View Full Version : Bloomington Gold Pizza Night (6-24)

06-01-2011, 10:36 AM

if you have already read Paul's Post: http://www.zr1.net/forum/showthread.php?t=14528

We are planning a pizza evening after a day at Bloomington Gold. the place is Home Run Inn Pizza, Addison IL, it is a short drive from St. Charles but the Home Run Inn is ' part of the brotherhood' My best guess is meet around 6pm, I will be there when I can as I will be a Cub Scout camp with my son.

Please vote in the poll so we can have an idea of the # attending

Address and directions:
1480 W. Lake St.
Addison, IL 60101
phone: (630) 775-9696

Driving Directions:
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=4051+East+Main+Street,+St.+Charles,+IL+60174 +(Pheasant+Run+Resort)&daddr=1480+W+Lake+St,+Addison,+IL+60101&hl=en&geocode=FUmnfwIdf1S9-iG00YXsg-R-Dymzl8gNGgIPiDE4vwE2KH9Ryw%3BFZsSgAIdcd3A-imrkEp6m60PiDHeD_cm_TszyA&mra=pd&sll=41.932716,-88.140896&sspn=0.11902,0.281181&ie=UTF8&ll=41.926548,-88.138504&spn=0.119032,0.281181&t=h&z=12 (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=4051+East+Main+Street,+St.+Charles,+IL+60174 +%28Pheasant+Run+Resort%29&daddr=1480+W+Lake+St,+Addison,+IL+60101&hl=en&geocode=FUmnfwIdf1S9-iG00YXsg-R-Dymzl8gNGgIPiDE4vwE2KH9Ryw%3BFZsSgAIdcd3A-imrkEp6m60PiDHeD_cm_TszyA&mra=pd&sll=41.932716,-88.140896&sspn=0.11902,0.281181&ie=UTF8&ll=41.926548,-88.138504&spn=0.119032,0.281181&t=h&z=12)

06-02-2011, 07:45 PM
I'm new to the ZR1 registry, met some of you at Haibecks, looking forward to this.

06-13-2011, 09:03 AM
just 5 people can make it?

I was hoping for a few more

06-20-2011, 02:08 PM
okay it is this Friday.. only 7 will be there>

06-21-2011, 12:18 PM
Jeff,i'll be there.
