View Full Version : Last MORRIS CRUISE NITE of 2018

Paul Workman
10-08-2018, 10:36 AM
This will be the last MORRIS CRUISE nite for the 2018 season, so you don't want to miss out!

The Morris Cruise Nite will be on Saturday, Oct 13th. These cruise nites are excellent shows with 700-1000 cars of all flavors on display. It is a CHARITY event (runs $10/per car (free walk-ins).

This will be a great opportunity for the C4 ZR-1s to "show the flag", so to speak, AND an excellent opportunity to meet n greet fellow FBI'ers from "Below I-80"!!


WALMART parking lot (in Morris, IL - just south of I-80 and the first (L) at the first traffic lite off of IL 47. Walmart will be right in front of you soon as you turn a the lite.

Caravan time: 3:30

We'll caravan to the show, leaving the Morris Walmart parking lot* at 3:30 and proceeding south on IL-47, through Morris' main drag to E Washington St, then (R) 2 blocks to Liberty St = the show's entrance point. (follow the signs and the crowd). Cost = $10/car .

(NOTE: The reason to caravan is so we can all park together. But, if you can't make it to the Walmart parking lot before 3:30, we'll attempt to reserve a few spots for ya at the show. However, call me and let me know you're coming 815-791-9281.)

In addition to the show, there is a judging and door prizes and a "50/50" drawing which can get pretty rich. (Participants are given some free tickets for the drawing event, BTW.)

At approx 5PM we'll converge in front of TOBBY's (between JEFFERSON & JACKSON on LIBERTY St) for Mexican food and festivities!

You don't wanna miss out!

[B]Post up so others will have an idea who is going to be there ;)


Paul Workman
10-12-2018, 12:16 PM
So far, looks like we'll have 5-6 coming so far. Great!