View Full Version : East Central Region
- Vettes on the River 2025 LeClaire, Iowa (0 replies)
- Corvette classic services, ohio (0 replies)
- Grand Rapids Metro Cruise (2 replies)
- Northern Virginia Vettes for Vets Car show (1 replies)
- Corvette Cruise Nights (1 replies)
- 2023 Vettes on the River LeClaire, Iowa August 26th (1 replies)
- Pizza Night Dec 9th Addison IL (3 replies)
- Fairfax Labor Day Car Show (0 replies)
- 2022 Vettes on the River August 27th (4 replies)
- Road America 2022 (5 replies)
- mcich7781 - your car in an ad on Facebook (1 replies)
- I can laugh about it now. Whaddya think JThomas? (8 replies)
- Vettes on the River, August 28th (2 replies)
- Michigan Caravan to Marc's Barbaque (6 replies)
- Last Plainfield IL Cruise Night Tusday 8/25 (1 replies)
- Hot Rod Power Tour, Vettes on the River (10 replies)
- FBI PIZZA nite MARCH 6th (25 replies)
- ZOOM Diner Night?? (2 replies)
- Pizza nite Friday Nov 22 (7 replies)
- Vettes on the River, LeClaire, Iowa August 24, 2019 (2 replies)
- Another Chicago area show--Tony Gaples' Black Dog Speed Shop Sat. Aug. 24 (0 replies)
- August 10 Morris, IL Cruise Night (9 replies)
- It's finally car time in MN. Anybody planning on hitting the shows? (7 replies)
- April 28, 2019 Hawk Chevrolet Joliet, IL Indoor Corvette Show (0 replies)
- Pizzahhhh!! (12 replies)
- Watch "2018 Muscle Car And Corvette Nationals Preview : Muscle Car Of The Week Episod (4 replies)
- Edgewater black '90Z (0 replies)
- Last MORRIS CRUISE NITE of 2018 (1 replies)
- FBI PIZZA night this FRIDAY 9-14 (3 replies)
- Dinner sept 3rd - chi town - calling fbi! (6 replies)
- Anyone in Cedar Rapids IA? (4 replies)
- Anybody near Milan, Indiana? (0 replies)
- Morris IL car show! (0 replies)
- 1991 white/red zr-1 #1127 (0 replies)
- Father's Day Corvette and Chevy Show Libertyville IL (0 replies)
- Advantage Chevy Corvette and Camaro Show Today 6/3, Hodgkins Illinois (2 replies)
- Anyone near Peoria IL to look at a non corvette (0 replies)
- Pizza on Saturday nite?? (0 replies)
- Marc Haibeck's BBQ this SUNDAY 5-27 (1 replies)
- Welcome new FBI member! (1 replies)
- An FBI meet and greet invite from Fast Glass (13 replies)
- Time to welcome the new (driving) season! (6 replies)
- FBI Pizza night this FRIDAY 11-3 (1 replies)
- New member / ZR-1 Owner -Detroit (13 replies)
- Mid America's Corvette FUN FEST! (4 replies)
- MN Cars and Coffee 9/2/17 (1 replies)
- Let's do some PIZZA n brews! Aug 18th (7 replies)
- Crown Point Corvette Club Corvette Shootout (0 replies)
- Zoom Get together (8 replies)
- Morris, IL Cruise Night July 8, 2017 (9 replies)
- Iowa Speedway May 27-29 (0 replies)
- Any Michigan ZR-1 people? (25 replies)
- FBI Pizza celibration night this FRIDAY 3-24 (0 replies)
- All CORVETTE indoor show 4-30-17 at HAWK CHEVROLET (13 replies)
- Cajun Connection run Saturday 10/15! (1 replies)
- Cajun Connection (4 replies)
- FBI & friends PIZZA NITE 10/28 (20 replies)
- The CPCC TEAM TROPHY... (22 replies)
- Car in Madison , Wisconsin (4 replies)
- Calling all the BIG GUNS of the ZR-1 gang! (5 replies)
- Carlisle to Chicago (0 replies)
- For you Z brothers down near Davenport IA... (0 replies)
- Fall Corvette Adventures - Wisconsin (1 replies)
- Indiana WANNAGOFAST event (5 replies)
- NHRA Mellow Yellow dragracing at Rt 66 (0 replies)
- CPCC Corvette Shootout Sept 25th! (3 replies)
- Morris, IL Cruise Night Aug 13, 2016 (3 replies)
- For the "INDY" area guys... (10 replies)
- Illinois Get Together - June 18th noon-3:00 pm (23 replies)
- SE Wisconsin - Brew City Cruise Night (0 replies)
- Caravans: 4th Annual Mountain Run, BG? (4 replies)
- Pizza on SATURDAY??? 4/2/16 (6 replies)
- Pizza Night (2 replies)
- Anyone here near Marine City / Detroit? (0 replies)
- 2016 activities! (3 replies)
- Corsa exhaust in Chicago area FS (0 replies)
- Galena, IL day trip!! Sunday, October 25th (2 replies)
- Starved Rock Fall Cruise. Oct. 11 (0 replies)
- The Haibeck Automotive Picnic (20 replies)
- Road America October 3-4, 2015 (0 replies)
- Fall cruise to Wisconsin and some breweries! (1 replies)
- Fall Corvette Adventures! (2 replies)
- Corvettes at Corsa (1 replies)
- Great Veterans show in North Chicago (0 replies)
- Stainless Works Show (1 replies)
- Annual Father's Day show at Liberty Chevrolet (2 replies)
- Accidently dumped FBI email (1 replies)
- Hawk Chevrolet/Windy City invite to the autobahn (20 replies)
- lincoln, il car show. (0 replies)
- 8th Annual Crown Point Corvette Club shootout!! (17 replies)
- Supercar Saturday in Glenview (0 replies)
- Morris Cruise nite and FBI gathering; Staturday nite - June 13th (13 replies)
- MVP Track Time 2015 Midwest Track Dates (0 replies)
- Rise and Drive in Chicago (7 replies)
- 1/2 mile racing back in Illinois (10 replies)
- Pete's new turbo upgrade (11 replies)
- US 41 Sold (3 replies)
- Pizza Night Jan. 17th 2015 (21 replies)
- looking for Bruce Busse from Indiana (0 replies)
- Bloomington Gold 2015 (9 replies)
- Corvette Adventures! (21 replies)
- Sunday drag racing - need show of hands! (12 replies)
- "Our" club Trophy is ON THE LINE AGAIN! (5 replies)
- CPCC Corvette Shootout JUST A MONTH AWAY! (3 replies)
- WannaGoFast Results (1 replies)
- Revised dates POLL: Mercury Marine visit (48 replies)
- Oroak Shriner's Annual Hog Roast & Car Show, Aug 16, Michigan City, IN (0 replies)
- Northern Indiana Corvette gathering at Valpo In August 9th (0 replies)
- WGF Video of 6.21/22 Event (0 replies)
- Tail of the Dragon Vid (3 replies)
- The CPCC Shootout = Sept 28!! (0 replies)
- Poll: Mercury Marine Event! (10 replies)
- Newton, IA Low / High Speed Autocross JUNE 28/29 (1 replies)
- Morris Cruise Nite & Mexican dinner 6/14 (0 replies)
- Father's Day Chev/Vette show at Libertyville Chevrolet (0 replies)
- ZR-1 Registry Visit to Mercury Marine HQ (15 replies)
- Mercury Marine Invitation to the Registry (11 replies)
- Haibeck BBQ Sunday April 27 (2 replies)
- The Michigan Mile (0 replies)
- Poll! Who's registered for the 1/2 mile WANNAGOFAST run? (16 replies)
- PIZZA! (8 replies)
- Wannagofast: TWO dates for Chicago area! (2 replies)
- WGF 2014 Chicago Dates (7 replies)
- FBI Pizza NITE REDOUX Friday 12-13 6:30 @ HRI! (2 replies)
- Pizza NITE POSTPONED till after Thanksgiving! (1 replies)
- FBI Pizza NITE Friday 11-22 6:30 @ HRI! (1 replies)
- Tomorrow! The Team Trophy up for GRABS! (4 replies)
- Drag race SHOOTOUT REMINDERS! (15 replies)
- CPCC Corvette Shootout...! (0 replies)
- Vettes on the River (0 replies)
- CPCC Corvette Shootout just 4 weeks away!! (12 replies)
- Chicago Autobahn (3 replies)
- SuperCar Saturday (13 replies)
- Awesome photo stream of Woodward Cruise (1 replies)
- CPCC Corevette Shootout!! Sept 29th!! (0 replies)
- Pizza nite @ Wayne's Pizza Friday 8/23! (0 replies)
- Chicago Bound (41 replies)
- Bill Kay Corvette show in Lisle IL Aug 4 (0 replies)
- Road America Track Weekend October 12-13 (1 replies)
- Back to the Bricks car show. (1 replies)
- Sept 29, 2013 CPCC Corvette shootout IS A GO (5 replies)
- Live in WI? - support SB 204 (single license plate bill) (2 replies)
- Corvette/Chevy show Father's Day Libertyville IL (0 replies)
- Michigan Mile (2 replies)
- Strength and Honor Part II (8 replies)
- Shootout Get Ready. Strength and Honor! (4 replies)
- Corvettes at the Museum (0 replies)
- Pre-Gofast pizza night May 31! (8 replies)
- Morris Season Kick-off! Saturday, June 8th (1 replies)
- Dom what time is it ? (3 replies)
- Zoom first maintenance day. (0 replies)
- SuperCar Saturday SCHEDULE (0 replies)
- Flooding in Chicage ? (8 replies)
- "Cars n Coffee" at Bill Jacob's Chevrolet! (0 replies)
- Double Date w/ Corvettes-Unlimited!? (0 replies)
- Wondering if anyone is available to Move a car for me from the Chicago area to MI (2 replies)
- Marc H Spring Barbeque April 21 (7 replies)
- 1/2 mile shootout shirts: COLOR & SIZE!! (19 replies)
- Update: 1/2 mile race shirts!! (2 replies)
- Pizzaaaaaah! (14 replies)
- Zoom Mass Email (6 replies)
- State Directors (2 replies)
- 1/2Mile Vehicle Inspection Form (0 replies)
- Zoom members going to 1/2 mile shootout in June (4 replies)
- 1/2 mile registrant pics (8 replies)
- FBI Comments. (4 replies)
- ZOOM LOGO (1 replies)
- Few more Auto Show Pics (2 replies)
- Chicago auto show (1 replies)
- 1/2 Chicago Shootout: ZR-1 T-shirts? (6 replies)
- Feb. 15th. (1 replies)
- Pizza Nite at Home Run In on Friday 2/1. Woo Hoo! (3 replies)
- 1/2 mile SHOOTOUT POLL: Which day? (21 replies)
- Some Road Course Time in Chicagoland (8 replies)
- 1/2 mile racing in Chicago next year (47 replies)
- FBI Pizza Night (20 replies)
- Michigan ZR-1 Owners (45 replies)
- FBI Pizza Friday 11/16 @ Waynes (2 replies)
- Michigan guys (2 replies)
- FBI Pizza GTG Saturday 10/20 (6 replies)
- Exhaust needed (5 replies)
- tires (3 replies)
- Blues Booze and BBQ (0 replies)
- Crown Point Shootout: Post Script- (10 replies)
- Pizza GTG and Race strategy meeting (17 replies)
- Anyone willing to check a car out for me? (McHenry, IL 60050) (1 replies)
- Supercar Saturdays (8 replies)
- Crown Point Corvette Challenge: Who's commin? (8 replies)
- 8-10-12 PIZZA @ Waynes (7 replies)
- 8/4 Super Car Saturday!!! (9 replies)
- Mystic Lake Casino Vette Show (0 replies)
- 5th annual All Corvette Shootout - September 9th, 2011 - Morocco, IN (1 replies)
- 5th Annual CPCC Challenge! (1 replies)
- New Z owner in your neck of the woods (17 replies)
- Paul, what about this is a club event../? (2 replies)
- Fall Leaf Tour in Wisconsin is coming up! (1 replies)
- Pizza at Wayne's Pizza tonight! (1 replies)
- The Galena IL run...WOO HOO! (0 replies)
- Morris Cruise Night!! (1 replies)
- SuperCar Saturdays (2 replies)
- Upcoming events in June! (3 replies)
- Bloomington GOLD!!! (3 replies)
- What to bring to Marc's BBQ?? (10 replies)
- Question on 1990 ZR1 (4 replies)
- Marc's BBQ...RSVP - Show of hands!! (18 replies)
- Marc Haibeck's 4th Spring Kickoff BBQ!! (2 replies)
- Proposed 2012 calendar of events!! (5 replies)
- FBI Pizza Saturday 2/4/12 @ H. Run on Lake St (6 replies)
- Bloomington Gold is Moving to Champaign, IL in 2013! (10 replies)
- FBI GTG on Tue 12/20 (5 replies)
- FBI GTG Tuesday nite at Wayne's Pizza! (4 replies)
- GTG on Saturday 11/26? (6 replies)
- Dyno Day (4 replies)
- Pizza nite = Friday 11-11-11 (1 replies)
- FBI Pizza nite - postponed ONE WEEK to 11/11 (6 replies)
- HR PIZZA NITE FRIDAY 11/4 (7 replies)
- Galena Cruise-in: Cancelled... (0 replies)
- 4 annual drag races (30 replies)
- hey Dominic.. her eis your chance (4 replies)
- saw 2 today (chicago n/w) (2 replies)
- Galena Cruise-in POLL (2 replies)
- The October "Galena IL Cruise in" = Oct 22-23 (7 replies)
- FBI GTG ON FRIDAY: Cancelled (0 replies)
- The Galena Run: Date set! (0 replies)
- FBI and friends GTG @ La Mex, Sat 9/10 (3 replies)
- Grand Rapids Metro Cruise (4 replies)
- big thanks FBI (4 replies)
- paging FBI guys (2 replies)
- Tires (4 replies)
- Geneva Concours (1 replies)
- FBI GTG ON FRIDAY (0 replies)
- sycamore car show & cruise night sat-sun (0 replies)
- FBI & Friends Get Together Friday 8/5th (12 replies)
- Cajun Connection run Saturday 7/16!! (5 replies)
- Bloomington Gold - things to know and do! (1 replies)
- Need Help In Clarkston Michigan (0 replies)
- Bloomington Gold Pizza Night (6-24) (4 replies)
- D&M CORVETTE OPEN HOUSE SAT MAY 7 11-3 (1 replies)
- Road America; Corvette Tribute 8/21/11 (1 replies)
- The Morris Cruise - June 11th! (6 replies)
- Bloomington Gold! (0 replies)
- 1990 VIN #160 (3 replies)
- Pizza and ?? on Saturday 4-23-11 (16 replies)
- FBI BBQ at Marc Haibeck's (22 replies)
- Welcome new IL State Director! (10 replies)
- Decatur cruise on May 7th (3 replies)
- East Central Events? (15 replies)
- FBI gtg at HR Pizza - JACKETS (0 replies)
- Friday's 2/11 FBI GTG and ZR-1 follow up (0 replies)
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