View Full Version : Rebuilt Gm Zf

01-30-2011, 08:43 PM
Ok, I just got this blue label factory refurbished zf trans from corey.

I have a few questions;
Do they ship with oil?
If they do, should I change it due to oil anyway?
What is the difference between the blue, and black label?

TIA for any info.

01-30-2011, 11:19 PM
I'll offer up what I know, even though it's not a lot....Sgreg has a good handle on the differences between blue ( made in USA ) and black ( made in W. Ger. ). The black has a slightly Torque rating, not all that much. Later blue tags have a crash thru to reverse, no lift ring lock out. The Blue has a different VSS sensor than the Blacks. I think there is something with the release bearing having a plastic sleeve, but I'm not real sure on that one. Sorry, it isn't all that much.

I never seen a trans shipped full, but I guess anything is possible? I know the 22 a friend bought back in '77 didn't come with fluid, but it had a tail plug in it. I never seen an auto trans, even the converters didn't ship with fluid.

If it did have fluid, it's proly a synthetic so I would think it's still good unless it was subjected to a long time in cold storage conditions. If it were me, and I think you also, I'd change it just because.


01-31-2011, 11:26 AM
Thanks tom, I appreciate the information.

01-31-2011, 11:39 AM
I'm not sure about the ZF, but many factory reman transmissions come full of fluid. When I worked for a major auto warranty company, almost all the reman auto trans came with full torque converters, and trannies. The TC was installed on the shaft, and a brace was bolted from a tc bolt, to a bellhousing bolt to keep it from falling out. But again, that wasn't ZF, and it was about 10 years ago.

01-31-2011, 12:57 PM
I bought a GM refurbished '95 ZF6 a couple of years ago and it came full of fluid.
Here's some useful information:


01-31-2011, 12:59 PM
I bought a GM refurbished '95 ZF6 a couple of years ago and it came full of fluid.
Here's some useful information:


01-31-2011, 01:24 PM
I bought a GM refurbished '95 ZF6 a couple of years ago and it came full of fluid.
Here's some useful information:


Thanks for the info Tom. Everytime I try to click one of those links it gives me a servier error though.

Weird, with the size of these transmissions you would think they would be rated for more torque than that. I am starting to question whether I should have went with a t-56, it would have required less tunnel work.

01-31-2011, 01:57 PM
Thanks for the info Tom. Everytime I try to click one of those links it gives me a servier error though.

Weird, with the size of these transmissions you would think they would be rated for more torque than that. I am starting to question whether I should have went with a t-56, it would have required less tunnel work.

Maybe a TKO instead... Personally I like the 5 speed instead of the T-56.

01-31-2011, 02:34 PM
Maybe a TKO instead... Personally I like the 5 speed instead of the T-56.

I have a built viper t-56 in my 03 cobra and love it.

01-31-2011, 04:29 PM
Thanks for the info Tom. Everytime I try to click one of those links it gives me a servier error though.

They work for me at this end.
I'll cut and paste the info here:
S6-40 Transmission - Engine Model LT 5 (ZR1)
ZF Part #
Model Year
Shifter Style
Torque (Nm)
1052 000 031ZW
1052 000 031
1989 - 1990
LT 5
Lift Ring
610 Nm
1052 000 035ZW
1052 000 035
LT 5
Lift Ring
610 Nm
1052 000 045ZW
1052 000 045
1992 - 1993
LT 5
Lift Ring
610 Nm
1052 000 047ZW
1052 000 047
LT 5
Lift Ring
540 Nm
1052 000 081ZW
1052 000 081
LT 5
Lift Ring
540 Nm
1052 000 087ZW
1052 000 087
1995 - 1996
LT 5
Crash Thru
540 Nm

From my notes on another computer I'll just stick with the LT5 S6-40:
thru '90 the part # on the tag should be 1052 000 031, '91 1052 000 035,
'92 1052 000 045 now the confusion, early '93 1052 000 045. These are all 610 Nm assemblies.
later '93 1052 000 047, '94 1052 000 081 These I believe are "black tag" 540 Nm and still have "lift ring"!
The only LT5 crash through "blue tag" '95 1052 000 087. No lift ring.
I guess I'll be embarrassed as hell if this isn't correct but I do believe it should be. I would guess there will be some crawling under the car this weekend!


One other point that interests me. I never thought you could just swap a connector to use the later speed sensor in the '90 cars. I thought the '90 cars were maybe 2000 pulse DC (sq wave) and the '91 and later 4000 pulse AC (sine-wave). I don't know this to be fact but it's the way I always thought it. I went to a good bit of effort to buy an original spare from Vauxhall for a Carlton that shared the ZF transmission with the Corvette. It arrived in an original Delco package. It was a very good find and the parts guy from Vauxhall was astonished that I found him. He had NO ZF stuff and the Carlton people I've corresponded with say the parts are likely harder to find in GB than they are here.
I based my thoughts regarding the VSS on the fact that a '90 car shares the CCM/BCM with an '89 car and I thought those early TPI cars were 2000 pulse. The CCM/BCM changed in '91 along with the VSS's and those I believe are 4000.
The VSS I received from Vauxhall was the only available and I believe the fellow worked hard trying to find me another one or two. I didn't need it but purchased as spare.
Something just came to mind and I mean "just", usually the speedometer looks for the signal from the ECM with most early GM cars. Maybe the speedometer might see a 4000 pulse but I expect the CCM/BCM still wants to see something else for the odometer. I sure don't know but I'll stick with my thoughts for now!



01-31-2011, 04:50 PM
Very useful, thanks Tom.