View Full Version : F/S Auto Xry Scanner

01-16-2012, 12:36 PM
GM Auto XRay, model XP240. Covers GM cars from 1986-1995 only. Has BOTH OBDI & OBDII cable connectors for the 2 types of hook ups. Captures real time data as a snap shot featrue also. Reads and clears 'check engine' light codes. $100 + shipping.

Paul Workman
01-17-2012, 08:35 AM
All you guys that don't have a scanner or at least a laptop ought to jump on this one! Buy one of these, and you can throw away your paperclips forever!! :thumbsup:

To the OP: Does that also include the software to download the data to a computer to be saved and graphed, etc??


01-17-2012, 10:48 AM
Hey Guys...it's sold.....didn't take long

Thanks Paul for the endorsment. :handshak: