View Full Version : Time for injector change?

01-08-2011, 10:04 AM
I have a 91 zr1 with 35,400 miles that runs great. I believe it still has the original injectors. Should I change the injectors now to avoid any possible problems or wait until I see a sign of a problem? Also what brand is best Accel,Bosch etc. Also how big of a project is this to do my self.

01-08-2011, 11:38 AM
I always ask myself, "What exactly am I fixing?"

If it doesn't need repair, I don't think you are there yet.

01-08-2011, 12:34 PM
Well, I always believe in preventative maintenance. If you can afford to do it, and are willing to undergo the learning curve of doing it yourself, why not? To me the wait until it needs it philosophy is a flawed one, as things always fail at the worst possible time.

There are so many pictures, and how to's about this on the forums here I would think anyone with even the slightest bit of mechanical ability would be able to do this.

Other input may be more helpful for you, as I am the guy who changes his tires before they get to the wear bars, and pre orders parts well before they are needed.

01-08-2011, 12:56 PM
The car IS going to need the new style injectors sooner or a little later. Either way the injectors need to be replaced. Advise is to avoid a possible lean condition and some other problems that go with the territory. And do it now or in the near future. While your under the plenum do some of the regular maintenance. Then sit back and enjoy.

I like FIC injectors , Accel and Bosch are fine also.

01-08-2011, 12:59 PM
It's very possible that although your car seems to run "great" those OEM injectors have already taken a hit.
If you change them out you might find "great" had another level.

And if you notice no difference you can still feel better knowing you won't have to limp home this spring
on less than 8 cylinders because those MULTECS finally crapped out - and sooner or later they will.

01-08-2011, 01:02 PM
Yeah, and what Frank said!

Jon at FIC will treat you right. http://www.fuelinjectorconnection.com/shop/index.php?_a=viewCat&catId=68

01-08-2011, 01:08 PM
The car IS going to need the new style injectors sooner or a little later. Either way the injectors need to be replaced. Advise is to avoid a possible lean condition and some other problems that go with the territory. And do it now or in the near future. While your under the plenum do some of the regular maintenance. Then sit back and enjoy.

I like FIC injectors , Accel and Bosch are fine also.

I'm with Frank!:fahne:

Jon at FIC gives customers outstanding service & support.

01-08-2011, 01:46 PM
The car IS going to need the new style injectors sooner or a little later. Either way the injectors need to be replaced. Advise is to avoid a possible lean condition and some other problems that go with the territory. And do it now or in the near future. While your under the plenum do some of the regular maintenance. Then sit back and enjoy.

I like FIC injectors , Accel and Bosch are fine also.

I agree with Frank. Your injectors are destined to fail, guaranteed!

If you do decide you want to replace the injectors, I would replace the coil packs too (they are failing regularly as well and inexpensive to replace).

There are many Z brother in your area and I'm sure would be interested in helping / watching you change out your injectors. If so, let me know and I'll ask around!



01-08-2011, 01:47 PM
I'm with Frank!:fahne:

Jon at FIC gives customers outstanding service & support.

Get with Jerry for your gasket needs. VERY inexpensive and helpful with any repair needed.



01-08-2011, 01:48 PM
Thanx guys thats about what I figured. I also would rather be proactive. As as being mechanically inclined i am an HVAC technician by trade so I would say I am pretty mechanical. i already own the 91 corvette shop manuals from GM as well as the LT5 and electrical inserts. Doesnt Mark Haibeck sell videos on his web site about how to take on this task.

01-08-2011, 01:50 PM
Thanx guys thats about what I figured. I also would rather be proactive. As as being mechanically inclined i am an HVAC technician by trade so I would say I am pretty mechanical. i already own the 91 corvette shop manuals from GM as well as the LT5 and electrical inserts. Doesnt Mark Haibeck sell videos on his web site about how to take on this task.

I would save my money and just check out the mainpage, and the dedicated efforts by dynomite to list them. There are tons of very detailed pictures, and explanations about this repair.

01-08-2011, 11:38 PM
The wife and I did the injector work on our 90 Z. It wasn't that bad. And I'm a computer guy! ;) We went with the FIC injectors and gaskets from Jerry's. Both companies offered fast shipping and fair pricing.

Like you, I thought our injectors were fine, and the car had less than 28k miles on it. It went from running great to I thought it was dead and never coming back in the middle of a drive. No warning. Just BAM. Trust me, friend - that's a feeling nobody likes.

If you've got the LT5 book, that's a good help. This forum is also pretty amazing. Make notes as you go, keep your parts well sorted and just take your time. It'll go fine.

01-09-2011, 01:10 AM
I recommend getting Marc Haibecks video on plenum removal and injector replacement - well worth it.

My swap went flawlessly - and probably wouldnl't have without the video.