View Full Version : The Galena IL run...WOO HOO!

Paul Workman
06-10-2012, 11:34 AM
Jim McCarthy (aka jimmac) and his lovely lady, Marie, joined Ami &i me for the first run of the GALENA RUSH! Wow, did we have a ball! All in all we spent about nine hours of cruising a variety of straight, hilly, and best of all CURVES in the NW IL river country. I, for one, gained a fresh appreciation of all that is the ZR-1 when it comes to handling curves and rowing through the gears. And oh! The sound the LT5 makes as it growls out of the curves...WHAT A RUSH!

We took a break in Galena, long enough for a sample of a local brewery and burgers and sharing good times! We played tourist for a hour or so before jumping back in the cockpits for the second half of the tour, over yet more untried roads!

The roads were smooth, most were wide, traffic was light, scenery was breath taking!

We're going to do it again - maybe in July. I hope more can make it - whether they have Zs or not!

Some scenery video - To some, it might be ho-hum, but for most of the Chicagoland FBI, it might be refreshing!?
http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/th_GalenaJune2012005Stagecoachrd.jpg (http://s185.photobucket.com/albums/x220/6PPC_bucket/?action=view&current=GalenaJune2012005Stagecoachrd.mp4)

The "Chariots of Fire" at Galena.


Y'all missed a really fun day. Hope y'all can make the next one!!

