View Full Version : The October "Galena IL Cruise in" = Oct 22-23

Paul Workman
09-10-2011, 11:10 AM

The location for our October GTG is the Irish Cottage Inn in Galena IL (http://www.theirishcottageboutiquehotel.com/).

ONE STOP SHOPPING: Dinner, an authentic Irish pub, imported from Ireland, and lodging (1), all in one place!

Of course you're welcome to make lodging arrangements anywhere, but if you're going to want to stay at "the Cottage", you'll want to make that reservation ASAP. (You can change it later, if need be, but you'll want to get your reservation in right away!)

This has all the makings of a classic fall event: Changing leaves, classic accommodations, shopping, and some excellent (and fun!) roads getting to and from! You don't want to miss this one! Be sure to get your reservations in right away!

Now, this event is limited as far as the size of a group of people they can accommodate, so be sure to indicate on the poll (http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15607) your intentions so I can get an idea of how many to expect. You will want to speak up soon as possible!

1) Note: Room reservations at the Irish Cottage "in October" is for TWO NIGHTS MINIMUM. HOWEVER, there are many other places very near by to stay for a single night, including some B&Bs, but you'll want to get your reservations in NOW.

Link to Galena Hotels n stuff! (http://www.google.com/search?q=Galena+IL+hotels&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a)


Paul Workman
09-18-2011, 07:40 AM
Beeeaaaauuuutiful day yesterday! There was a wine tasting going on in Utica yesterday, and it just so happened to take us along some of the planned route for the "Galena Cruise In" (October 22-23).

See what you think (click on the picture)

http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/th_Sat9-17-11001.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/?action=view&current=Sat9-17-11001.mp4)

Now, can you imagine about 3-1/2 hours of this (and some secluded straight shots too!)...in the fall with the fall colors???

You won't want to miss this one!


09-19-2011, 08:33 AM
Really nice video Paul. I sure wish I could get away and come out there and join you.


09-21-2011, 07:13 PM
LOL.. you have bad timing

I will be sleeping on a Submarine in WI that weekend with my son for Scouts

09-24-2011, 09:09 AM
Looks like a lot of fun Paul, but work keeps me from attending.

09-24-2011, 09:25 AM
Hey Paul, things have changed there is a good chance we can come. I'll call. Jim

Paul Workman
09-24-2011, 09:42 AM
LOL.. you have bad timing

I will be sleeping on a Submarine in WI that weekend with my son for Scouts

Bad timing? Think whatcha like, buddy! (JK!!;))


09-26-2011, 02:29 PM
Bad timing? Think whatcha like, buddy! (JK!!;))


Then again, I have missed several events this year due to scheduling conflicts

I have a feeling next year will be just as bad.

But spending time with my kids right now is priceless