View Full Version : Someone on boards here using re-usable gasket material?

07-06-2013, 03:16 PM
I'm thinking I once read on the boards here that someone is using some material for gaskets that re-uses without problems?

Scottfab perhaps?

And the material - was it EPDM? If so, what is the guage?

07-09-2013, 01:17 AM
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Blue Flame Restorations
07-09-2013, 06:05 AM
I seem to remember the same thing. Dynomite's????

07-09-2013, 08:43 AM
Which gaskets? Jerry's top end can be re-used.

Paul Workman
07-09-2013, 10:47 AM
I've not seen or heard of any for the LT5 that specifically claim to be reusable. But, as Dom said, Jerry''s top end gaskets, can be coaxed to give good service if re-used once or twice, I find; plenum, TB, IHs, in particular.

I find by spraying one side of those gaskets with silicon spray as a future release agent, that I can sometimes reuse them a couple times (but reuse more than that, they start getting brittle).

I have heard of some that have cut plenum gaskets from a sheet of rubber. And, of course there have been rubber valve cover gaskets for pushrod motors since I was young...let's just say a loooooong time ago!;)

Head gaskets...NEVER (or at least I never would...especially on a motor that has to come out and has to have the cams re-timed.)

I'll bet Marc or Pete or Jerry or Bob G or Greg, or Scott or Ron H might have some thoughts too?



07-09-2013, 11:52 AM
I seem to remember the same thing. Dynomite's????

Not me....I use Jerry's gaskets which if you do not use permatex (or other gasket sealant) on the Plenum gaskets (TB coolant eliminated) you can use the gaskets more than one removal of the Plenum :thumbsup:

Second Paragraph of Scottfab Rubber Plenum Gaskets (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?p=165496)

"AND cut yourself a set of rubber plenum gaskets. They can be used over and over and over for a decade or more without ripping apart and having to repeatedly buy new ones. I used an inner tube in 99 and have never had to replace them. Or you can buy some flat rubber stock. There are sites that sell it."

I have no clue on what thickness rubber to use but am guessing any thickness within reason close to stock gasket thickness (for the Plenum gasket) would work. I am also guessing that rubber final gasket thickness would be bolt torque dependent more than a regular gasket.

Jerry has done a lot of research on Installed Gasket Thickness in particular for his Oil Pan Gaskets because of the direct relationship between that Oil Pan Gasket final installed thickness and the Oil Pump Pick Up "O" ring thickness requirement.

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