View Full Version : Whos Z is this?

11-15-2011, 08:31 AM

11-15-2011, 10:39 AM
Believe thats the Pirate Racing ZR-1

11-15-2011, 10:41 AM
that's one of the pirate racing cars

11-15-2011, 01:46 PM
Lots of pictures here:

Seems to me that there was some interesting history with this car.
Something about a Pilot or Mule car that was "borrowed"?
We'll have to see if the 'Ol Pirate himself remembers any details.
I'll rattle his cage and see what transpires.


11-15-2011, 04:31 PM
Seems to me that there was some interesting history with this car.
Something about a Pilot or Mule car that was "borrowed"?
We'll have to see if the 'Ol Pirate himself remembers any details.
I'll rattle his cage and see what transpires.

The beagle pops her head up and stares at the Pirate's Tandy 286. "What is it you good fer nuthin mutt?" he asks as he leans closure to the screen. "Me eyeballs ain't like they usetabe" he says. He puts his rum down and sees "AOL 2.0-You've got Mail". "I dont believe it Beage, but theres a email in my box!"

"A borrowed car? Hellzbellz it was flat plain stole!! BUt I cant say who done the stolen 'cause I did once and it nearly gots the guy fired! Seems he wuz huntin a job and they went and Googled his hiney and it came up. I had to write one of them I wuz jus kiddin letters to 'im all signed and proper.

A mangy 'ol parrrot once whispered in me ear that this one was one-a-them there skinny carz with one a them fancy Lotum engines in it. Vintage 87 or so. When we got that thing it was rougher than a government mule that one wuz. She wuz just about ready for Davey Jonezez locker but I hated to see the 'ol girl drownd. So we got her all spiffied up and gave it a good run or two. Its still over yonder at the NCM if anybudy cares.

OK, 10-4, Roger and out."

Now wherez the dang Send buttun on this thing again?

11-15-2011, 05:03 PM
JIm, I was wondering if you have any video of the car when it was racing in World Challenge you would be interested in selling. Specifically the race at Road Atlanta with the Viper. That was one great race. I have instructed events with Bill Cooper. He did not make best impression with me but he could drive c4s. I have raced a c4 in SCCA, NASA & COMSCC. I cureently have the nose and splitter that was developed by Jeff Nowicki. I recently removed the rear spoiler and montes a wing to the fuel cell frame. The car is fantastic. I would love to purchase a dvd of the c4 pirate racing history if you have any. I have many races recorded on VHS that I go back and watch from time to time. Just thouight I would check. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it

11-15-2011, 05:29 PM
Its still over yonder at the NCM if anybudy cares.

That was a good read and I needed the laugh Thanks :thumbsup: I haven't seen the Pirate ZR-1 since you guys donated it to the NCM in 01 or 02. It was always neat to see but seemed sad that it was just tucked away and not out on the track where she belongs... I'll be at the NCM on Saturday maybe I can convince one of them to let me have a look at her.



11-15-2011, 05:57 PM
JIm, I was wondering if you have any video of the car when it was racing in World Challenge you would be interested in selling. Specifically the race at Road Atlanta with the Viper. That was one great race. I have instructed events with Bill Cooper. He did not make best impression with me but he could drive c4s. I have raced a c4 in SCCA, NASA & COMSCC. I cureently have the nose and splitter that was developed by Jeff Nowicki. I recently removed the rear spoiler and montes a wing to the fuel cell frame. The car is fantastic. I would love to purchase a dvd of the c4 pirate racing history if you have any. I have many races recorded on VHS that I go back and watch from time to time. Just thouight I would check. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it

I have some pirate race video from Lime Rock from 1998 but it isn't too pretty.

11-16-2011, 08:17 AM
That was a good read and I needed the laugh Thanks :thumbsup: I haven't seen the Pirate ZR-1 since you guys donated it to the NCM in 01 or 02. It was always neat to see but seemed sad that it was just tucked away and not out on the track where she belongs... I'll be at the NCM on Saturday maybe I can convince one of them to let me have a look at her.

Hey Daniel, I"m not sure where they put the cars when they're not on display but they may let you hve a look. You might call ahead of time and make the request though. It's fun to think back of the issues we had with that car. Brakes were terrible, trans kept braking (due to alignment problems), over heating, etc. The one thing she had going for her was that LT5. When we first put her on the dyno she made 485 to the rear wheels. That was with 350 displacement and stock compression. Only Graham knows why. But we did need all of it to beat the cheaters. I really thought it shold be in the NCM after all the interest and TV time....and the Viper episode...

11-16-2011, 08:45 AM
JIm, I was wondering if you have any video of the car when it was racing in World Challenge you would be interested in selling. Specifically the race at Road Atlanta with the Viper. That was one great race. I have instructed events with Bill Cooper. He did not make best impression with me but he could drive c4s. I have raced a c4 in SCCA, NASA & COMSCC. I cureently have the nose and splitter that was developed by Jeff Nowicki. I recently removed the rear spoiler and montes a wing to the fuel cell frame. The car is fantastic. I would love to purchase a dvd of the c4 pirate racing history if you have any. I have many races recorded on VHS that I go back and watch from time to time. Just thouight I would check. If you could let me know I would greatly appreciate it

Well Mike, funny that you ask. Yes, I edited some footage of our entire season, in fact, of my involvement with Corvette racing back into the early 90's. Even has some old dude named Rippie in there. ALso has the sequence with us knocking the Viper around at Atlanta.

I also have the compelte 1989 Corvette Challenge on DVD and it is some of the most amazing racing I've ever seen. Cooper won the Million but there was also all of the World Record gang, all the guys who made Trans Am great back then. It's like 10 races.

Also, have the World Record Run on DVD, also have every race we were in, also have a "blooper reel" SCCA did but wasn't supposed to get out. We did the Pirate thing and stole it. Lots of bad language but funnier than heck.

So we have JVD Racing (60 minutes), WRR (30 min), Corvette CHallenge 3 DVD's, the complete Road Atlanta race in '99, SCCA Bloopers. I don't sell such items but I do accept contributions for one of our Charities.

The holidays are coming up and there's lots of kids out there who need a visit from Santa. Please email me your mailing addresses privately and this email is also my PayPal if anyone wants to contribute. vandornjim@aol.com.

11-16-2011, 09:09 AM
will be emailing you and paypaling you soon jim. I have the dvd you sent me of the pirate racecar. very cool. been wanting to see the corvette challenge car dvd's for years

11-16-2011, 01:42 PM
JIm, I have instructed events with Bill Cooper. He did not make best impression with me but he could drive c4s.Mike

You know, Coop had the best car control I've ever seen, which is why I chose him to drive. We were at Sebring with Rippie in '95 and we found out our crew had to register in 2 hours. The crew were at our hotel which was 75 miles away. Rippie threw Cooper the keys to his Astro van and told Cooper to go as fast as he could. Coop said "OK, but you pay all the tickets." AS he started to get in the van he realized he didn't even know how to get to the hotel so he asked me if I would go with him. Let me tell you something, that was a ride I'll never forget. FUN!!!!

He was a far better driver than, say, Boris Said. But NASCAR wouldn't give him a license to drive even though they did Boris. Bill had several Cup rides offered to him but NASCAR claimed they didn't want to let him drive because he would win and it wasn't fair for their regular drivers. Of course they do it much different these days.

He did tutor Earnhardt Sr & Jr, Parks and Rudd the year he won there.
Cooper is still drive instructing for one of the car companies and he also has a very stout Corvette which he competes in hill climbs up north in the Montana area where he lives. Now I'd pay BIG money to ride with Cooper up a mountin road. BIG MONEY!!

11-16-2011, 01:51 PM
I sent you an email about the dvds

11-17-2011, 07:43 AM
I sent you an email about the dvds

Hey, IO got yours and severasl others. Seems Santa's shopping a little early this year. I'm also including some othe rstuff, like a letter giving the inside story of that Atlanta race. It was really quite amazing seeing as how we had only a handful of a crew.