View Full Version : Diagnostics

11-11-2013, 11:23 AM
Anyone on this forum use the Mastertech 3100 for diagnostics on the Z?

11-11-2013, 11:48 AM
Anyone on this forum use the Mastertech 3100 for diagnostics on the Z?

Mastertech 3100 is essentially a Tech1 for the "general market" - I believe that most of the cartridges for the Tech1 & 1A will interchange and of course for the "general market" it included some optional cards. I don't have one but have seen it used in shops but have no "hands on"!!

11-11-2013, 12:28 PM
Mastertech 3100 is essentially a Tech1 for the "general market" - I believe that most of the cartridges for the Tech1 & 1A will interchange and of course for the "general market" it included some optional cards. I don't have one but have seen it used in shops but have no "hands on"!!

Thanks WV. I just recently obtained one in great condition and was wondering what the general consensus is on using it for diagnostics etc. It did come with a bunch of adapters and 4 different program cartridges. I was wondering what cartridges to use to test with.

11-11-2013, 12:35 PM
Thanks WV. I just recently obtained one in great condition and was wondering what the general consensus is on using it for diagnostics etc. It did come with a bunch of adapters and 4 different program cartridges. I was wondering what cartridges to use to test with.

If you didn't receive a user guide:


What cartridges were included? List them and it should be easily sorted.

11-11-2013, 12:49 PM
If you didn't receive a user guide:


What cartridges were included? List them and it should be easily sorted.

It has the following, GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN V1 81-94 (PT#02001718), GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN 81-97 (PT#02002462), GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN 81-95 (PT#02001972), Complete domestic 2000 W/global obd2 (pt#02002934.

11-11-2013, 12:51 PM
Keep you eye open on Ebay for adapters and other cartridges that go with the system.

I am not saying you need all these but here is what is available for your search on Ebay or craigslist. It will also serve as a gauge to how complete your kit is. Usually I find out what part I need when the book tells me to use a certain adapter[/SIZE][/FONT]

Cat 5 silver Cable with RS232 interface (No part number) This allows inerface with printers and computers
Power point extender both fused leads to battery (No part number)
RJ45 Phone Plug 5 Red Cable with voltmeter test lead (No Part number)
Cat 5 cable Silver that loops into itself (No Part number)
Bosch ABS Adapter PN TA00022
GM Pin E Adapter PN TA02149
GM 16/12 Pin non-OBDII DLC Adapter PN 3000053
Tech 1 Test adapter with A&B Probe ports. No part number
14Pin DLC Self test adapter PN TA01142
Tech 1 14/12 PIN Vim Adapter PN 3000086
T-100 12-16 PIN Adapter 3000055
Tech 1/1AnVehicle Interface Module (VIM) PN 3000078
VIM 16/24 PIN DLC Adapter cable PN 3000081
RWAL/4WAL Adapter TA 02659A
GM 12//14 PIN ALDL Adapter TA01140
14 Pin DLC Cable TA 01150
Tech 1 OBD II Vehicle Interface Module (VIM) PN 3000091
GM 88-92 Body Systems PN TK03040
GM 81-92 ECM PN TK02050
Chevrolet 90-92 EEPROM Data Version 2.0 PN TK06032A
GM 88-92 Brake TK03030
Hydromatic transmission 88-91 TK03590

I highly suggest seeking the manuals which exist for each of modules/cartiges listed above (They are in a small loose leaf format in very small binders. They are an invaluable tool that provides step by step instructions on how to use the Tech-1A and its individual cartridges and adapters and cable.

11-11-2013, 01:35 PM
It has the following, GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN V1 81-94 (PT#02001718), GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN 81-97 (PT#02002462), GM/FORD/CHRYSLER PWR TRAIN 81-95 (PT#02001972), Complete domestic 2000 W/global obd2 (pt#02002934.

With what you have - if you've got the proper ALDL cables you can do the powertrain only for the years and models listed for the cartridges. There's no assurance that ALL of the Tech1 cartridges will work with the device. Don't assume it all will!

11-11-2013, 01:46 PM
Keep you eye open on Ebay for adapters and other cartridges that go with the system.

I am not saying you need all these but here is what is available for your search on Ebay or craigslist. It will also serve as a gauge to how complete your kit is. Usually I find out what part I need when the book tells me to use a certain adapter[/SIZE][/FONT]

Cat 5 silver Cable with RS232 interface (No part number) This allows inerface with printers and computers
Power point extender both fused leads to battery (No part number)
RJ45 Phone Plug 5 Red Cable with voltmeter test lead (No Part number)
Cat 5 cable Silver that loops into itself (No Part number)
Bosch ABS Adapter PN TA00022
GM Pin E Adapter PN TA02149
GM 16/12 Pin non-OBDII DLC Adapter PN 3000053
Tech 1 Test adapter with A&B Probe ports. No part number
14Pin DLC Self test adapter PN TA01142
Tech 1 14/12 PIN Vim Adapter PN 3000086
T-100 12-16 PIN Adapter 3000055
Tech 1/1AnVehicle Interface Module (VIM) PN 3000078
VIM 16/24 PIN DLC Adapter cable PN 3000081
RWAL/4WAL Adapter TA 02659A
GM 12//14 PIN ALDL Adapter TA01140
14 Pin DLC Cable TA 01150
Tech 1 OBD II Vehicle Interface Module (VIM) PN 3000091
GM 88-92 Body Systems PN TK03040
GM 81-92 ECM PN TK02050
Chevrolet 90-92 EEPROM Data Version 2.0 PN TK06032A
GM 88-92 Brake TK03030
Hydromatic transmission 88-91 TK03590

I highly suggest seeking the manuals which exist for each of modules/cartiges listed above (They are in a small loose leaf format in very small binders. They are an invaluable tool that provides step by step instructions on how to use the Tech-1A and its individual cartridges and adapters and cable.

Thanks GC. I found that I have a lot of what you listed although my pt#'s start with 0200xxxx. I also found cartridges hydamatic 88-92, Chevrolet EPROM service (TK06030), GM 88-92 Brake V2.0 TK06030C. These are probably older than the ones you listed. I will see about obtaining the manuals like you said.
Does the 3100 work well for you on your car?

11-11-2013, 02:31 PM
Thanks WV. I have quite a few cable with adapters for all kinds of cars especially the GM stuff. This tester came from a Chevy mechanic who is getting out of the biz. Do you know what the cartridge "Chevrolet EPROM service" is for?

11-11-2013, 03:24 PM
Thanks GC. I found that I have a lot of what you listed although my pt#'s start with 0200xxxx. I also found cartridges hydamatic 88-92, Chevrolet EPROM service (TK06030), GM 88-92 Brake V2.0 TK06030C. These are probably older than the ones you listed. I will see about obtaining the manuals like you said.
Does the 3100 work well for you on your car?

I have a tech 1 A and yes it does

08-03-2015, 08:41 PM
Digging up an old post..... I moved and the movers lost the box with all my Tech1A cables and adapters in it. I have the cable that plugs into the tech one, I need the adapter that plugs into the other end that would plug directly into the ODB1 car connector BUT I also need the adapter that turns the OBD1 connector to the OBD2 style connector that is on a 95 OBD 1 Corvette. Can anyone give me part numbers to the cables and adapters I need? Vetronix couldnt help. I also need a battery or cigarette lighter power adapter. Thanks!