View Full Version : Morris Cruise nite and FBI gathering; Staturday nite - June 13th

Paul Workman
05-31-2015, 03:41 PM
The first of the summer MORRIS CRUISE nights is coming up SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 13 - just in time for an (overdue) FBI gathering!!

The Cruise Nite is an extraordinary array of vehicles of several kinds, including tricked out motorcycles, trucks - even SEMI tractors, and it is easy to see that IL is a haven for car enthusiasts of all kinds.

The downtown Morris (Washington Street) is dotted with pubs, and various eateries - not to mention the several vendor wagons offering their usual festive fair!

Arrangements are in the works for our own dedicated parking area. This is also an opportunity for some of those ZR-1 pilots living south of I-80 to meet some of the rest of the FBI gang - and put faces with Forum names.

In past years the ZR-1s have always drawn interest - especially with the younger crowd (oddly enough?).

The "gate" is easy to get to. Take IL 47 south off I-80 to West ILLINOIS street, & two blocks to LIBERTY ST. The entry fee (money goes to the Community Volunteer Hospice) has been $10-15 for cruise - in cars, and no charge for visitors/walk-ins. You should plan on checking in approx. 4:30 pm, and you can leave at any time (usually breaks up around 8:30 - 9:00pm.)

This will be a great opportunity for the gang to get together, to BS and discuss events for this driving season. See ya there!

05-31-2015, 09:48 PM
I am not around that weekend

06-01-2015, 10:06 AM
Hi Paul--
I might be able to do it--depends on what the boss says and what the weather looks like. Let us know if you can arrange a separate parking area. As I look at the map it seems that W. Illinois Road is all the way south near the river--is that correct? Maybe a couple of miles south of I-80? --Bob

06-01-2015, 07:04 PM
I am a newbe but would love to make it there. I have a grandsons birthday at 2:00 and I am about 1 1/2 hours away from Morris so I would be a little late. The previous owner lived in you guys area. I know he had it at Marks shop a few times. I would like to see the FBI cars.

Paul Workman
06-01-2015, 11:21 PM
I am a newbe but would love to make it there. I have a grandsons birthday at 2:00 and I am about 1 1/2 hours away from Morris so I would be a little late. The previous owner lived in you guys area. I know he had it at Marks shop a few times. I would like to see the FBI cars.

Looking forward to meeting you! I'll post an email and let everyone know, and more will filter in as we get closer to the 13th.

BTW, who's Z was it you nabbed??

06-02-2015, 07:48 AM
Looking forward to meeting you! I'll post an email and let everyone know, and more will filter in as we get closer to the 13th.

BTW, who's Z was it you nabbed??

Sounds great. James McCarthy was previous owner. I actually purchased it from a Chevy dealer where James had traded it in but he saw me on the forum and contacted me and gave me paper work he had for it, the original rims and tires and a car cover. Great guy, I was really thrilled to get all that stuff.

Paul Workman
06-07-2015, 07:54 PM
Spoke with Pete, Al, and Marc H so far, and they are going to try to make it too!

keep the list growing!

Paul Workman
06-09-2015, 06:01 PM

I forwarded an email to the "FBI" that I sent to Linda, the Morris Cruise Nite coordinator who informs me they will have a spot reserved for our cars!

They ask that we arrive at the same time, if possible, to eliminate stragglers from getting separated from the group. So, here's what I think we should do: Let's rally at the WalMart parking lot and be ready to head down to the Cruise Nite, leaving the Walmart parking lot at as close to 4:40 as possible to cruise down as a group; arriving at the entrance on Washington street about 5 pm.

Again, it is $10 per car, but if you don't enter a car in the show, you can park where you can outside of the show area and walk in: the show is FREE!

CORRECTION: New information: Turn west (toward the sun) on WASHINGTON STREET...NOT on W. Illinois as I was initially told. (Washington St. is two blocks NORTH of the river bridge.) There will be signs posted, and a line of various (show type) cars of all kinds leading the way. There will be no problem finding the right street.

I would suggest that once we get parked at the event that we plan to meet at one of the eateries at a certain time so everyone can enjoy the sights and smells and eye-candy at your leisure! I would recommend you BRING A BAG CHAIR to sit on!

I'll bring the ZR-1 signs for the dash. If anyone has any of those posters describing the ZR-1s and what they are, you might want to bring them. (I have one, but it isn't mounted yet.)

RAIN: As of now, chances are the weather is going to cooperate? Cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. BUT, if that changes, and if it is in fact raining, we'll postpone to another time! (Have your cell phone close!)

Looking forward to seeing everybody!!


06-10-2015, 03:28 PM

I forwarded an email to the "FBI" that I sent to Linda, the Morris Cruise Nite coordinator who informs me they will have a spot reserved for our cars!

They ask that we arrive at the same time, if possible, to eliminate stragglers from getting separated from the group. So, here's what I think we should do: Let's rally at the WalMart parking lot and be ready to head down to the Cruise Nite, leaving the Walmart parking lot at as close to 4:40 as possible to cruise down as a group; arriving at the entrance on Washington street about 5 pm.

Again, it is $10 per car, but if you don't enter a car in the show, you can park where you can outside of the show area and walk in: the show is FREE!

CORRECTION: New information: Turn west (toward the sun) on WASHINGTON STREET...NOT on W. Illinois as I was initially told. (Washington St. is two blocks NORTH of the river bridge.) There will be signs posted, and a line of various (show type) cars of all kinds leading the way. There will be no problem finding the right street.

I would suggest that once we get parked at the event that we plan to meet at one of the eateries at a certain time so everyone can enjoy the sights and smells and eye-candy at your leisure! I would recommend you BRING A BAG CHAIR to sit on!

I'll bring the ZR-1 signs for the dash. If anyone has any of those posters describing the ZR-1s and what they are, you might want to bring them. (I have one, but it isn't mounted yet.)

RAIN: As of now, chances are the weather is going to cooperate? Cloudy with a 20% chance of rain. BUT, if that changes, and if it is in fact raining, we'll postpone to another time! (Have your cell phone close!)

Looking forward to seeing everybody!!


New owner here. Planning to attend but have grandsons birthday party to attend so I know I will be probably an hour or more late. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

06-11-2015, 09:50 AM
Hi Paul--Sorry but as I had feared I will not be able to make it down to Morris. Hopefully we can get together again sometime soon in the summer. On the plus side it looks like you are due for some good weather Saturday nite. Hope it goes great-post some pix! --Bob

Paul Workman
06-12-2015, 09:00 AM
Dang, Bob! Will miss you!

Yeah, it should be about perfect - weather wise; maybe throw a sweatshirt in the back, just in case. Oh, and don't forget to bring a BAG CHAIR...AND your cameras!! Lots of "neat stuff" to see!

$10/car, and I'm told we have a reserved parking spot for us, but we need to arrive in mass, if at all possible. However, if you're not binging/showing your car, park outside the show area and walk in. No charge!

So, we will rally in the WalMart parking lot about 4:30 or before. (Turn LEFT (east) about 100 yards or so at the first light south of I-80 on the IL-47 off-ramp; can't miss the WalMart!)

and proceed to the Cruise night @ ≈ 4:20, arriving at WASHINGTON STREET, (2-blocks north of the IL River bridge, if you're coming from the south and didn't make it to the rally point in time to caravan.

Bring you CELL PHONES, "in case".

Hope to see ya there!

06-12-2015, 11:06 AM
Have fun.. I am out of state until Wednesday

Paul Workman
06-13-2015, 09:33 AM
Have fun.. I am out of state until Wednesday

Thanks for posting tho, Jeff.

Kinda like to get a head count. So, plz post up, y'all!

Paul Workman
07-04-2015, 06:40 AM