View Full Version : C4 ZR-1 General Postings

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  1. Powder Coating Question
  2. Oil Filter Info
  3. Throttle Body and Paint?
  4. Pictures taken @ Carlisle 2011
  5. Garage Floor
  6. Attention FBI! The Challenge is ON!
  7. Probably the coolest Zr-1 videos I've ever seen
  8. Curious.
  9. Replica Wheels
  10. Bleeder Screw Question
  11. Silly idea?
  12. New Member saying Hello
  13. Vettes in the Village Mystic Ct Postponed to October 9
  14. Local car show
  15. She runs great, my five-oh-eight!
  16. Done and good to go.
  17. Garage Floor Paint
  18. Sunday's Corvette Challenge...looking good!
  19. More LT-5 References in Mags
  20. GM Tech 1 question
  21. Well she's finally home :)
  23. 95 ZR-1
  24. The FBI Zs took the team trophy WooHoo!
  25. car capsule questions
  26. Need Tires
  27. best anti-freeze ?
  28. I hope you guys dont mind
  29. ZR-1 SCRIPT Logo THOUGHTS?????
  30. I finally drove my car today
  31. Lots of pics from 3-day Corvette Run
  32. Chevrolet's 100th birthday bash
  33. Anyone know who is running this GT-1 LT-5
  35. Anyone with 1991 ZR1 VIN 5802021, Or 95 VIN 5800244?
  36. My 1990 ZR !
  37. Salt Flats 130 MPH club
  38. Good Z day Sunday Show
  39. Monday is "Z" Day....
  40. windshield question.
  41. "hey, where's your zr-1"
  42. How do I change.....
  43. I met a great ZR-1 guy today.
  44. Your opinion is valued on this item
  45. 91-95 Emblems; Version II
  46. WAZOO at the RACES
  47. Those who have installed LT5 emblems / badges...
  48. The LT5 is not forgotten
  49. Just a heads up.
  50. I just got the ride of my life.
  51. New times for an old beast...
  52. Data Loggers
  53. FBI Pizza n brew night this Friday!
  54. SW headers on the Way!
  55. Reschedule: FBI Pizza night - now Nov 11
  56. Sent an email to Rock Auto about catalog errors...
  57. Need Photoshop Help
  58. ZR1 insurance yesterday
  59. Getting ready for winter storage
  60. Corvette ZR-1 Challenge
  61. ok, who's zr-1 is this?
  62. Zymol
  63. Check out the January issue of Corvette Magazine ..............
  64. 1992 Vin #0068 Traded
  65. OBX cat-back exhaust
  66. Clutch Slave Cylinder
  67. Spotted a White 91 in the rain today
  68. clutch issues
  69. FBI Pizza n brew night this Friday!
  70. Brake Booster
  71. Coilover kits from Speedway
  72. Vette Magazine 5 for $25K
  73. Marlboro ZR-1
  74. Stumbled upon two rear emblems.
  75. May Be Going To The "Ring"
  76. Any info on this right hand drive 1991 ZR-1?
  77. Perfect truck for a ZR-1 Trailer Queen
  78. What did I break and how do I fix it?
  79. What is a Corbusa???
  80. EGR Tube
  81. I have a stupid idea that might help ....
  82. Whos Z is this?
  83. Bra or No Bra?.....
  84. found this on the ncm site
  85. Road racing tires.
  86. Dymags anyone?
  87. Oil Filter removal...
  88. Welcome Winter Guests
  89. I.P. Filter............
  90. O2 Sensor Extension from Stainless Works was assembled backwards
  91. 1954 ZR1
  92. FBI late dinner GTG Saturday 11/26
  93. PF970C Oil Filters
  95. MAP Sensor Cover
  96. How's everyone been?
  97. just bought a setof .....
  98. Ever get carried away on Ebay?
  99. ZR-1s in the media
  100. Loctite 294
  101. Surprised no action on this one.....
  102. If your ever wondering.
  103. Looking for a part number.............
  104. A question about loose exhaust manifold studs.
  105. FBI GTG Tuesday nite at Wayne's Pizza!
  106. Wife's XMas Present Being Delivered Today
  107. led tail lights
  108. gathering 2012
  109. JT red ZR1 for sale.
  110. Inf Rest light stays on>>>
  111. But, officer! Dave (Mclellan) told me to!
  112. Option Indentification "1AA"
  113. Vette Mag 2/12 91 ZR-1 Spyder
  114. C4 Body Kit
  115. B'day gift from the DMV....
  116. Another 'Bomber' Run on December 17th - SoCal
  117. Who is in Livermore, CA????????? EMBLEMS
  118. Zr-1 Gathering 2012
  119. My courtesy lights are sad
  120. Two Ruby's just sold... #140 & #99
  121. Power slideing.
  122. Remember this photo?
  123. New Parts Bling Bling COMING SOON
  124. Pic's of my New additions...
  125. ported air horn
  126. New Windshield Trim
  127. Zr1 a true muscle car
  128. Gojacks
  129. Another ZR-1 Approved by the CA Smog-Nazi's!
  130. Freeeeeeeeeee,one set of Kleen Wheels.
  131. Haibeck sucess story
  132. we can't have a dinner in the ncm anymore but...
  133. Anybody want to save Ruby #65?
  134. torque gains
  135. Happy Holidays to the ZR-1 Brotherhood
  136. Powdercoated Intake
  137. Just logged over 1400 miles in the new Z!
  138. Mecum
  139. Car failed smog,Im hating Ca a little each day!
  140. Source for floor mats?
  141. 1994 #318
  142. Lloyd Floormats
  143. GVD Powder Coat Work
  144. New Shoes
  145. Happy Holidays
  146. 32 Ford with LT-5
  147. Highlight ZR-1's in the newest newsletter
  148. Dymag center cap question
  149. Brett's 88 makes online news
  150. Mojave Mile/Matt Farah
  151. Powder coating /intake, IH, throttle body,coolant
  152. Loctite 262 is now 263?
  153. GS90 LT-5 going up a BJ in Jan 2012
  154. Just a routine oil change.
  155. 90 zr1 wheels on 84-89 corvette seen here.
  156. Jan 2012 in Kissimmee Fl.
  157. Happy New Year Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  158. UK and South American Contacts
  159. Trailer Coupler Lock
  160. VHT Wrinkle Coating
  161. Airstrip Attack
  162. 1992 #091
  163. Barrett Jackson Scottsdale January (ZR-1 / ZR1 pair selling)
  164. Finally passed Ca smog,what a pain in the @$$!
  165. 1991 #747
  166. ZR-1 Convertible Conversion
  167. 441 cid dyno results
  168. Still waiting...
  169. Registration for 2012 open!
  170. Brett don't you need this car too?
  171. Oops!!!
  172. ZR-1 Splash
  173. Misc Parts
  174. ZR-1 ORIGINAL Jacket...
  175. New Melrose amber targa top
  176. Somebody was looking for a plate bezel about a week ago.
  177. Powder coated pictures of my plenum.
  178. #99 arrived...
  179. Altec sill covers with ZR-1 logo available again
  180. Nice pair of...
  181. BRRRR
  182. 24lb injectors installed in my Secondary
  183. Detriot Members:Inside
  184. Car Show Display Info
  185. My mother gets to take the Z for a spin.
  186. F/S Auto Xry Scanner
  187. ZR-1 MAg CD part 2???? Checking interest
  188. any info on 90 steel blue in cali on #BAY
  189. BG Holiday Inn Hotel
  190. ZR-1 ZR1's at the texas mile.
  191. Big Power Zs
  192. Tires
  193. Couple of notes/questions
  194. 2012 Barrett-Jackson Stuff
  195. BAD BAD 66 LT-5
  196. F/S Stock Prom 1994 ZR-1
  197. 18x12 rear wheels
  198. '96 Grand Sport Sold at Barrett Jackson
  199. Back together, but w/high idle and stumble/miss u, highi
  200. #1 S/N ZR1 @ BJ today
  201. #1 S/N 2013 427 VERT @ BJ TODAY
  202. An option for spare tire replacement....
  203. center exhaust
  204. We are all done like burnt toast.
  205. Drag Racing at Beech Bend
  206. Great 2 part interview with Tony Rudd
  207. '94 Helms Manuals
  208. BULL RUN
  209. R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Maybe the shot in the arm we needed!
  210. GMs Test Driver is Byron FBI
  211. ZR-1s topic of Bill Stephen's blog on Velocity.TV
  212. Mice Problem
  213. How much does the heart weigh?
  214. BATTERY>>>
  215. Im probably gonna win this bet.
  216. Complete Book of Corvettes: Revised
  217. LT5 with velocity stacks spun to 9200 RPM!
  218. Looking for a set of Euro taillights,whos got the best price?
  219. My little piece of Corvette history,ITS HUGE!Check it out.
  220. FBI Pizza Saturday 2/4/12
  221. Mystery Solved...
  222. Top End Tear-down
  223. thanx for all the kind words guys ....
  224. south fla last z #190?
  225. LT5 Programme Status Report 1988
  226. SCORE! B2K
  227. Zazzle
  228. I'm feeling like a Vegas Event this year...
  229. Took the car to work today...
  230. Passed California SMOG test today
  231. Dyno Test: Mod Progression
  232. Went for a ride.
  233. Wayne Carini and the collectability of ZR-1
  234. Autocrossed the 368 car today...
  235. Opinions on emblem idea.
  236. Shelby Series one rims.
  237. Jerry's Gaskets...
  238. Build a V-12??
  239. Mom gets to drive the Z.
  240. Mercury LT5 ECM Dyno Test Unit
  241. Radar Detector Question
  242. Any information on 1991 #1170?
  243. Back on Track
  244. Good grief, the tires
  245. Center consol doors
  246. East Central Region 2012 events!
  247. Tommy Morrison ZR1
  248. re: Check out our Latest Member
  249. Mid America Motor Works
  250. Time for the next project she's all done.