View Full Version : Another option for engine mount heat wraps

11-09-2010, 11:18 AM
I liked the job that Craig did on his near-OEM engine mount re-wrap, but I was looking to stay on a tight budget, and couldn't find the Helix wrap for much less than $60. Also, the fiberglass under-wrap was oil soaked, and not reusable, so another option was needed, in my opinion. This option isn't for the NCRS types, and is arguably less attractive than the stock style, but it's quick, easy, and cheap.

DEI sells "titanium exhaust wrap"

Which has some pretty good specs as far as heat rejection.

So, I bought a 15 foot roll for around $12, and some locking ties for a few bucks more:


And then used half the roll to wrap the mount. I was able to get 2 full wraps around most of the mount, using half the roll.

Finished product:


11-11-2010, 04:44 PM
That is great and works well I bet. The main thing is protection from the heat for the motor mounts and so tight under there not visible so good job!!! =D>