View Full Version : Time to welcome the new (driving) season!

Paul Workman
03-13-2018, 11:04 PM
Hey, y'all!

It's been a long cold winter, and lots of catching up to do, yes?

Pete: How's the 390 coming?
Marc: what's new w/ you? When is your spring BBQ going to be?
Dan: You can show off your knobs! (He does some good work, I can vouch for that!)
Jeff: What are you up to?
Dom: How's your tuning article coming???

I haven't heard anything (yet) about CCPC having a Corvette Shootout this year. Anybody heard any nooze on that?

Would we like to do a day cruise to Galena and end up at Cajun Connection (again)??

HOW BOUT MEETING A SHOELESS JOES on Friday, March 30th at around the usual time - say 6:00 or so?

Address: 1480 W Lake St, Addison, IL 60101

Looking forward!


Mystic ZR-1
03-14-2018, 02:57 PM
New driving season?
How about that 10 - 18 inches of snow
we got here in CT yesterday?

Paul Workman
03-15-2018, 06:18 AM
New driving season?
How about that 10 - 18 inches of snow
we got here in CT yesterday?

Sorry to hear 'bout that. BUT! Truth-be-known, we've had some blizzards in late March too! So, we ain't "outta the woods" yet neither!:censored: That aside, some PIZZA n BS'n would go good 'bout now!!

Mystic ZR-1
03-15-2018, 10:39 AM
Starting to get the itch!
Looked under the car cover the
other day and the Z was still there!
Always appreciate it a bunch more after
it's "long Winter's nap"!

Paul Workman
03-16-2018, 11:42 AM
"Long winter nap"!

Yep! got that "spring fever" itch! (I used to associate wimmin with 'spring fever'. Now, it's Corvettes and twisty roads! Sign of (my) times, I GUESS!:p)

Its been dry for several days now...think I'll grab the wife and a Z and go have breakfast somewhere!:dancing

03-16-2018, 11:58 AM
Have a great drive and get home before the next storm comes your way later today. And drive slow on those Summer Only tires! It’s cold your way!

Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry (http://r.tapatalk.com/byo?rid=90383)

Mystic ZR-1
03-16-2018, 02:29 PM
[QUOTE=Paul Workman;276015]"Long winter nap"!

Yep! got that "spring fever" itch! (I used to associate wimmin with 'spring fever'. Now, it's Corvettes and twisty roads! Sign of (my) times, I GUESS!:p)

Its been dry for several days now...think I'll grab the wife and a Z and go have breakfast somewhere!:dancing[/QUOTE

I get to have breakfast with Big John...