View Full Version : Pizza nite Friday Nov 22

Paul Workman
11-18-2019, 02:57 PM
Wow! How time flies - when (hopefully) we're all having fun! AND, its been a while since we gathered together, and might be the last this season - what with the holidays looming up!

What? Pizza nite gathering of FBI gang!

Where? Shoeless Joe's, about quarter mile east of I-290 (355)

When: This Friday, Nov. 22, 6PM or.. (gather at the bar earlier for drinks)

Weather permitting, bring you cars and we'll do an impromptu "car show";)

Post up and let us know who all is planning to make it!


11-18-2019, 06:27 PM
Sorry Paul, I have the MCACN show judging Friday Nov.22nd and Saturday Nov.23rd. sure hate to miss your gathering you have a great group of guy's with great cars, please keep me in mind for the next gathering.
Mike P

11-18-2019, 10:34 PM
Paul shoot for Dec 6th might work better.


Paul Workman
11-19-2019, 12:33 PM
Paul shoot for Dec 6th might work better.


Arrrgh! Good idea tho to post a survey. Next time I will do that, but this time the "mold is cast" (so to speak). Your input on so many ZR-1 topics is relished by so many at these gatherings. So, hope you can make it. BUT! if not, maybe we can squeeze in another before Christmas? (That "survey" idea comes to mind!:thumbsup:)

FBI gang: So, NOV 22 @ 6PM @ Shoeless Joe's on Lake St is set - reservations made. Y'all come

01-16-2020, 09:52 AM
Hey Paul, Any chance of a gathering in the near future with the FBI gang?
Thanks in Advance
Mike P.

01-24-2020, 11:18 PM
yeah That would be good to do again.. missed the last one

01-25-2020, 11:01 AM

01-27-2020, 01:17 PM
Same here.