View Full Version : Mid America's Corvette FUN FEST!

Paul Workman
08-30-2017, 02:12 PM
Coming in mid September is the annual Fun Fest in Effingham, IL.

It is historically an excellent gathering of Corvettes of all flavors. (See the flyer (http://www.corvettefunfest.com/News.aspx?StoryID=44#44)).

Marc Haibeck has postponed his annual picnic until next spring, and the CPCC's drag racing is not happening this year either. SO! This might be an opportunity for us to promote the ZR-1s and share in a little partying too in the waning days of the 2017 driving season.

There are several vendors going to be there, entertainment, and several tours going on with scenic country roads, some nice eateries, etc.

Have a look and let's discuss the options; who's coming and when, etc.

NOTE: You can vote for any/ALL days, if you wish.

Looking forward!!

08-30-2017, 10:08 PM
I am there from Thursday through Sunday morning.

09-03-2017, 08:50 PM
Hmmm, methinks I will be taking a short trip south that weekend in the Z. :D

Coming in mid September is the annual Fun Fest in Effingham, IL.

It is historically an excellent gathering of Corvettes of all flavors. (See the flyer (http://www.corvettefunfest.com/News.aspx?StoryID=44#44)).

Marc Haibeck has postponed his annual picnic until next spring, and the CPCC's drag racing is not happening this year either. SO! This might be an opportunity for us to promote the ZR-1s and share in a little partying too in the waning days of the 2017 driving season.

There are several vendors going to be there, entertainment, and several tours going on with scenic country roads, some nice eateries, etc.

Have a look and let's discuss the options; who's coming and when, etc.

<b> NOTE: You can vote for any/ALL days, if you wish.</b>

Looking forward!!

USAF Retired
09-03-2017, 11:34 PM
I would love to be there but family obligations come first.

Paul Workman
09-26-2017, 05:58 AM
Dayam! I had to pass on it - unexpected issues got in the way. But, how was it? It's been a while since I was there, and was looking forward to it this year. Anything new/exciting??