View Full Version : Proposed 2012 calendar of events!!

Paul Workman
02-19-2012, 10:54 AM
A preliminary list. Feel free to bring up any other ideas for events that might be of interest to the EAST CENTRAL REGION!

Marc Haibeck's 3rd Annual Spring Kick-off BBQ April 22nd

The Bowling Green C4 Gathering, Bowling Green, KY - May 17-19

Morris IL Cruise in June 9th (date to be confirmend)

Bloomington Gold in St Charles, IL June 21-24

July ?


Corvette Fest Effingham, IL Sept 13-16th

Don mentioned - at the last FBI pizza night - a fall colors cruise in WI. It takes in some nice twisty roads among fall colors - is and over (Saturday) night event in So. Wisconsin. He said there were 100s of Vettes of all kinds participating. This sounds like an event some of the IA, WI, MN as well as IL gang could easily attend.

Crown Point Corvette Challenge (drag racing) (October?? TBA)

Paul Workman

Paul Workman
02-22-2012, 10:27 AM

Your silence is deafening!!!

(Did I mention free beer and strippers (or sheepies for Pete) at all of these proposed events?:p)


Paul Workman
02-25-2012, 01:18 PM

04-29-2012, 11:21 AM
Not sure whether I'm leaving Wednesday pm or early Thursday morning for BG. Thought I would shout out to those either coming thru Windy City or possibly meeting up along the way to BG, like in Indy area. Anyone headed that may want to connect along the way. I believe Marc H. is leaivng Thursday am. Pete probably Wednesday pm, Paul W. not sure. Michigan crowd?? Anybody coming westbound?

Blue Flame Restorations
04-29-2012, 08:04 PM
I'm leaving Thurs morning from Indy area. I would meet up with anyone coming through so we can caravan together. Just let me know.

Paul Workman
04-30-2012, 12:33 PM
Not sure whether I'm leaving Wednesday pm or early Thursday morning for BG. Thought I would shout out to those either coming thru Windy City or possibly meeting up along the way to BG, like in Indy area. Anyone headed that may want to connect along the way. I believe Marc H. is leaivng Thursday am. Pete probably Wednesday pm, Paul W. not sure. Michigan crowd?? Anybody coming westbound?

Just got back to work after several months layoff, so I won't be able to sneak out on Thursday; more like O-dark thirty on Friday morning; hoping to get into BG in late morning. Ken Windish (sp? sorry, Ken:o) indicated he'll be leaving Friday moring as well, so we might be able to hook up and drive down I-65 to BG then. If any other stragglers are coming down then, speak up!
