View Full Version : Ravelco Anti Theft Device anybody installed?

11-10-2010, 02:17 PM
Yesterday in the parking garage at work a lot of vechicles were hit. :mad: :neutral: Mine was not one of them (Yes my Z is my daily driver). I have an alarm as well and I use the club.

Yes I understand if the thief wants your car its pretty much gone. Im just trying to slow them down or tell them to move on to an easier car. Is anybody out there in the brotherhood using a (pronounced Ruh-vel-co) Ravelco device? If so any install directions etc

11-13-2010, 07:46 PM
I suggested this to friend for his new at the time 2007 GMC Sierra reg cab shortbox Z71. he had 26" rims on it and it was a thief magnet. He had a 2 alarm systems on it, 1 would dial his cellphone.There were 3 attempts to steal it, they defeated the alrm systems but couldnt couldnt get it started due to the Ravelco. The 4th attempt he forgot the little grey connector that is the "key" to the system in the truck, so this time they started it up and drove it away.

It works, but only if you "arm" the system by removing the grey key..

He had a local stereo shop install it. The grey key becomes part of the cars electronics so if the "key" is removed, a lot of circuits are incomplete. Supposedly if a thief tries to back probe where the "key" socket, fuses will short rendering the vehicle undriveable.

There was a good write-up a few years ago in GM High Tech Performance.



11-13-2010, 11:04 PM
I agree if they want it etc...

I always thought the alarm systems in Corvettes were very good.

I rarely hear of a Corvette being stolen.

I know when you live out west, they steal everything and bring it across border. When I went to college out there, I had a club on a Honda LOL

12-02-2010, 12:25 PM
In Solutions under the Heading IGNITION http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=87024#post87024

Cool Dynomite, I'm happy that I could contribute someting to the board.
