View Full Version : Charging problem

07-23-2013, 10:05 AM
On my way to work yesterday i noticed that my battery light came on on my 90 ZR1 i put a multimeter on it and only had 10.50 volts with it running. I assume that the alternator is shot so i ordered one. I am going to replace the battery also. My question is can i replace the alternator without pulling the plenum and just pull the throttle body extention off. I dont think i have what it takes to pull the plenum you guys make it sound pretty hard.



John Boothby
07-23-2013, 10:52 AM
I replaced my alternator awhile back, and it was not too hard. If I remember, I just unbolted the plenum and propped it up with a wooden hammer handle (I purchased one at Home Depot just for plenum work). You do not have to disconnect the ignition module or connections on the rear of the plenum. You will have to drain coolant by syphoning off some coolant from the upper resivor to below the inflow/outflow lines. Replace your plenum gaskets (Jerry's Gaskets) and torque using the sequince indicated in the Service Manual.

I have had my plenum off maybe half a dozen times. The first time was intimidating! After that, no sweat.

Some of the other guys might want to jump in here also.

07-23-2013, 06:30 PM
I ordered the gaskets. Can you please tell me what the service manual says about torquing the plenum bolts i don't have a service manual yet i just got the car on Saturday.


John Boothby
07-23-2013, 07:27 PM
Torque to 19Ft Lbs per the LT5 Service manual or 20Ft Lbs per the Corvette Service manual. Sequence is basically from the middle of the plenum alternating from side to side and outward toward front and rear. HIGHLY recommend that you get a set of service manuals (Corvette Service Manual; RPO Lt5 Service Manual Supplement and Electrical Diagnosis Manual). They arn't that expensive, they are available and essential, in my opinion.

Check the website and forum for more info. I am sure there are tech articles regarding this.

Hope this helps.

PS. Someone on this forum might be able to scan the page out of the SM showing the torque sequence and either post to this thread or email you.

07-23-2013, 10:12 PM
I'm away from home so can't scan FSM torque sequence but see Michael's post linked below:
http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=52677&postcount=9 (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showpost.php?p=52677&postcount=9)

07-23-2013, 11:47 PM
Thanks guys I will let you know how it goes.

07-25-2013, 12:00 AM
It works thanks for all the help!

07-25-2013, 08:46 AM
Ive done it with out removing the TB or the plenum there is enough room if you simply remove the air horn. However, that being said if you have big meaty hands there is plenty of room if you remove the TB. I was in a pinch as I didnt have any TB Gaskets handy. The battery cable on the back is a bear to getting to using the Airhorn only method. It will need to be canted to roved at and angle and reinstalled the same way in a turned angle motion. GC