View Full Version : BULL RUN

01-26-2012, 02:16 PM
Another year has passed and Bullrun is upon us again!
Bullrun 2012

Yeah, we know, it's here already.....? The 2012 rally is Los Angeles to Los Angeles, a 3,000 mile West Coast loop... June 22nd - June 29th 2012..

What to expect this year...? More great drivers, fantastic vehicles, amazing roads and legendary parties..

The rally will kick off with a now infamous Bullrun launch party in Hollywood followed by 7 days of fun..

This has already been our busiest Bullrun so far with the amount of applications we've received to join the rally! If you're an old time Bullrunner, welcome back and if you're new to Bullrun, welcome to the party!

We have a great rally lined up....as as always, sometimes we're nice...and sometimes we're nasty...so be prepared for anything and everything. There's some short drives and some longer drives but as always you can expect tricky checkpoints that are well off the grid..

For any more general information on entering the rally e-mail info@bullrun.com

Anyone interested?

01-26-2012, 06:56 PM
They came thru my neck of the woods last year. Saw some great looking cars and the police were all over the place.

01-27-2012, 12:08 AM
I did the run back in 99' when it wasn't a business. Now it is 20K a team.

01-27-2012, 12:15 AM
The type of cars that I saw could easily afford $20K but dang..........