View Full Version : FBI Pizza GTG Saturday 10/20

Paul Workman
10-15-2012, 09:58 PM
Time for a GTG of the FBI gang! Pizza at Home Run Inn on US20 in Addison, say 6:30 on Saturday. Bring your Z (weather permitting, of course).

Lots of catchin up to do too. Who's comin???


10-15-2012, 10:16 PM
Dunno.. need to see how the week goes..

10-16-2012, 01:16 AM
See you there.
Hope weather is good so i could drive the Z :cheers:


10-17-2012, 02:08 PM
I would love to drive up from Springfield and meet a few of you guys, and will someday soon, but my fall Saturdays are reserved for Iowa Hawkeye football. Big night game against PSU this weekend, so I'll be driving the opposite direction!

Paul Workman
10-17-2012, 03:17 PM
I would love to drive up from Springfield and meet a few of you guys, and will someday soon, but my fall Saturdays are reserved for Iowa Hawkeye football. Big night game against PSU this weekend, so I'll be driving the opposite direction!

We'd love to meet another member of the "FBI" as well! (AKA "Fast Boyz of Illinoiz":cheers:)

Let's keep in touch. I'm actually not that far from you. I live in Custer Park, about (I dunno) 1-1/2 hours away maybe?

Driving season is about over for me, but some of the gang will be driving for a few more weeks before putting the toys up for winter.


10-19-2012, 04:44 PM
So Paul who will be there?


That it?

Paul Workman
10-22-2012, 03:57 AM
Turned out to be a great gathering, as usual! Good to see old friends over pizza, drink, and ZR-1s:cheers:

In all, it was "Harley Bob", =Jeff=, Marc n his wife Susan, Bob G, Pete, n me. Lots of interesting discussions, but the one that seemed to capture the bulk of the branstorming was the spindle breaking (two broke on as many drag strip outings; one was Al Dashto's and the other Bob G's - both big inch LT5s).

Also of interest was Ron H's ECM project. I'm sure we all wish Ron well on the success of that venture!

Good time had by all! Wish more could have made it too. Next one penciled in around the first week of December, if not before.:)
