View Full Version : Help Again
09-12-2013, 12:22 PM
Open Car Door No Interior Lites Turn On Ignition No Radio NO Ant. No AC Heat Control Dash Lites OK Car Starts Fuses Seem OK
09-12-2013, 01:47 PM
Fuses SEEM ok?
No interior lights, with door open, COULD indicate DAB Delayed Accesssory Bus failure, but we need to KNOW for sure about fuses, before ANYthing diagnostics starts...
Harsh reading there Carmine; a few commas makes it easier on the eyes here...
...and did they work before starting headlight work?
09-12-2013, 02:20 PM
Have Not Started Headlites ,Gears Backorderd ,Will Check All Fuses Again ,
09-13-2013, 09:12 AM
CRSTY Fuse Blown ,Whats The Connection With The Radio ,Heat &ac Control
09-13-2013, 11:33 AM
Heater & A/C control assembly ( electronic A/C ) , radio amp relay courtesy lamps, rearview mirror light, console light & glove box light are all on this 15 amp ctsy fuse.
Question is why did it blow in the first place?? & will it hold??
09-13-2013, 11:42 AM
Do you have any after market additions? Radio or Amp or alarm or anything at all?
What was the last thing electrical on the car you worked on?
09-13-2013, 11:44 AM
i had a similar problem when a pen got into my cigar lighter and popped a fuse on my 91. can't remember which fuse it was though, this was early 1999
09-13-2013, 11:49 AM
NO Aftermarket Addistions , No electricl Work Done Lately
09-13-2013, 12:54 PM
NO Aftermarket Addistions , No electricl Work Done Lately
Ok, there's not going to be a magic bullet answer to what it is without
a pure guess. So let's not guess. Let's get a few details down.
1. the fuse is blown and is a 15A fuse located in the CTSY FUSE slot?
2. if you put another fuse in it blows?
Do you have a volt/ohms meter?
09-13-2013, 01:54 PM
Fuse Does Not Blow Right Away ,Have Meter
09-13-2013, 02:58 PM
You replaced the fuse, and it hasn't blown ... yet?
Or, if is has blown since replacement, what happened to cause it to blow?
Did you turn something on? Or did it go Closed Loop? Warmed up motor?
If it does blow, then right away, get the multimeter on the (+) socket of the fuse Courtesy, and ground the (-) probe on a door bolt or something, and see how many Amps are reading on the multimeter. THen ground the (-) in the fuse (-) C fuse socket, and see how many Amps are THERE.
09-13-2013, 03:41 PM
Does NOt Blow Rightaway
09-13-2013, 03:45 PM
JUstTurned ONRadio Fuse Blue
09-13-2013, 03:48 PM
Blue fuses are 15 Amp; I think that's the wrong fuse, for starters here...
Oops - I was thinking of color-coding of fuses - not a fuse that blew.
Try it again, and see if the fuse blows RIGHT AWAY, when you turn the radio on. And find out the correct fuse color - I think it's Red 10 Amp???
Post results, then we'll go from there. And can you get on a standard keyboard?
09-14-2013, 07:19 AM
JUstTurned ONRadio Fuse Blue
You're going to have to be more precise in your texting.
You may think it unnecessary but here is an example where
we have to spend time clarifying.
Did you mean the color "Blue" or "blew" as in blew the fuse ?
Why that capital letters on all words?
Why no use of period at the end of a sentence?
Why are the words being run together leaving the
reader to try and figure out where one word ends
and another begins?
Please work with us. We're trying to help.
I can take a few guesses here.
If the fuse "blew" when you turned the radio on
then that's obviously where to start. And you're
lucky if it blows quickly. It'll be easier to find the issue.
We have to isolate whether the fault is with the radio and
control head or the amps/speaker assemblies.
Disconnect all four amp/speaker assemblies (each corner)
Insert new "blue fuse" (blue is 15A)
then turn on the radio.
Does the fuse blow out again?
Go see post #18
09-14-2013, 09:17 AM
sorry my computer skills are bad thanks anyway
09-14-2013, 11:07 AM
The radio control head and the radio receiver are on a different circuit ( 10amp.). The problem as suggested by Scottfab has to be related to the radio amplifier relay/ speaker amps. since the radio amp. relay circuit is the only radio related component on this fuse.
Relay is behind Instrument Panel.
09-14-2013, 01:00 PM
sorry my computer skills are bad thanks anyway
Carmine, Geezer makes a good point.
Don't pull the amp/speaker assemblies
just yet.
I missed that the CTSY 15A fuse powers
a relay not the amps. I can't see the relay
being at fault.
Put a new fuse in.
Do not turn on the radio.
Check that all of these lights work ok.
Glove box
Center console
Left door
Right door
Left foot well
Right foot well.
All OK?
Now your going to have to disconnect the power to the antenna.
Either get under the left rear and do it or
get behind the radio and do it.
09-14-2013, 05:00 PM
sorry my computer skills are bad thanks anyway
No need to apologize about computer skills there Carmine. 15 years ago, no-one had computer skills, good, OR BAD, save a few...
AND, that can be looked upon as a good thing. A 98-lb weakling goes to 115 lbs FAST, UNlike a 240 lb rock-of-a-man, who needs 7-8 weeks of HARD training to go up the same amount.
And like scottfab said, we're here to help. Why? Because when we teach, WE ALSO LEARN. AND THINK. So everyone comes up the better - you, me, Fido, everyone.
Why that capital letters on all words?
He's using capital letters on all words, because his smart device is set to use UPPER CASE for ALL FONT. His smart device is hard to read, so it's set for ALL CAPS, and forum software reduces it to first letter only, each word, in CAP font only.
If you can't take 3 steps without thinking about checking the device, you have to realize that it's an addiction. It's no way to pace your life, with your head looking down at your right hand for life. Trust me, it's BAD for the brain, in more ways than you can imagine.
So anyway here Carmine, where are you on the headlight? Like I said, I have a step-by-step written out on dis-assembly... And since that was the first problem, maybe start there.
Where are you in it?
09-19-2013, 11:59 AM
You're going to have to be more precise in your texting.
You may think it unnecessary but here is an example where
we have to spend time clarifying.
Did you mean the color "Blue" or "blew" as in blew the fuse ?
Why that capital letters on all words?
Why no use of period at the end of a sentence?
Why are the words being run together leaving the
reader to try and figure out where one word ends
and another begins?
Please work with us. We're trying to help.
I can take a few guesses here.
If the fuse "blew" when you turned the radio on
then that's obviously where to start. And you're
lucky if it blows quickly. It'll be easier to find the issue.
We have to isolate whether the fault is with the radio and
control head or the amps/speaker assemblies.
Disconnect all four amp/speaker assemblies (each corner)
Insert new "blue fuse" (blue is 15A)
then turn on the radio.
Does the fuse blow out again?
Go see post #18
He disappeared.
Think he's pissed since we told him he had to post better to understand...
09-19-2013, 01:20 PM
He disappeared.
Think he's pissed since we told him he had to post better to understand...
He has probably gone to someone else to do the work or....
the problem went away for a bit. It could be intermittent.
He not likely to be fragile as some when it comes to suggestions
for clarity and correctness.
09-19-2013, 09:38 PM
All I can say is that I don't care how bad your "computer skills" are - but if it is unreadable and basically non-understandable - you shouldn't even expect the caliber of answers you guys provided. When I saw this at first I expected nobody to reply. The fact that you attempted to help him out says a lot. So does the fact that apparently he is offended that someone mentioned the fact he needed to explain himself. I'm not the perfect orator, and won't ever claim to be - but at least I try. That guy didn't even TRY to post legibly....[-X
09-19-2013, 09:40 PM
no sense piling on here guys. the point was made and then repeated. we're all here for the same reason, to help where we can, lets just move on and hope he fixed his problem
09-20-2013, 09:43 AM
Im not pissed Just can`t Type Correctly
09-20-2013, 09:54 AM
Im not pissed Just can`t Type Correctly
Great to see you back !
We're here to help with ANY ZR-1 issues.
Please ignore the hidden agenda some may have trying to get
political leverage or point out that you were being abused.
They have anger issues.
As someone just mentioned all that is required is that we be
able to understand what's up. Perfect typing or grammar is not required.
When ever you're ready to get back on it we'll be here.
Knowing you are using a phone to communicate we understand
the difficulty. If needed we can also
explain how to post pictures here.
09-20-2013, 10:57 AM
thank you`i`ll be back
09-20-2013, 03:15 PM
thank you`i`ll be back
Makin' any progress on it there Carmine?
Even one letter can confuse:
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