View Full Version : Friday's 2/11 FBI GTG and ZR-1 follow up

Paul Workman
02-12-2011, 03:01 PM
Most of the FBI regulars were able to make the shindig last night; Pete, Marc, Jeff, Kevin, Dominic, Al and me. Had a good round-table discussion regarding a regional ZR-1 event.

Most of the discussion centered around the possibility of working something out for the ZR-1 community around the Bowling Green event in late June. Stay tuned.

Something else going on, just in case the BG weekend isn't in the cards for some, Jimmac28 told me about the NCCC get together the weekend preceding the BG weekend. He mentioned they have road course events going on, ending up with drag racing at Route 66! It is an NCCC event which Jim's club is very familiar with, so I'll get the heck out of the way and let him tell ya all about it in more detail. It really sounds like a lot of fun; from a windshield time perspective!

For those a little farther down State, there is the Morris Cruise nights. This is one of the better cruise nights going - as many as 3000 "vehicles" have made it at different times. Many clubs reserve spaces for their clubs, e.g., last year there was a side street blocked off for those heavily into show and shine of semi-tractors...Talk about something that can hold a lot of bling and not look over-done...Wow! And there was a hearse club - complete with a line of old hearses and an assortment of ghouls. Of course there were a few "Boss Hog" motorcycles in full regalia. But, far as I know, there has never been more than a couple or so ZR-1s scattered about. High time we made a showing, don't ya think?

Far as logos for jackets go, this general theme seems to be what most of the FBI gang agrees with (or at least has the least negatory comments about). Getting this group to agree on anything is like herding cats!


I would think there must be some awesome cruises up in Wisconsin or IN, MI, and OH...No? Whatz going on over in those parts of the world??
