View Full Version : new secondary actuators don't seem right

07-31-2013, 12:07 AM
:cry: I installed new vacuum actuators and they don't move the throttle plates smoothly. When I manually move them. Both sides act the same.

I re-installed the new one's just the way the old ones came off. Does it take vacuum for them to line up inside of the actuator??

It seems if I hold the rods towards the head near the actuator the throttle plates open and close smoothly. The old ones would open and close them smoothly except for the varnish build up on the throttle plates without doing anything?? Any ideas?? Trying to get this back together to head to West Yellowstone 44th annual Rod run/car show this weekend?


07-31-2013, 01:27 AM
I looked through the old threads and a lot of great information. I answered my own question this time.. As soon as I put vacuum on the actactators the rods line right up and plates open smoothly every time. My old ones dated 9/89 and where turned rod towards head. :)
