View Full Version : New Z owner in your neck of the woods

07-15-2012, 09:38 PM
Well, I finally did it. After a nearly year-long search, I picked up my new baby today. Red on grey 1990 ZR-1, basically stock, 27K on the clock. Got to know her a little bit today, as I logged 300 miles driving her home from Iowa. Permagrin engaged! The car has exceeded all of my lofty expectations. Extremely amiable cruiser, and when the right foot gets an itch...WOW! :p. I will be hearing that engine note in my dreams tonight! Looking forward to getting to know the community, both on here, and hopefully in person.

07-15-2012, 09:56 PM
Congrats Mr Mojo!

Send us some pictures of that beast!

Any plans or projects for her or him?

Headers? Exhaust?

Your in a ZR-1 haven (FBI fast Boyz of Illinois) and lots going on!



07-15-2012, 10:13 PM
Thanks! Wife (Anna) took lots of pics of the pickup, and I will post them when able. Thanks to previous owner Mark for being such an excellent caretaker! The car looked absolutely gorgeous this morning! As far as future plans, nothing too extreme. Once the bank account recovers from the initial purchase, I may pay a visit to Mark Haibeck for some top end work, but won't mess with the block. Always open to suggestions as well!

07-16-2012, 10:57 AM
Congrats mrmojo1111 and welcome to the brotherhood.

Paul in SC
07-16-2012, 11:27 AM
Congrats and welcome. You will never lose that grin!!

IMHO, new rear gears would be a great addition and exhaust of course.

HAVE FUN and see ya soon I'm sure.


07-16-2012, 12:54 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. As I mentioned in another post, this community was definitely a factor in my decision to purchase a ZR-1. The love you all show for these cars is infectious, and I hope I can be as good of an ambassador going forward. :cheers:

07-16-2012, 01:32 PM
Yo, welcome

You will need to show up for one of our Friday Pizza & Drinks

Enjoy your new ride.

07-16-2012, 04:49 PM
Congrats. I'm a new owner myself, this site is great for newbies like me. Great group of people willing to help anyway they can. Nothing better then punching the car on the open road, have fun.:cheers:

07-25-2012, 05:36 PM
New to the forum. 1990 ZR-1 #2620. 415ci with all kinds of goodies but looking for more!
I live in Michigan. Anyone else from Michigan?
Ron Thompson

07-25-2012, 07:14 PM
New to the forum. 1990 ZR-1 #2620. 415ci with all kinds of goodies but looking for more!
I live in Michigan. Anyone else from Michigan?
Ron Thompson

Welcome Ronstar to the brotherhood. We do have several members from Michigan.:cheers:
See > http://zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=9407

07-25-2012, 08:11 PM
Well, I finally did it. After a nearly year-long search, I picked up my new baby today. Red on grey 1990 ZR-1, basically stock, 27K on the clock. Got to know her a little bit today, as I logged 300 miles driving her home from Iowa. Permagrin engaged! The car has exceeded all of my lofty expectations. Extremely amiable cruiser, and when the right foot gets an itch...WOW! :p. I will be hearing that engine note in my dreams tonight! Looking forward to getting to know the community, both on here, and hopefully in person.

New to the forum. 1990 ZR-1 #2620. 415ci with all kinds of goodies but looking for more!
I live in Michigan. Anyone else from Michigan?
Ron Thompson

Sorry but we all demand pictures of your cars! Many pictures and details, please!

Any plans on coming to events anytime soon???

(Ron thought about coming to Corvettes of Carlisle???)



07-25-2012, 08:51 PM
yes where are you i"m south of detroit.

07-25-2012, 10:39 PM
I am near Flint. Would love to make Carlisle this year but probably can't swing it.
I'll get some pics uploaded soon

Paul Workman
07-30-2012, 02:19 PM
Thanks! Wife (Anna) took lots of pics of the pickup, and I will post them when able. Thanks to previous owner Mark for being such an excellent caretaker! The car looked absolutely gorgeous this morning! As far as future plans, nothing too extreme. Once the bank account recovers from the initial purchase, I may pay a visit to Mark Haibeck for some top end work, but won't mess with the block. Always open to suggestions as well!

Welcome to the FBI! You're in the land of a disproportionate number of ZR-1 GURUs and LT5 fanatics!!

And, you're as close if not closer to the next BIG EVENT than most of us - I speak of the Crown Point Corvette Challenge coming up on September 9th (see my post for more information) and we'd love to see ya there, even if you don't race 'er just having a codre of Zs there will make a huge statement - put the fear of ZR-1s in their hearts;)

Hope to see you there, if not before! And, if there is any Corvette events or cruises/car shows in the Springfield area, let me know so we can get them on the calandar.

Again, welcome to the FBI and the Brotherhood of the Beast!


08-02-2012, 09:10 PM
New to the forum. 1990 ZR-1 #2620. 415ci with all kinds of goodies but looking for more!
I live in Michigan. Anyone else from Michigan?
Ron Thompson

Checking in from Okemos, Michigan. Sorry for the delay, work has been busy. :cheers:

08-03-2012, 12:18 AM
Your real close. I'm in Swartz Creek

08-03-2012, 10:12 PM
Your real close. I'm in Swartz Creek

I'm a member of the Corvette Club of Michigan, sponsored by Les Stanford Chevrolet in Dearborn, Michigan. I am also a member of the Capital City Corvette Club in Lansing, Michigan sponsored by Bud Kouts Chevrolet.

I am the ambassador for both clubs, which are two of the original members of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC), to the National Corvette Museum.

Additionally, I am a board member to the National Corvette Museum.

So, if interested in a trip to participate in the NCM or other ZR-1 trips with the ZR1 net registry, give me a call or text. The region members are awesome and the Chicago crew are fantastic!!!!!

08-03-2012, 11:03 PM
I'd like to. Let me know and I'll try to make it