View Full Version : Timing and fuel question

08-20-2013, 09:17 PM
How does the combination of advancing the timing and making the zr1 less rich ,add performance. Im asking because when buying a computer chip these perameters are changed. Thanks guys.

08-20-2013, 09:21 PM
are you buying a chip from Marc Haibeck? He's one of the best and if you're not buying from him you should consider it. The car runs very rich from the factory so pulling fuel will give you a more complete burn and produce more power....I think that's what marc said years ago...

08-22-2013, 08:52 AM
This is just from memory so go over and read Mr. Haibeck's write up on our engine management programing. The one thing I remember was a mention of "false knock" events written into the OEM programing. Yes, Marc does alter the fueling. I think he said it was a bit too rich. Better to check me on the last bit though.

Oh and this bit is from my own experience for not paying attention to details. I have leaned that when an LT5's spark plugs are not T/Q'ed correctly and they work loose you get tons of knock. :o :o man was I taken to school on that one. I proly should have my power key revoked for that bone headed move! My bad!
