it slides into the reverse gate. I've never ground the gears, but I always have to think about the 5-6 shift. Thankfully this is never a performance shift.

What a weird problem, Ted. Any thoughts on how it deteriorated?

02-26-2011, 10:49 AM
What a weird problem, Ted. Any thoughts on how it deteriorated?

Not really. I'm running them in my cars too with no issues. This one just gave up. I have the shifter out and will compare it to a new one today.

02-26-2011, 11:15 AM
Not really. I'm running them in my cars too with no issues. This one just gave up. I have the shifter out and will compare it to a new one today.

My hurst shifter has been a piece of crap from the get go, took it to a transmission shop to see if it was installed correctly, It was.
Had Marc Haibeck look at it, he says it is working properly.
It's fine under grandma driving conditions, but ... try and to add power and shift quickly or, heaven forbid power shift, and it's really hard to stuff it in 2nd or 3rd. Since i'm poor i cannot afford to send mine to Bill.
I was hoping maybe we could take up a collection at the bus at this year's gathering. just sayin

02-26-2011, 12:00 PM
Keith ,sounds like you may have a slave-master problem going on.

02-26-2011, 12:26 PM

Next time see you, test drive my car and see what you think of Bills shifter. I thought the hurst was great until I tried it


QUOTE=Aurora40;108991]Huh, I think the Hurst is great. The shifter is waaayyyy more precise than the T56 in the Caddy. And I think it's much nicer than stock. The only thing I don't like about the Hurst is that the reverse lockout is gone.

In the Caddy, 6th is sort of further to the right than 5th, so I get used to pushing the shifter slightly right and down. In the Z, this means it slides into the reverse gate. I've never ground the gears, but I always have to think about the 5-6 shift. Thankfully this is never a performance shift.

What a weird problem, Ted. Any thoughts on how it deteriorated?[/QUOTE]

02-26-2011, 01:03 PM
i took my hurst out and put bills in both my cars and very glad i did, hurst was somewhat notchy and bills very very smooth, and the fit was better too

02-26-2011, 09:01 PM
Defective Hurst must have been an early design. New one has needle bearings. New tranny back in car. Hopefully on the road tomorrow.