View Full Version : ADX File Questions

08-20-2013, 11:05 PM
I used -=Jeff=-'s adx file from his 90 Z and modified it for the 91 data stream. Thanks for the work you did. It was outstanding. Not many differences but there were a few. One of which is the Valet postion. There are only two instances of th Valet Switch in the data stream information I have for the 91. The one you pointed to for your 90 file, Word 10 bit 4, is Not Used in the 91. The two instances are Code 66 and the Valet status in word 16 bit 4. I tried to use your offset and no joy for 91. I can see the mode change when I use word 16 bit 4 and Full Power is requested, but I cannot get a status of the switch. Not a huge deal, but it's the small things that drive me nuts. How do you go about finding it other than creating a bitmask for all the unused bits and checking for the change?

Another question I have is how you determined the byte strings for some of your commands. I have viewed the A114 data stream spec against the A142 data stream spec for the 91 and worked through most of your commands. However, there are a few that don't exist in the specs I have or are different than listed. Are some data stream specs better than others or did you get there by some form of trial and error? I am trying to work on an adx file so I can stream the ABS data to troubleshoot my ABS issues. The number of words is variable depending on the nuber of codes set so it'll take me a little time to figure out the silence requirements and the EBCM timing for comms. I'll figure it out eventually but there isn't much info out there for the ABS side.

I'm enjoying getting into the streams and will work my way toward the bin files in the future. I have some machine language programming from my old Navy computer days but never thought I would use it again.


08-21-2013, 09:38 PM
Not sure you will be able to get abs stuff but send me an email with your add and I will see what I can do to help
Vettxtc @ gmail . com just remove the spaces